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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. I am guessing it is the Oline's fault that there isn't enough time to get open, and when he is open, the ball is either thrown somewhere else or it is a bad throw to him. I don't know what the deal was, but Edwards and Lee never had that connection. Edwards threw better to TO than he did to Lee, even though he and Lee knew eachother better. But there seemed to be a lot of miscommunication between the two of them.
  2. Yes, because that is what Jauron said about Steve Johnson . That Jauron, always talking down about players! why doesn't he ever say they play hard, are good players, and that we are lucky to have them? Why not?!
  3. I was disappointed with the show. It is really behind the scenes of the stuff I don't care about. It is all about crowd control, musical acts, and random event planning stuff. I was thinking there was going to be some actually football stuff going on. That Mcgraw thing was wierd though. I was kinda pissed when he got some cheers from the small crowd outside. He had douchebag written all over him.
  4. Lee takes a lot of crap. He might not be worth all the money, but I do think he is a #1 reciever. If lee is nothing more than a #2, then that many teams in the NFL don't have a number 1 reciever. Granted, Lee isn't an elite reciever. But he is a number one, even if he is average at best. But I think it is easy to say that he would be much better if he had better QB play. Last year was probably the worst as far as our QB and Olines go.
  5. Making two good plays does not make you a number 2 reciever. I don't know how else to tell you my opinion, or why you think i am arguing with myself.
  6. Chambers seems to be the popular choice. I think Bryant would be doable as well. They aren't as big as TO, and they aren't really that great. But they are vets and would be better than drafting a WR. WRs in the later rounds take years to develop. We are already developing 2 young recievers. We need a vet in there that can work right away.
  7. Boldin would require a trade and we would at least lose our 2nd rounder. So no. We need our top two picks for an OT or an NT. Or maybe even a QB. Can't use a draft pick on him when we can fill the receiver role through FA.
  8. No. I am saying making two good plays in two years doesn't make you a number 2 reciever.
  9. Steve Johnson cannot be our 2nd reciever. He has barely done anything. He has had a couple beautiful TD catches. But he hasn't really brought anything else. He hasn't been one to move the chains for us or anything like that. He could still develop into that role. But he just isn't there yet. We need a Vet in here like Chambers or Bryant. They aren't great, but they would be solid help.
  10. Ellis is a waste. I wouldn't mind Kelsay at all as a back up, but his contract is ridiculously overpaying him.
  11. Because the coaching staff has said they plan to move him and ellis to OLB. Normally, when coaches have plans for players, they don't cut them.
  12. With no TO or Reed we are going to be signing some kind of a Vet reciever. I don't see us going in with just evans, hardy, parrish, and johnson. Parrish isn't good enough to start (and might even get traded away) and hardy/johnson have very limited experience. Anyone thinking we might sign bryant? There aren't exactly a lot of options in FA. I think we need a vet reciever, but shouldn't really draft one since we already have 2 young ones we should develop more.
  13. Two Tebow threads started by the same fella within the same 10 minutes? c'mon.....
  14. Well, we got a 100 years to think about trading up if we want to.
  15. I don't like the idea of taking trent williams with the 9th pick. Unless by "williams" it is Dan williams, which I am more than fine with. Most of the other picks seem to be ok.
  16. Brohm has more upside, but I don't think he should be the starter week 1, if at all. But we haven't really seen enough of him yet.
  17. Forget cambell. I am sick of hearing Tebow discussions. And feb 13th, what was that? like 2 weeks ago? not that long.
  18. 39 starts in 4 years does not mean back up. It means he started more than half his carreer. And that doesn't even include what would have happened if he didn't go on IR last season.
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