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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. I am going to say some of them are going to be tied. Like... 1) NT/QB 2) LT 3)OLB NT is the most important part of the 3-4 offense. If we don't get at least an average player there, that defense will be crap. QB seems to be just as important as a need.
  2. I love everything here except the QB part. I don't exactly hate the QB part. I just have mixed feelings.
  3. by the way, I don't mind spelling errors, but you have spelled "you're" wrong in every single one of your posts.
  4. I wouldn't mind youboty for depth. He has shown he can make some big hits. But he can never be a starter with his injury nonesense. Even if Incognito isn't an answer to our Oline, we need him at the very least for depth purposes. I like Bryan scott. It is hard to tell where everyone fits on defense and whether we need him or not though. Same with draft. Reed would be nice to keep. He is a vet with skills our other recievers don't have. IE Blocking.
  5. You know how to get better players? pay them Does every team lose good players? yes. But we lose more than most teams. That is why we have one of the cheapest rosters. Any good player worth a damn packs up and leaves. Instead we pay players that should be backups to start for us because we don't want to pay them top dollar. your "facts are facts" is bs if you don't have any proof. we lose more good players than we keep. And the ones we keep aren't that good. Mcgee is the only one that happened recently. And that was a shock, because it NEVER happens here.
  6. Then how come the bills pay their players so much less compared to other teams? As far as paying contracts goes, the amount of money we paid our players last year was ranked 25th out of 32 teams. Another thing we fall at the bottom of .
  7. We are giving up two first rounders. The most important picks we have. That will ruin all of our other picks because we would be using 4th and 5th rounders to fill spots that should be filled with 1st and 2nd spots.
  8. Basketball is VERY different from football In basketball you can have two great players and be an elite team. If footaball, you need more than just one or two good players.
  9. I am not saying what we are "giving." I am saying what we are "using." We would be using 3 picks to get him. You know? We use three picks and we get one player? If you think we use those three picks and get two players, who is the 2nd player we are getting?
  10. Yeah, I want to rid of edwards. That is why I would like a first round pick to draft a QB. But YOU want to rid of our picks this and next year to grab a defensive guy. You are the one that wants to keep edwards if you want to use three picks for a defensive player.
  11. haha, yes. 3 picks 1st this year 1st next year 4th next year and lynch for one player! that IS three picks and a player for one player. can't you count?
  12. Great, you want to give them 3 picks (2 of them firsts!) and a player (create another hole) for one player? what the hell is the matter with you... why not just cut all of our wide recievers and resign Owens to be our only reciever and how can you compare the lions and the bills? The lions already have the number 2 spot. They don't have to give up anything to get him. if the bills want to get him, it will cost them an arm and a leg. If the bills keep their picks, they could get a stud QB, a decent LT, and good defensive player. YOur way, we will still have Edwards getting sacked trying to make a pass to a running back because he sucks and has no one to block for him. You just don't want the bills to score on offense
  13. Well, if you are the lions, you aren't giving up extra picks. You are are using your one pick to get him. completly different from the bills.
  14. Well, you want to give up 2 first rounders, possibly more, to get one player when we need a lot more. The only logic behind that is that either the bills have no holes to fill or football is a one person game. Which niether is true. It is better to get 2 great players than just one elite player.
  15. he is right. our philosphy has been cash to cap for awhile now. As a result, we spend less than other teams. You know that in most years (this being the exception) there is a limit to how much you spend on players?
  16. I am thinking this too. I am thinking it is going to be a very boring free agency this year.
  17. So, it sounds like football is no longer a team sport and we only need one good player to win.
  18. how much money does he cost? It can't be that much.
  19. I wouldn't bet the farm on those two. They both have potential, but they are far from a sure thing.
  20. I think we were pretty aggressive this year as far as attacking th eQB is concerned. Where we sucked was stopping the run. And as happy as I am about switching to the 3-4, I am very concerned until we hear who our NT is. Because it can't be anyone on the current roster.
  21. This reminds me of when Edwards went back home in february and someone got really upset saying that he shouldn't leave buffalo, and he should stay in the cold weather, and practice with the recievers. Like....wtf. What could you ask players to do in the offseason other than keeping in shape? Talking up a big game when you suck is one thing. But saying "Hey, I am going home to see my family for awhile" or "it is superbowl weekend! let's party with our friends" is completly normal and harmless.
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