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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. Not just someone with HC experience, but WINNING HC experience. once we hear them interviewing a losing coach like jauron, we will all be groaning.
  2. and yeah, the bucs aren't going to fire morris this year. It would be a terrible business move. That means they would be paying for 3 HCs at the same time.
  3. The leverage angle isn't going to be much. I think there are going to be less job openings than people realize. The most likely senario is that Cowher stays with CBS and The bills hire a 2nd tier (or worse) coach.
  4. We already know cowher won't accept a job before the end of the season. And for all we know, "end of the season" might mean at after the superbowl.
  5. He didn't really bash them, but he said they weren't meant to play in buffalo. The undersized linemen who are built for speed aren't good for buffalo because of the weather conditions. They are good for an indoor team like Indy. That is a short summary of what he said.
  6. I think it is becoming more and more obvious that Maybin WASN'T nix's choice, even though he didn't bash him directly. But he did bash undersized, quick players. That should speak volumes that he didn't approve of the maybin pick.
  7. yeah, it is terrible photoshop job. but it probably took 5 seconds to make.
  8. We all know edwards is done in buffalo ice, you are taking one comment out of context. Nix also brought up bringing in a QB, but you WANT to hate nix.
  9. Well, you see, I don't know what kind of proof you want, but I guess I can explain to you how the nfl and football works. Now, there is this thing called the draft. The one who makes the final decision on the draft choices is well, the GM. In san diego, when ALL those pro bowlers came into the team, buddy nix was the assistant GM and Director of Player Personnel. Now, I am not a genius or anything, but most people would understand that he was 2nd in command on those draft choices, and thus, being a MAJOR player on those choices. If you need more proof than that, like warroom footage, then you must be one of those conspiricy nuts that bitches about the moon landing.
  10. yeah, things have changed. But guess what, edwards is the same ol edwards.
  11. Ice, did you really make two anti Buddy threads in one night? calm down man DOOOOoooOOOOooooMED!
  12. I like what he had to say, and I personally like the decision after hearing what he has had to say.
  13. nice. "reward the players that play well. not the FA." We would still have fat pat with that kind of thinking.
  14. I like what he has been saying. Sounds like a guy that holds people accountable.
  15. that is awesome that he wants to address the injury bug on this team. Nice that he wants to take action on this crap.
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