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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. He obviously doesn't seem anything great, and it is hard to picture him as a future star. But he is young, so there is a lot of chance for improvement. And if by some miracle the switch to OLB makes him at least good, if not great, I would be incredibly happy. But that is a huge if.
  2. They wouldn't need to use all their draft resources. Especially if they pick up a player or two in FA. What they really need is a NT and they need an OLB. They could use some depth too. But they really need to only grab two players. That won't take up all their draft picks. Like I said, they might pickup the OLB or the NT in FA.
  3. I don't like the recievers. needs more umph. With no TO and Reed, there needs to be something more there.
  4. They probably are going to trade him (not to us). Wasn't he saying that he was fine with everything, but he did NOT want to be tagged? I mean, the last thing the pats* should want is a disgruntled NT and one of their only good players left on D.
  5. The best part about this mock is I think this guy actually knows something about Our team.
  6. I like how that site gives you their agent too. That can kinda help offer some insight as to something about who they sign with.
  7. Jones maybe for RT. But since they didn't go after him last year, I doubt anything changes this year. If we get a stud (or something decent) at NT is FA, that would be great. That is a huge whole on this team and I don't think we should throw a rookie in there. I don't see us signing a guy like hampton or wilfork though. But NT seems to be something we will HAVE to do in FA.
  8. I am pretty sure McCargo is going to get cut. He didn't work out well in the 4-3, and he isn't a 3-4 tackle.
  9. And if the QBs suck, we are **** out of luck? Someone already said it.... we need to fix both positions.
  10. I could live with Okung easily. It is some of the other OTs that seem like a big reach that we might end up with.
  11. Palmer is a mild surprise.... any chance they put him in practice squad and bump someone out of there?
  12. You know, every year all these sports pundits think we are going to be either the worst team or in the bottom five. Granted, our team sucks. But we haven't been in the bottom five since we drafted mike williams. We are not a great team, but we are not a bottom 5 team. Plenty of worse teams out there right now. Even for the people who think our coaching staff isn't anything special (i agree) I think we have a greatly improved front offense, which is what I wanted more.
  13. I was thinking NO would have been in the top ten for some reason.
  14. That isn't bad. I am not a huge incognito fan, just because of the penalty issue. But a lot of our oline had penalty problems. But I don't think his are fixable. Still, incognito is still nice to have with the lack of talent and amound of injuries our oline had.
  15. Yeah, Butler will be in the starting lineup somewhere. He is a pretty good player. I am hoping the strength and condioning crew can fix a lot of these injury problems. That and practicing in pads will help keep them healthy. Yeah, there are a lot of options. Since incognito hasn't been re-signed yet, I don't know what happens to him. If they indeed resign him, that will raise more questions. I think if they don't re-sign him the first week of FA, some other team will and they know that. But that wood injury is going to have some influence in how they decide this stuff.
  16. I think none of us are going to know what the offensive line will look like until after the draft. Because right now, it is still a mess. The way I would assume, it would be LT is a Draftee/FA, Wood and Levitre are guards, hanggartner is center, and RT is butler. Then incognito (if re-signed) would play back up along with meridith. But the way people here have talked Levitre played pretty well at LT (i didn't see the last two games, so I am not too sure). So if that happens, we have Levitre at LT, Wood at guard and hangartner at center. As for the other guard position, I would put butler back in there (he played pretty well as a guard) and the RT could be a draftee. And that would be nice, because RT seems to be easier to fill than an LT position. That all depends on where they place levitre, if wood is healthy, and whatever else happens with who the draft/sign. One thing I am pretty sure about is hangartner is staying at center. I know a lot of people think Wood is going to start center. But I think hangartner was signed specifically for the center position, has done well, he has more experience, and he worked pretty hard for the team overall (played through injuries and didn't miss a game). To me, he is an asset to this team even though he isn't a great player. He is good enough and is reliable. I wouldn't move him.
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