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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. That would raise another question. Are posters here known to be sex offenders? The police might be reading everything then!
  2. No problem If you want the latest Cowher info, there is a lot of it, but not much of it is worth a lot. There is a Glazer thread around here somewhere and that has probably the best info for now.
  3. he copied his sig from someone else. He can't know who Derrick Thomas is because he is only 9 years old. His words, not mine.
  4. Well, not on this team he isn't. But on a REAL team? yeah, he would be a backup.
  5. The thread was made today. It isn't hard to find. It isn't like I carry links around when I go into a thread. I didn't even know what this thread was about because the thread is simply called "Coincidence...." which could mean anything. I am not scolding anyone, I was simply informing them. They probably appreciate it that they were interested in hearing what people think on a subject and find out they can already read it. But, if you insist, I hit the back button, clicked on the thread, and copy/pasted the link, came back to this thread, and made a new post for you since it upseted you so much that I didn't do it before. I hope this cheers you up. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?showtopic=104471
  6. that is what we are doing. Fewell is going to be the first one interviewed.
  7. According to that site in the orgional post, Cam Cameron is expected to get an interview.
  8. I can't see Coughlin getting fired this year. Another bad season might lead up to that though.
  9. I want the texans in the playoffs just because I like them. Andre Johnson is a tremendous athlete.
  10. Because he said where he got his info. He said he did some investigation at Ralph Wilson stadium and he reported what he heard. He is not stating opinion or speculating. He investigated, and he reported what he heard. What is so hard to undertand? For it to all be true, there has to be confirmation, and all that jazz. But in this internet age, the fact checking gets skipped a lot. But nonthless, this isn't "speculation." It is what sources are telling reporters. The sources could be right on the money or full of ****. We find out when it is official. But just because it isn't official doesn't mean it is speculation or it isn't true. It just means that is what sources are saying.
  11. Great. I am going to be glued to the computer at work all week checking on updates till the bills hire a coach.
  12. Yeah, that would be pretty weird for cowher to work under Holgrem. Working for a former coach that you whipped in the superbowl? naaaa
  13. Fewell IS black. he is being interviewed tomorrow
  14. That is what scared me. It is like there is nothing definitive in place after we heard there were like 3 interviews this week and now there is only 1? It has me a little worried as to who they are going to interview now.
  15. I am going to start reporting his posts. He is just getting people to argue with him.
  16. Except Vic was investigating at the Ralph, which would suggest he got some info from people on the inside. That is more than speculation.
  17. you are looking at it black/white then, which isn't a great way to evaluate things. I am looking at if for what it is worth. Reported rumors that could be or might not be true. I am not saying they are correct, I am saying they could be true, and in the past, info like this has lead to the real deal. So since a lot of these reports turn out to be true, I am not going to just dismiss it.
  18. Why not? A lot of what people have been saying actually turns out to be true recently. Yeah, the bills aren't going to announce anything until it is official, but that doesn't mean there aren't leaks out there leaking info to reporters.
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