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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. I don't see how they were bad at rushing the passer when they were in the middle in terms of sacks. the bills had 32 sacks and jax had 14. I know there is more than just sacks to rate the pass rush, but if a team is in the middle in terms of sacks, I don't think they have "the worst pass rush in the league."
  2. ha, marshall will probably still be a beast. But it would be a nice surprise if he went to miami and underperformed a lot and make the phins look like idiots. That is really the only FA the phins made that scares me. The rest is "meh"
  3. I am thinking we can still go 8-8 and still get a franchise QB. So this would be nice because it would we would break out of that 7-9 shell (and the 6-10), and we get a franchise QB. I feel the next draft is when we make a big attempt to get a franchise QB, even if we have to trade up in the first round like the jets did with sanchez. It is too early to tell, but there seems to be a lot of QB talent in the next draft. And I also have to admit, I have this fear that LT is going to be a problem for us for awhile.
  4. No it doesn't. What is wrong with you? Just because that was the decision that was made it doesn't make it the best. It might be the best in the eyes of the front office, but that doesn't make it the best. So the Raider pick Jamarcus Russell 1st overall.... so since they made that decision that was the best one they could have made? Give me a break. Just because you make a decision doesn't mean it is the best one. People make bad decisions all the time. There is nothing wrong with speculating that there could have been a better stratagy to this and skill get a scatback player by trading down. I mean, what would you say if Mccluster or someone in this draft turns out better than spillar? It would still be the "best decision" because that is what they decided? come on man...... You can't say defenitive whether this is the best desicion or not for years. Questioning and speculating right now either way is normal. But to say "it was the best" or "the worst" is just a terrible since you don't know the results of the pick.
  5. He wasn't asking why they drafted spillar. He was just questioning if it was the best decision or not. And he raised points that weren't brought up before. So, duh, the bills got who they wanted, but that doesn't mean it was the best decision. And this poster was just making conversation. WHY DONT YOU UNDERSTAND?
  6. Once I get a better job, this will be me . At least once a year and then maybe move up to season tickets.
  7. I don't think this front office or coaches really know yet either. Will be interesting to see the outcome of the competition. They aren't just fighting for the starter, but they are fighting just to be on the team.
  8. Alright, which one of you guys hacked into mort's twitter?
  9. Lynch will not be traded to baltimor. They have just as many RBs as us. I think the team is really just fishing to see if lynch is expendable to trade. Or maybe they are looking for insurance in case something happens where lynch doesn't fit into the new system or something.
  10. People can't keep saying that Nix doesn't have GM experience.... and that may be true, but he WAS an assistant GM. So those people who are saying that he only has scouting experience is just wrong. Since he was an assistant GM, he had his hands in things more than just scouting. And it came from an organization with a good football program. And as far as Chan goes.... I did't really like the Jauron hire, but I gave him a chance, just because I didn't have a choice. And although Chan isn't an exciting choice, his record in pro and college is a winning record, and I like that a lot. this guy might not be the best coach in the NFL, but he isn't coming into this job as a loser. I know it is sad to think "this guy is great because he is not a loser" but hell, I will gladly take it. Especially if we get to the playoffs in the next two seasons.
  11. Yeah, it is 2 or less years are eligable. And it looks like players that have completed 1 year are called 1st year players and players who completed 2 years are 2nd year players. From all the reports of mini camps, they say things like "mini camp is the first time coaches get to really work with the rookies. 1st and 2nd year players are also allowed to join as an option." So 1st year players does not refer to the rookies. It refers to players who have put in a year. At least that is how it looks. Either way, players that have 2 or less years in the league are allowed to attend.
  12. time to go after brown! or just say a prayer to whoever our QB is.
  13. I am thinking that NE is going to disappoint a lot of people. Their defense has been less than stellar and their offense isn't the same when Welker isn't on it. So if his injury keeps him off the field, they shouldn't be anywhere near their top form. NY is going to be a boom or bust. They are either going to make it to the super bowl or they are going to just lose control. A lot of people are comparing them to the raiders or skins with their FA... but they seem more like the cowboys. They have a lot of talent, but chemestry will be the key. If they don't have that, the team will be a mess. Also the jets changed up their running game, which was their only offense last year. They lost their stud guard and their 2 top RBs.... so if they can recreate that running game with these new additions, then they probably wont have much of an offense. Miami.... they should be fairly consistant, but I don't think they have what it takes to make it passed the wildcard round. The addition of Marshall is really the only dangerous thing they added, but granted, it is a dangerous one. Bills are too much of a questionmark. They suck every year, so it is safe to say they will suck again this year. But there are too many changes that I can't write them off yet. New front office, new coaches, new 3-4 scheme, lord knows what will come of us. And to be honest, if we at least go 8-8, I will like the direction we are going in. And if we go 6-10 like last year, I will be disappointed. I know people think we are only going to win 4 games at most, but I don't believe it. Every year people make jokes this time of year that we are going to get the 1st overall pick, we are going to win like 2 games, etc.... and every year, there are a handful of teams that are MUCH worse than us. For those people that think teams like the rams and bucs are going to be better than us, that just doesn't seem probably. And as for the division we face in? Sure, all three of them seem to have an edge on us. But we beat both the NYJ and MIA last year. And we "sucked" last year. So even if we suck this year, I say we can still win a couple of division games. And if we improve, maybe 3 or more.
  14. Yes. And he did long before anyone else even imagined it. He also told us the coaching hire and GM hire. He has given us other info, but for the most part they were whispers he was hearing and he shared with us.
  15. I am going to think that a bills 1st is different from an Eagles first. I mean, our first could very well be a top ten pick. The eagles pick we got was 26, right? Huge difference. A high second rounder shouldn't be out of the question. Especially since they are obviously going to trade him for something. They aren't going to keep since they are already putting oher in at LT. Gaither won't be their backup.
  16. Kyle williams can't be a 3-4 DE and they already got their NTs.
  17. I am thinking we have more to offer than we think. One of the things the ravens needed a lot is DBs..... and we sure as hell got a lot of those. I could see us getting away with trading a 3rd along with maybe a combo of whitner, reggie corner, or maybe someone else. I love our DBs and all, but sacrificing one or two of them with a 3rd rounder for a good LT is so worth it. If we trade a 2nd rounder, it should be just the draft pick since it will probably be a high pick (unfortunatly).
  18. actually, we aren't number 5. We are number 7. We are improving already
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