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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. The raiders oline was head and shoulders above the bills line last year? they had a good run game? Then why were people pissed when we got their starting RT, which is like the key part of the line for the run game? "our starting RT wasn't even good enough to be on the raiders. the raiders!" PS: I wrote that too fast without thinking. I didnt' mean to imply that you were one of the people pissed about Cornell green being the stop-gap starter for us. I don't think you were. I just find is dumb so many people dismiss Green when he is quite capable. The only knock on him for me is his age.
  2. I dunno what you are talking about with the low/high picks. Wood was a 1st rounder and byrd was a second rounder (all higher than the spot Troup was taken) and levritre was a second round pick. Those ARE high picks. And I don't know any teams that almost always hit on their high picks (I am guessing you mean top 3 rounds?) And if high picks are so important, why is troup's success more important than Spillar, who is a first rounder?
  3. So, spillar, Carrington, Easley can be just awesome this year and troup can suck it up and the front office would still suck? I just don't see how the front office can be judged by one pick. They should be judged by the draft class as a whole. Last years draft looks REALLY good right now, even though maybin had a terrible rookie season and is a huge question mark. But with wood, levitre, and byrd, that draft class is lookin mighty good so far. Judging by just one pick sounds kinda silly.
  4. Well, these are the same people (Except Whaley) that picked Byrd in the 2nd round last year, so maybe that indicates somthin? And it wasn't a wierd pick. The main reason he wasn't rated high by the talking heads was because he came from a small school, and they get a lot less exposure. A lot of people thought terrance cody would be better, but in reality, troup was a safer pick because he was in better shape and didn't have the conditioning issues cody had. I think last year's draft was really where things changed and nix came aboard. I don't think their standing with the fans is going to depend on this one pick. Especially if a lot of those other picks workout really well. It depends on how the draft class does as a whole, not what one pick does. Last years draft class was pretty good, but maybin still sucked it up, which was kind of expected. But as a whole (byrd, wood, levitre) were great.
  5. I'm lost. And it is not just because for some reason you decided big text would make it sound better . But I don't see why he has to play well for the whole team to be successful. He aint playing offense or special teams and he aint the only NT on the team. The NT postion is going to be rotational. The bills success doesn't lean all on troup. To be honest, for this whole team to be successful (make the playoffs) it would take a near miricle or some amazing coaching. But there is no way our success is going to be good or bad based on a 2nd rounder who hasn't even played a down yet. You have to actually be a franchise player to be THAT important.
  6. If the chargers could somehow keep both of them happy, it would be quite a trick.
  7. bumped this post to the next page, cause there are some people that just don't get this.
  8. in that case, shoulda went after derrick anderson when we had the chance.
  9. I'll be more amazed when the higher picks get signed. At least we are making progress though. As long as they are here for camp, then that will be great.
  10. Yeah, they got Mathews and spoles. I don't think they need an RB anymore than we do.
  11. I really wish the preseason games would be shown down here. Those games should be very telling about some players. Of course, we won't really know about these guys until a few games into the regular season. I would love hardy to have a breakout year, and I think he will improve. With the way things look right now, Nelson looks like he is going to have a breakout year and could even become our 2nd reciever. The guy is tearing up OTAs. Of course, that could all change when the pads are on. Easly would be a nice surprise if he becomes an early bloomer.
  12. I have a feeling McCargo will be cut by september. And I think Maybin is safe, even if he doesn't break out this year. He would have to be REALLY bad to get cut anytime soon.
  13. let's hope so and that the problem is corrected now. If edwards does good things this season, we might actually have a team.
  14. I am thinking there are still going to be a few surprise cuts. A lot of these players were probably kept for competition. Though I don't see them cutting whitner, lynch, maybin, etc.
  15. A lot of people complain about whitner because he was drafted so high (not his fault). But then there are other issues with him running his mouth a lot, taking really bad angles (usually one really bad one per a game it felt like), other safties performing better, and more popularity towards Wilson and byrd. As for lynch, the legal troubles are an issue. One more screw up, and we lose him for an entire season and he is worthless. Whether the legal issues are minor or not doesn't matter. If we lose him for a whole season, then he is just worthless and you can't say otherwise. Then there is the whole thing with lynch not even meeting with gailey yet. And then there is fred jackson, who is just as good or better than him, more dedicated, and more of a fan favorite. People who hate them might be over-reacting. But there is a lot of saddness that goes with both of them.
  16. who woulda thunk that we would have too many LBs. Sure, most of them are either mediocre, projects, rookies, and questionmarks. But at least we got a lot of them!
  17. Just saying I thought he would sign quickly, and probably be the the 1st to sign.
  18. I am thinking that too. I think Brown will sign quickly as well. As for the rest of them, it is up in the air. It really shouldn't have effected it that much. almost every other 1st rounder signed so it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what was fair. There isn't a rule where the person drafted ahead of you should sign first or you lose money. There were more than enough people who signed that he should have been able too. The agent was just getting greedy.
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