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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. I don't like him at 9. I would rather take dan williams at 9 over trent williams.
  2. you're being too nice. Our QBs are not has beens. They are has nevers.
  3. People complain either way. If we grab people from the colts, pats*, and steelers people say "Are you guys nuts? If bellichick is getting rid of him, there HAS to be something wrong with him. Pats* only cut bad players! stay away!" And then if we grab people from the raiders or chiefs, people complain that they are from losing teams. I mean, there aren't many options out there. And we do grab players from winning teams. And that doesn't always work out. I am not a huge mitchell hater like a lot of people here, but he came from a superbowl team and he isn't exactly doing anything great here. And just because the team played bad, doesn't mean the player played bad. Same goes that just because a team played well doesn't mean the player played well. People have to look at the player and stop complaining about the team they are coming from. We are looking at the player, not the team.
  4. Yeah, I saw that. made me cringe a little, mainly because he said he followed the bills. But other than that, he seemed great for us in that interview. Whether it translates to the field, who knows. I am not keeping my hopes up, but i feel better having him at RT than i do bell or chambers.
  5. they are expecting him to be the starter He seemed cool in his interview though.
  6. The early/current reports are saying the deal is for 3 years and worth 9 mill.
  7. No way there was an offensive line worse than ours. But this visit only looks good for depth purposes, or at most, to compete for starter. But I like the effort of actually trying some things out.
  8. Their biggest hit is going to be QB. Lienhart hasn't shown any promise. All the other players just make it much worse.
  9. I am pretty sure almost everyone here has read it. It was national news (in sports media). The only people who didn't hear about it are people who don't follow sports, at all.
  10. There was a time when this sentence wouldn't be true at all. In times like this, it is too true .
  11. And if Marv was still GM, we would be trading with the Rams to get their 1st pick just so we can draft Tebow with the 1st overall pick. Gotta get them character guys, even if they are reaches and will some day get tasered by the police.
  12. It has been posted and is right here on this page, which you failed to read here: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2010/...tting-his-wish/ It isn't that hard. He gave you guys the source, the website, and the person reporting it. Instead of engaging in discussion, there are muliple posts demanding a link. Then when the link is posted, people STILL fail to read it. good grief.
  13. He did put a fact. Fact was Shefter reported that the bills contacted Porter. All you people that get upset because of there being no link are ridiculous.
  14. no way dan williams falls to us in the 2nd round. If we want him, we take him in the 1st. Even if we trade down, we might not get him with our 1st pick.
  15. Well, there are only 3 LTs that I would draft at 9, and then there are the 2 QBs as well. That is 5 players.... I doubt all 5 are gone by the time we pick. I think it is more likely the two QBs will be gone before the OTs are gone. As far as the OTs go, if we get one of the main 3, it should be a good pick to fill a huge hole.
  16. I like the idea of grabbing Dan Williams or one of the top OTs. The spillar pick would kinda suck though. And thanks for the info
  17. None of the players that signed with other teams were expected to sign here to begin with.
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