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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. They should have done that with whitner and maybin. They took a big risk hoping they would just drop to them!
  2. This has been thought of as a good possibility by a lot of people, especially when teams get desperate at the end of round 2 in the draft.
  3. If Nix drafts way differently than the "experts" predict, and nix turns out to have made all good choices, it would be legendary. But if he screws things up, it will be business as usual and it will all just suck.
  4. I honestly didn't read most of his posts. After looking at his posts, his repitition is quite a bore.
  5. First off, one was "rape" and the other was "sexual assault." Plus neither one he faced charges. And then there is Big Ben being a SB QB, so he will probably get special treatment. But Ben could face suspension if things like this keep happening. no question about it. If he was actually charged for the crimes, he would have been suspended very quickly. It isn't like lynch who admitted guilt and and found guilty of his crimes. FACT: if lynch breaks the law one more time, he will be suspended for an entire season. Lynch has already been suspended for four games last season, with his appeal getting thrown out. What makes you think Goodwell wouldn't suspend him a whole season if he gets caught smoking weed or carrying a loaded gun? Don't be naive...
  6. This one might work: http://vp-nri.com/take/?i=158518&h=dCo...tcULdsX9TuZVmRQ if not that one, try going here: http://espn.go.com/nfl/ Then the link is on that page toward the bottom in the center under "must see nfl coverage" and there is a picture of jests fans.
  7. Saw this survey at ESPN and didn't see it posted here.. It is going to rank the NFL franchises based on the input from the fans. There are quite a few questions, more than I expected at least. And they don't give you the results. But it will be interesting to see other fans wiegh in and see where we fit and how far off. Personally, I was pretty generous toward the bills (I guess I am just too loyal of a fan) and tried my best to avoid giving marks that were really bad. Things like Commitment to winning, winning a championship in my lifetime, and things like that were hard to endorse though. Any of these questions stand out? For me the commitment to keeping the team in the city kinda hit me. I optimistically hope that the team stays for a long time but it is also a big questionmark for us. anyway, here is the link and stuff. http://vp-nri.com/take/?i=158518&h=dCo...tcULdsX9TuZVmRQ and if that link doesn't work, try going here: http://espn.go.com/nfl/ Then the link is on that page toward the bottom in the center under "must see nfl coverage" and there is a picture of jests fans. Most of the questions: Do you watch or follow NFL Football on a regular basis? How passionate of an NFL Football fan are you? Which NFL Football team is your favorite to watch or follow? How would you characterize the investment you make as a fan of the Buffalo Bills, in terms of the time you spend supporting them. This includes attending games, watching them on TV, reading about them, talking about them with friends etc? How would you describe the magnitude of the investment you make in terms of the actual dollars you spend supporting the Buffalo Bills? This includes money spent on tickets, concessions, team merchandise, pay per view coverage, etc. What about the emotional investment spent following the Buffalo Bills? How big is this investment? Overall, how strong is your commitment as a fan to the Buffalo Bills? Which of the following statements best describes the recent status of your commitment to the Buffalo Bills? Rank 1-9 Have a fan friendly environment at games Have affordable parking The players are accessible to fans Have affordable concessions The owners and players show their appreciation to the fans Provides an avenue for fans to give feedback to the franchise Shows a commitment to their community (will not leave) (oops!) Have players that act professionally on and off the field Have won or will win at least one championship while I'm a fan Have affordable ticket prices Have likable players Has an honest ownership Consistently win more games than they lose Have players that always give their best effort Are willing to pay to attract quality players and coaches Keeps its core players/shows loyalty to players Demonstrates a commitment to winning Get the most out of money they spend Have a great stadium Have a strong leader as coach Have frequent fan promotions, contests, giveaways
  8. I don't think he is better than Nix, who has helped pick Brees and Rivers.
  9. Seriously. Besides hitting the pedestrian, the stuff he does isn't as bad as Big Ben. But the fact that he keeps getting caught doing stupid things that are illegal is trouble. One more screw up, and we lose him for a season. What is the point of keeping him when we risk losing him for a whole season? seems better to get something for him. Less risk, at least. But he is a super talented player, and if he didn't have 2 strikes against him, I would keep him.
  10. good thing round 1 and 2 are on different days. That will leave some breathing room for everyone.
  11. I think trading for Julius Jones and a 3rd rounder wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. We get a back to help Jackson's work load and we get a 3rd rounder to give us an added punch in the draft. That would help free us up to draft Oline and NT in this draft and we wouldn't have to worry about drafting an RB in this draft and still dump lynch. That is if they would go for it. With our luck, we would probably get more of a 5th rounder and Julius Jones for lynch though.
  12. I think that too. He seemed a lot more interested when he was the only decent player on offense. Now we have a proven freddy.
  13. Yeah, he got a lot out of QBs. But actually picking them? Him and Allen juggled QBs every year looking for a good one. One season there were 5 different QBs that started. Some due to injury, some due to suckage. I don't question gruden's coaching, I question his personel/scouting choices. His QBs he picks are usually below average. His best QB was Garcia toward the end of his career.
  14. Worse or not, one more strike and we lose him for an entire season.
  15. Gruden isn't exactly a good QB guy. Him and Allen juggled QBs every season having trouble finding a franchise QB. I like gruden as a coach and I like him more as a commentator, but his only real franchise QB was Brad Johnson who was really just good enough not to lose with everyone else around him being amazing. I think the Bucs went through QBs faster than us.
  16. That would change a lot of the draft board if they did go that route.
  17. Yeah, if they get 10-15 on IR like us, that could really shake things up for them.
  18. I think there are bigger worries than that. If worst comes to worst the starting LBs will be Davis, Poz, Mitchell, Maybin. And maybe someone other than maybin.
  19. Yeah, QB is their biggest problem. But if a 1st rounder who only played for one year is your worst player, your futer doesn't look too bad. Especially draft wise. They might have some QB issues, but they aren't looking for a QB. And I agree with your other points as well. They could use some depth and a little help in spots. But they aren't desperate for help by a longshot.
  20. They really have no problem with litterally taking the best player available all through the draft. They really don't have any glaring holes.
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