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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. Yes, a few baltimore reporters. Everyone else is repeating shefter.
  2. That all changed when Jauron was fired. Then the rumors went away the minute FA started.
  3. At this point, i aint believing anything until the bills say something official.
  4. Anyone else find it odd that none of the buffalo reporters are saying anything but the balt reporters seem to be reporting like crazy?
  5. He didn't quote an article..... he was asking a question to another poster.......
  6. Yeah, there might be a bidding war. in which case, we will probably lose
  7. That aint tim grahm's writing. At least i don't think so. He isn't in the by-line. All his stuff he writes he is in the byline.
  8. yeah, that is the first time i saw the davis numbers. I think we got a pretty good deal on him.
  9. for what it's worth, this Baltimore reporter is saying nothing is finalized, but talks are continuing. http://twitter.com/RavensInsider
  10. have what on their website? I aint seeing anything about him leaving without a contract or signing with us. But if this is true, you can just imagine the levy era players starting to fade away. it is like a bad headache going away. hopefully this isn't the start of a new headache.
  11. Whitner proves this isn't completly true
  12. Even though some of byrd's inteceptions were a little easy and it was because of bad QB play, he is still VERY talented and has a nose for the football. Even without the interceptions, he was one of (if not THE) league leader in passes defected. No one is that lucky. You have to have a lot of talent for that.
  13. Still, there should be better options than mcclain when we pick.
  14. Kawica is his little sister. if you saw her, you would know she would be a stud at OLB!
  15. Well, when you want to look at "most improved" you first have to decide if a team improved itself better in the long run or the short run. And since the OP is talking about the end of next season, I assume he means the short run. Long run factors more than just the Draft and FA. it also includes keeping/ re-signing/ extending your good players, continuity, a good system, player development, etc. If you don't have that stuff, then you don't even have a long term plan and nothing will be good in the long term. And when measuring in the short run, there are other factors to consider: injuries, schedule differences, etc. There is no easy way to measure it. But since the bills/browns share so many similarities (more than other teams), I think after next season it wouldn't be hard to ballpark which team is more improved. Especially if there is a big gap in the end results.
  16. Peyton Hillis is actually a pretty hot comodity of theirs.
  17. missed field goals kinda sucked that game up for us. Just another monday night game we should have won.
  18. Yeah, I am sure denver traded away one of their popular, productive players for a 3rd string QB that will never see the field
  19. Buddy Nix and doug whaley picked losman and edwards? that is quite a trick!
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