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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. So if someone asked a sersious question if rape should be legal, you would go outside the box and not go with "the pack" that is against it? You would go with the less popular choice and support rape just because it isn't popular? If you think that people here have a problem with "running with the pack" then you haven't read many threads on this board. None of us agree on anything. We all think we know how to fix this team and we all have different opinions on it. This is one of those rare times when people are in agreement.
  2. Another one reported GUYS! if you all keep this up, everyone on this board will get banned!
  3. I don't know if you know this, but a coach is more than just a playcaller. Coaches teach, come up with a gameplan, come up with plays, schemes, and everything else. Just because he ran the no huddle doesn't suggest a good coach. Kelly has said over and over that he does NOT want to coach. Can that change? sure. But he feels VERY strongly about it. This isn't something that he just slips when he is asked, he brings it up first that it isn't going to happen. And yes, this was a hypothetical question, but it doesn't spark any good conversation. Kelly has been out of the game for over a decade (the game has changed a lot), he has no experience, and he doesn't even want it. No one is going to like the idea unless he comes back as a Quarterbacks coach. There are just so many better questions to ask.
  4. he wouldn't make a good coach because 1) he has no experience and 2) He doesn't want to be a coach. Not only does he not want to be coach, but he feels VERY strongly about not wanting to be a coach.
  5. That is not what the media told me. The media told me that he is a cancer that will rip apart the coaching staff and ruin the QB. QB and coaching was terrible this season. Coincidence? I think not.
  6. Via Whitner's Twitter: "Hey twitter reporters....report this...."I'm GOOD"! "
  7. If they are going to interview a cordinator, that cordinator is still working (playoffs). So they will probably intervew them as they get knocked out of the playoffs if we don't hire a HC by then.
  8. Yeah, all the other players like brandon marshall are such little angels
  9. The company that is planning on building the stadium saying the bills and jags are at the top of the list is more than speculation. But by the time the stadium is (if it is) built, so much is going to change. It is going to take years for this stadium to be up and running. Things in the nfl are going to change a lot from now till then.
  10. If the bills were interested in Billick, they would have contacted him. they haven't.
  11. He will answer questions about his status. He is going to say he hasn't been contacted. Nix apparently doesn't want him.
  12. All you people that say that when we get stable at QB that will help are all jerks taking shots at our QBs! for shame!
  13. i have fallen into a trap where I just don't know what is going to happen, and there isn't much this team can do to surprise me except win
  14. what takes away its merit is their spelling of his name. interesting though
  15. he doesn't know the time. his sources are good, but not that good. he only knows the day.
  16. And he remembers who the glove wearing mary is. That was three QBs ago!
  17. Partially his fault, yes. But you saying that it he was lucky and that the QBs he was given were "talented" is BS.
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