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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. With all the players crying this offseason (LT, Delomme, etc) I am surprise reid/mcnabb didn't shed a tear. It really looked like they were holding on to eachother really tight.
  2. We should really trade down 3-4 spots and grab trent williams or dan williams. Anyone at 9 probably won't be worth it to us. But I am sure it will mean a lot to other teams. Especially ones with an eye for spiller
  3. I never said that i knew of a profession where unproven workers get top mony. I don't think rookies should get those big contracts and I agree with the article. I was just expecting a football article. Not an economic suggestion. If the thread title said "Rookie salary cap is a good idea" i would think it was about rookie contracts, obliviously. But I was just expecting something else like rookies in the top half of the draft have just a good of chance as the bottom half, or something to that nature.
  4. So.... what 2 do you think we have filled? If wood is ok for the season, we have at least 3 decent starters. Hangartner, wood, and levitre. And we are def going to be drafting our starting LT in the draft, just not sure which round. So that would give us 4 decent starters. And as for green, we could do worse. And if this draft turns out good for us, it wouldn't be too hard to upgrade RT and C. But right now, I think hangartner is a decent starter, especially compared to the starters we have had previous to him. And as for wood, i think at worst he is on PUP for part of the season. It MIGHT be worse than that, but I don't think so. Also, Nix has said he wants to grab a lot of depth for the oline in the draft. So a lot of othe picks will be used to get linemen, and one of them could always be a surprise. And with the levitre and wood picks, I think nix knows his linemen pretty well. I am thinking the line will be pretty stable next year. Might not be great, but I think it is being built to be good and will keep getting better.
  5. It might be similar to this article: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2010/...wage-structure/ Warning: It is an economic discussion about how there should be a rookie cap and that newly drafted players get paid too much. Basically.
  6. I think this too A lot of people here say it all the time. things like "we have a marketing guy in charge of everything! we are a joke!" and so on....
  7. Yeah, giving Whaley full credit for all those steeler picks is dishonest. It was a good front office all together that deserves that credit. Though I do think it is great that Whaley came from a stable front office and I hope he brings some of that success here to buffalo. And even more so, I hope when Nix retires in a few years, he is groomed to make a good GM and is ready by then.
  8. Well, if injuries are a problem with him, he came to the right place! no one knows more about the IR than us. If he goes on IR, he will have a lot of others to keep him company.
  9. Just because trent's public speaking skills are poor (him saying "obviously" a lot) doesn't mean he isn't smart. A lot of very smart people aren't good speakers. I didn't read a lot of the 2nd and 3rd pages, but what really bothered me was when he said "i don't care if a coach says something bad about me" or something like that. I forget the exact wording, but that is how it came out. I mean, if there is one person he should be listening and taking criticism from, it is from the coach. So that really stuck out to me. I don't know if that is how he meant it (probably not, but who knows) but him saying it like that did bother me. I think it is great that he says he will keep his confidence, but him saying it like that did bother me a bit.
  10. The only reason we won 6 games is because as bad as we are, there are some teams out there that are even worse. yay us!
  11. That is old news from last year. This year people specifically complained to him (and on here) that he should stop tweeting and spend more time trying to be competitive.
  12. Yeah, I am not sure what team would be willing to do this. It really looks like mccnabb is done in philly though.
  13. Because we would only get mcnabb for one year. Why would you spend a premium pick on a player for only one year? Why not draft players like ngata, oher, cushing, etc that can keep your team going for years? So basically we will have a QB for one year and we will be all looking for another QB next year. Then mccab, who gets injured EVERY season basically is going to end up on IR in week four because his blindside is being covered by a UFA. If we can get mccabb for our 2nd round (seems like we can) AND he is willing to sign a 3 year+ contract (sources say no chance in hell), then I say go for it. But trading to get a player for only one year sounds like a bad version of the TO deal.
  14. Mcnabb will cost more than a 3rd. And personally, I have had it for trading high picks for QBs (Bledsoe, Johnson) then having them come here and suck it up because the rest of the team sucks. If QB is so important, beldsoe should have made us look golden. We can trade for mcnabb and still only win like 3 games. Not to mention mcnabb said he doesn't want to come here. That means we throw away a high pick on a player that comes here for one year then he leaves. Why do you want to give up that much for a player to only have him play one year? This isn't like TO where we didn't give up draft picks. IF mccnabb was willing to sign a 5 year extenstion, it would be different. But he said he doesn't want to come here. So the most we can make him play is one year. And yeahm it is a great idea to bring in a player that doesn't want to be here. He would play really hard and not be bitter at all
  15. it would cost more than a 3rd to jump up to the 4th overall pick.
  16. you can be arrogant and nice at the same time. But there were plenty of actions he took that can be seen as arrogant.
  17. His passing percentage is, and always has been 56.4 percent or lower. And he didn't have any help? how about warrick dunn who had his best years with vick and was a stud running the ball? how about their great oline? And their defense was pretty sick then too. Vick gets injured just as much as edwards. it is almost a guarentee if he was made starter on ANY team, he would miss some time somewhere. And there is no proof that he can play an entire season as a starter. just because he jumped in a couple games and ran a few plays last year doesn't mean he is ready to take all the offensive snaps for the season. it seems like a pretty risky move. I would rather use our draft picks to grab more linemen or another reciever or maybe a QB to develop. Vick can't have that much left in him.
  18. Well, normally they don't do well their rookie season. The WRs taken in the 1st round have some great rookie seasons (sometimes). But 2nd round and later, they usually take time to develop. I mean, besides Knox and Collie (who had much better QB play), the others are 1st rounders and had higher expectations. If hardy was taken in the top ten, then hell, he should probably have higher numbers. But it is rare for a 2nd round WR to have harvin and crabtree numbers his rookie season. I mean, seriously, if we expected him to contribute like a top pick, we would have used our 1st pick on him, not our 2nd. We really haven't seen hardy play since his rookie year that much. He should be improved after learning from Owens, learning routes, learning the playbook, etc. So he should be much better. How much better is a major concern. But we won't know how he does until the season starts.
  19. I think it will be interesting to see how Williams plays at NT after last season. It is obvious he isn't big enough to be taking all the Reps at NT. But I think he should be good for some damage.
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