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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. Is there a link for it? It just seems like it is being taken out of context. Nix did say that there are 2 LTs that he would take with the 9th pick, and only 2. And they were 2 that would be able to contribute immediatly and make a big impact, and that is what you would expect from a player taken in that spot. I don't think nix said LT wasn't a need. He just said he wasn't going to fill a need with a player that couldn't fill it or pass on the best player available just to fill a need. He said there wouldn't be any reaches.
  2. Except being in this stupid division, I would agree this is probably one of the better ones were could get.
  3. It doesn't seem like a smokescreen just because nevergiveup was right every other time. Sure, the draft is a little more....messy. But he hasn't given us a smokescreen before. And I don't think the bills are really trying to go after a leak that is leaking stuff on this site. IF they are putting time into that and not their draft board, then that is just terrible. What seems to make the most sense is Nevergiveup has a decent position in the organization, something with respect, but nothing too high up. Maybe like accounting or marketing. He doesn't have first hand info about the teams football moves, but he has friends that do or co-workers that he is friendly with. So all his info is really hearsay. So far, Nevergiveup's info has never been a smokescreen before. I see no reason why that would change now.
  4. I don't think he is going to take them with the 9th pick. He said what they expect out of the 9th overall pick. Someone that can make plays and contribute immediatly. Also, it is awfully hard to say Nix made a mistake before the players he picks even make it on the field.
  5. This is one thing I DON'T expect. Nix has said that they won't reach for a play just to fill a need. They have 2 OTs that they think are worth the 9th spot, and if they aren't there, they take the best player available. I am pretty sure we are going to get a quality player at the 9th spot. Just hard to tell who it is.
  6. I think it is possible for Gaily to make Rosco a poor man's version of welker. But at the same time, I would call any good production good a longshot until it actually happens on the field.
  7. I don't see how this kid is a mike williams II. Baluga seems over-rated and all, but mike williams wasn't over-rated. The guy was a complete bust. At worst, baluga could be a decent RT (from what others are saying) and Mike williams is completly worthless in the NFL. Mike williams had a huge attitude problem which is what started his downhill spiral. I don't see any mention of baluga having an attitude problem. If we take baluga, I can't say I would hate it because we need OTs. He doesn't seem worth the 9th overall pick, but if he actually adds something to the team and makes it better, I would be happy at this point. Especially with picks like maybin, mcargo, and whitner not adding much at all.
  8. That seems to be it for him. If Chan can't give him something to do to give him worth, then he isn't going to make anything in this league other than a PR.
  9. What better PR people are you talking about? And This is a better QB class than the one with Quinn. At least this draft has bradford who actually has more promise than jamarcus russel. The best QBs in Quinn's draft turned out to be Kolb and maybe edwards. Edwards sucks and Kolb's jury is still out.
  10. If we can stop the run this year, our defense will be a beast. The secondary is great, and as far as getting to the QB goes, we were kind of in the middle. Where we sucked was against the run. Davis already should help that problem. If we get one of those NTs in round 2 that can stuff the run, we would be in even better shape. Add morgan and our defense is looking very much improved. Our offense will still suck (most likley) but if all that works out, at least the team will look like it is going in the right direction.
  11. haha, that is ridiculous they don't serve alchohol. That would be some easy cash.
  12. His 2nd one came out tonight: http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dw...ck.33ea398.html Has us taking Dan Williams. I wouldn't mind the pick. He would be great addition for the NT. His only weakness is he doesn't rush the passer well. So with williams, we play him on the rushing plays and have kyle williams play the passing downs. But a lot can be said the same for the other NTs that will probably fall to us in round 2 (Price, Cam, Cody) or at least one of them should hopefully. Personally trent williams and Derick morgan are my favorites. I wouldn't complain if they picked buluga, because they need OTs and he might be the best one that falls to us at 9. But at the same time, he might not be worth the 9th overall pick. I think Morgan is someone that instantly makes this team better. And if we do pick him, that pretty much means schobol is going to retire I think. Also, I am not sure how smart it is that he has the Skins taking clausen. They need OT help just as bad as us. AND.... if the phins take mathews over spillar it would be hilarious. The same chuckle response Ginn got.
  13. The guy is a beast and a true playmaker. I know our offense needs a lot of help bad, but this guy looks well worth it.
  14. Out of that list, the two that will most likely fall to us that I like are morgan and trent williams. And they weren't exactly the ones I liked a lot in the begining. I say take trent williams if he is there, because we seem to need him more. But I wouldn't complain if we took morgan. The guy looks pretty close to a sure thing. Also, I don't think Braford, okung, Suh, and Mcoy would be on his list since there it is just expected they won't be there.
  15. I am hoping one of the other 4 recievers we bring in can beat him out. Otherwise our WR group is really untested with a lot of questionmarks.
  16. I am thinking that if they trade for campbell and he wins the starting job in camp (very likely), they would offer him an extenstion. Personally, I like the idea of getting cambell more than getting clausen. Cambell would be an instant starter, would cost less pick wise, and probably even has less risk of being a "bust." Either way, I think cambell is better than what we have at QB, and if we can improve that position with just a 5th rounder, I say good deal.
  17. I would think so. I just wanted to throw that comment out there. I would love to get cambell for a low pick. I would even consider a 4th rounder. But of course, the lower the better. Any upgrade at QB is a step in the right direction.
  18. Yeah, but Fred Davis filled in, and was almost as good as cooley if not better.
  19. But then again, trent last year had TO and Lee evans. And the skins had an oline almost as bad as ours.
  20. Yeah, I live here in tampa and I watch most of the Tampa games. Gruden was a decent coach, but he went through QBs like they were nothing and just kept taking them out and putting them back in until one of them finally worked. And by "worked" i mean they didn't screw up that much.
  21. Says he will be healthy for training camp. Prob not a big concern
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