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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. I don't think i would want bates, but whatever. after 10 bad years 10 more won't kill me.
  2. haha, how do we have a thread about the draft and Kyle orton is the focus of the conversation? This is probably the first time on this board I have heard that signing orton should be considered. And why would people think we can sign him? I doubt he is a FA in march and I doubt Denver is willing to trade a 2nd QB for the 2nd year in a row. Also, I would much rather draft a tackle in the 2nd round. Okung is already going to get picked before us and he is the only tackle worth that spot. I wouldn't mind taking a chance on Clausen. He seems to be great. Can never tell how he will be in the pros till you see him in action. But hell, if he turns out to be a franchise QB, it would really suck to pass on him. I think it is a decent risk. Mcclain is my favorite for our first pick. I don't think they are going to take him. But he seems like he can make a really nice impact on the defense early and immediatly makes us better.
  3. If we can land Dansby, that would be huge.
  4. Of course the oline will be better in 2010. It can't get any worse.
  5. What are you talking about? I was agreeing with you. I think it WAS a legal hit. I was referring to the rule that says a player can't get back up and hit the QB. The defender obviously went for a tackle and hit the QB. Completly fine. He didn't "Get back up and make a tackle" which would have broken the rule. Come down man
  6. I don't know how you can tackle someone after your knee hits the ground unless you get back up. And he obviously didn't get back up.
  7. NE didn't have a terrible defense. It just wasn't a good one. The reason for the big decline was they lost so much talent. Do we have the talent? I don't know. But this is a proven DC, which is better than I would expect them to pick up. I don't think there would be a better canidate out there right now.
  8. Didn't Nix actually KNOW that this would be the 15th HC, and all he did was comment that it seemed like there were more? wtf....
  9. I really think it should be more like: LT - Draft best LT avail 2nd rd LG - Levitre C - Hangartner RG - Wood (Incognito if wood isn't 100%) RT - Butler I think making hangartner a backup isn't a great idea. He started all the games and had two rookies around him. Not to mention, the more we keep switching these guys up the more it is going to set us back. We can plug and play all we want, but our interior line was pretty decent. It was our tackles that sucked. We should leave the interior alone and just fix the tackles and our line will be just fine, maybe even good depending on who our tackles are. As for incognito, I think it is great to have him on here, especially with the hell we went through with injuries. But I like hangartner, wood, and levitre better. Our oline made WAY too many penalties last year. And incognito, that is his biggest downside making costly penalties. I want us to be tough, but I really want those penalties to go down too. And like I said, I think the interior is fine and should be left that way. Just fix the tackles. But I do think it is great to have incognito for depth reasons, because on this team you really need it with the injuries we get.
  10. One of Maybin's biggest issues seem to be strength, not size right now.
  11. If we draft an RB in round 2 I think I am going to be sick.
  12. Exactly. I mean, if he took an OC position at KC and didn't last, he would jump at OC position here.
  13. It depends if Fraizer would sign on to be a HC with Gaily as OC. I am sure Gaily would jump at it, not sure how Fraizer would feel about it.
  14. Shefter didn't say it on his twitter. Wingo said it on his twitter TO shefter http://twitter.com/wingoz Right now it is like 4 posts down.
  15. well, if that is the only place where it is at, then I don't think it is believable.
  16. They aren't going to dump two RBs. dumping one would makes sense, dumping two sounds dumb.
  17. They aren't going to let spoles walk. If anything, they cut LT and resign sproles.
  18. What "decision" would that be? They can't sign Fraizer until the season is over or the vikings are knocked out of the playoffs.
  19. I think coaches are more predictable than 3rd round QBs that didn't have any nfl experience at the time.
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