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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. If we did that (and drafted the people you say), then we would only have Jackson as our RB, so that would be silly. Trading the 1st AND lynch would have to be a better a good value otherwise I say just trade the 9th pick.
  2. I don't think any of our draftees are affected by that rule. Last year we only had one.
  3. Mckelvin should be starting as well. If not, then there is another wasted first rounder.
  4. Yeah, having a job where people give criticism to every article you write can make someone very thinskinned
  5. The main point was, you claim he couldn't take criticism, which is just untrue. 1) He was listening to complaints of no substance that had to do with the IT guys at espn which he had no control over 2) He was listening to insults of his friends and coworkers Tell me, where is the criticism? Calling someones' coworker a douchbag is criticism? In this culture, that is an insult, plain and simple. Tim didn't leave because he couldn't take criticism. He left because someone was insulting his coworkers and complaining about the IT guys. And for what reason? To look like a tough guy?
  6. Awww man. I go back home once a year and Saranac thursdays are always on my list of things to do. I love it down here in Florida, but saranac thursdays are the best. I go there and it is like everyone I went to high school with except for the idiots. Can't get Utica Club down here, since it is really only brewed for the utica area. Saranac is pretty easy to find at liquor stores though if you look. Down here I even found Grocery stores that carry it, which shocked me. But they only carry one kind (pale ale) and I can't say I am a fan of THAT one. It taste good initially, but has a terrible aftertaste.
  7. There is a huge difference between your website and espn.com. Your website would be owned by you and you have to answer to you alone. Espn is a milliondollar company owned by disney which is a billion dollar company. If you are going to give criticism to tim's work, that is one thing. But if you want to give criticism to tim on a website layout which he has no control over, then that is just silly and you are wasting breath. And then if you ask him why people he works with are "idiots" or whatever, that is just a terrible position to put him in. That is just as stupid as asking someone why their mother is a slut and then saying "what? you can handle I am insulting your mom? man, if you can't take this.... "criticism" then you are unprofessional and you don't deserve your high position in life!" I mean, come on man. Some of you can call it "criticism" all you want. But what it really was that it was making a big deal about a tiny little box that wasn't on ESPN's main page (like leonidas said and it was so he was basically wrong there killing his cred on his ..."criticism" as you call it.) and insults (not criticism) being made of people tim worked with and put him in a position to critique them.
  8. I think it is understandable if it isn't your kind of beer..... but being "better than anything that bud makes" is a little different. The only thing that bud has over it is that it is cheaper and it doesn't fill you up as much. But taste wise? yuuuck for bud.
  9. Can't say I am a fan of it. It is just a nice piece of history I guess. I do like other saranac beers. Saranac just isn't very cost effective down here in FL. Though much to my surprise, it is pretty easy to find. Except at bars.
  10. I want his SSN, credit card info, birth cert, passport, and then MAYBE we will be getting somewhere!
  11. What does that even mean? "confidential insight"...... wtf. In other words they don't have "secret" or "private" insight? Well! maybe they DO have it, but it is confidential so we can't see it
  12. Leonidas doesn't even know he has a thread "thanking" him. He is going to be so greatful when he sees this!
  13. I think this is something a lot of us forget that your real identity is shared with us and the rest of us can say anything we want with no risk or consequences. I know it would bother me a great deal to be put in a spot where I had to explain the actions of others to someone, especially people I work with. And in a public forum like this, there is more at risk for you than just your self respect. This is a public forum, and anything you say about your coworkers or your employer could be seen by them at any time. It is just a terrible spot to put people in. Especially over something as stupid as a twitter box.
  14. I agree with a lot of this. Especially when someone like Chuck Knox makes like 3 threads in 10 minutes on the same subject that no one takes his side on, and he doesn't even bother replying to his own threads. Yet he is allowed to do it over and over.
  15. Just like every other successful company. Pretty much every major business and a lot of small businesses use this as a marketing and PR tool. Attacking ESPN for using it is just odd when everyone from mcdonalds, CNN, amazon, Sports Illustrated, Wall Street Journal, and everyone is using it to grow their businesses is using it as well.
  16. Referencing what people are saying is "childish?" So, yeah, if a player says on twitter "injury has healed. I can play the next game" it is childish to use that to explain that a player is going to be able to play the next game? Come on..... His commentary was NOT on twitter (maybe as a subtopic). It was specifically on ESPN's main page being "flooded" with twitter stuff. And there isn't ANY twitter stuff on the main page. If you go to the nfl part, it is a small box towards the middle of the page and it is about the same size as advertisements. He was making it seem like twitter was plastered over all the articles and all over the page. And that is untrue. What he was complaining about was one little box and he made it seem like it was all over the main page. It just isn't true. I am not a huge fan of espn, but he was just wrong in saying this stuff was flooding the website.
  17. Flooded on the main page? I never seen this on the main page before, So i went to espn.com and it isn't on there at all. If you click into the NFL part of ESPN, there is a small box in about halfway down all the way to left side that is like the "twitter box." It takes up next to no space and .... it's twitter! it isn't meant to be journalism. It is meant for marketing and public relations. It is meant, in this case, that tv personalities can market their articles to their fans when new material arises and to have more contact with their fans. It was never meant to win a pultzer prize or to impress people. It is for marketing and PR only. I mean, seriously. You are annoyed about a little box on Espn's nfl page? There are ads bigger than this little box! http://espn.go.com/nfl/ I mean, go ahead and look at it. That little box is what is bothering you? That little box on the far left half way down is "flooding the main page" to you? good lord.
  18. Schouman was trent's favorite target when he was on the field. So he would seem important to our passing game if trent is our starter.
  19. we are a run and checkdown offense. it is going to be amazing.
  20. Well.... first off, welker won't be a huge problem this season since he will be hampered by his injury and should miss some good playing time. And any QB we took was going to take at least one year to groom, and probably more. So there was NO QB that could win for us now in the draft (most likely) so drafting one was very urgant since this QB class was so.... underwelming. People can say we should have drafted clausen in the 2nd round because all these pundits say he is the 2nd best QB in the draft.... well, we have a QB on our roster that was picked in the 2nd round just 2 years ago..... so one would assume he is more developed than clausen with the same upside. So.... not picking a QB until later wasn't a big deal since there really wasn't a good option. and LT in the 6th? pretty sure we took one in the 5th. Although that position is dishearting, I went into the draft with the mindset that we equally needed a LT as much as a NT, and I had a 99% feeling we weren't getting both and picks 1 and 2. So I wasn't too disappointed when we grabbed an NT and not an LT within the first two picks. But I was pleased that an NT was picked, and a lot of the picks did address the "trenches" that people always say is the end all and be all of football. Fact is, we did address the trenches (mostly on the defensive side) and we got a lot of players that seem to be low risk as in work ethic and talent, which I like. Was the spillar pick a luxury one? probably. but if he plays really well and improves that passing game a lot, I won't complain. If he sucks, I will just shake my head as usual at this organization. I just can't say the spillar move, or any of the other ones were bad until I see the results. I can't say the picks are bad just because they didn't match up to what I prefered. And as far as QB goes..... I really don't have a huge problem with levi brown. We can complain all we want and wish we were more like NE. But if the Bills drafted a punter in the 5th round like NE did, even if we didn't have a punter, this board would have gone nuts.
  21. We were told that we would have 4 QBs going into camp, we have our 4 QBs. no one else is getting added.
  22. You mean videos of him running inside are not proof that he ran inside? Hell, if he has videos of him running on the inside, that should just make it more valuable since inside runs tend to be shorter, so they are less likely to make it on the highlight reel. Well, I know you have a rule where highlight reels don't count but... In that florida state game in the middle of the video, he ran inside 4-5 times, and that is just the highlights. So I assume there are a lot more runs on the inside for smaller yardage, but it is hard to prove without having the entire game at hand. So i guess what matters is how much "a lot" is. He is obviously capable of running inside, since any highlight reel has him doing it at least once in each game pretty much. I thought it was the general word of mouth that running on the inside has always been his weakness, but he silenced his critics his senior year when he proved he could run on the inside, but still had a lot to improve on to be a true inside runner. I mean, the rotoworld guy saying Spillar can't run on the inside when he can score TDs and has plenty of runs on video of running on the inside is just a huge stretch, since he obviously CAN do it. Is he great at it? No. Is he even good at it? Probably not. But he can at least hold his own as an inside runner. it just isn't his strength, and one of his weaknesses. Doesn't mean he can't do it.
  23. He didn't "put a lot of input" into the offensive system. He created it the whole thing from top to bottom. Gailey even said that he himself is going to be the OC and modkins was going to be OC in name only. He said so right on camera.
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