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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. You're right. The fans should stop going to the games in protest, that way people will say that buffalo doesn't have a fanbase and they should move the team to another city out of buffalo. YEAH! That sounds like a GREAT plan
  2. because the talking heads say we are going to be getting the 1st pick in the draft and that we are dooooooomed.
  3. If Edwards plays like he did the last game, I wouldn't mind not pushing for brohm, since I would want edwards to get more used to the system if he indeed is going to be the starter....but, we all know edwards is inconsistant. I am sure we will see a few games where he plays pretty well. But even more games when he just sucks. Our offensive gameplan is probably going to be to run the hell out of the ball.
  4. He probably post them so we can dicuss the article. And he post links and stuff about the article, because if he didn't, there would be 5 posts rapid fire asking for the link.
  5. This is more than likely the oline that we are going to go into the season with. We might get some more depth depending on who gets cut, but I don't expect much to change this year,.
  6. A lot of the teams seem to be having touble selling the suites as well. Businesses have cut back a lot, and it is an easy expense to rid of.
  7. This is true, or at least it was last year. The bucs denied that they were doing it, but when you would go to the game, there would be tons of empty seats. So yeah.... but the word is since they did it so much last year, they aren't going to be able to do it again this year. So people are expecting a lot of blackouts, even with the slash in ticket prices. But that just means a better chance they play a bills game down here
  8. How would missing butler THIS year be different than last year? Last year, butler was IR almost all season. We were a better team with him, but comparing to last year, he wasn't exactly around either. The line is better than last year. The interior will (Wood, hangartner, levitre) have had more snaps and time to gell. Conrell Green is better at RT than Chambers and whatever other crap we had last year. Then there is LT, which still sucks and is dragging the oline down. But this line should be more improved than last year.
  9. Well, right now chambers is a backup..... so Adams wouldn't have taken his place anyway. Unless adams was going to be a backup.
  10. I would have thought he would have been ok for a 1 year deal as a stop-gap player.... but after seeing him in pittsburg, we dodged a bullet with that one.
  11. That is not the only thing that is holding him up from being the starter. His blocking (if it isn't a weakness, which I would disagree) isn't AS good as stupar. Nowhere in that quote did Nelson compare himself to stupar and what he needed to do to beat stupar out of his job. He was just saying what the coaches wanted him to work on. And that does make sense with the whole gailey wanting to work hard on the fundimentals. This story doesn't seem at all interesting. But I really hope the starting lineup looks better tomorrow. It wouldn't mean much, but it would help make me feel a little better about this team. And I would like to hear some more good news on these injuries.
  12. yeah, damn lee evans for not being as good as the best WR of all time! Truth is, Evans isn't a great number one reciever. But Evans is a better number one reciever than Edwards, fitz, brohm are at QBs. Evans actually has nfl talent. Our QBs should not be starting, period. But, they are all we have.
  13. No, building through the draft is the best way to build the team (rather than sign FA), not just a money saving standpoint. The OP was arguing "why can't we do both?" Well.... doing both is expensive. But the best way to build a team always has been building through the draft and using the FA as a stop gap fixer. Teams like the bills can't make a huge splash in both. But it should be obvious the draft is the best way to go. The players are much younger and serve as a long term solution. Older FA just aren't the type you can really build around. and San was right, we haven't been able to keep our good players. Evans and Mcgee are the first ones I can remember us keeping.... even though we might have overpayed them. I am hoping Nix owns up to what he says, about keeping the good players. It will totally suck if Wood, Levitre, and byrd all become pro bowlers and starting on other teams in a few years.
  14. Yes, he did. many times. He just changed his tune when the bills said that they were moving on without him. So when the bills weren't an option, he said he would lke to play for another team or retire. But with him keep bringing up retirement, it seemed obvious that he was going to retire.
  15. and here people were freaking out cuz we didn't trade him.
  16. No, he highlighted the part that said he "didn't fit the 3-4 mold."
  17. Kelsay for six seems the most reasonable at this point, just because there are too many questionmarks. I hope maybin, coleman, and/or ellis really step it up this year as pass rushers. If that happens, it will make it a lot easier to draft a QB or an LT with our 1st pick in the draft. If we have a really bad pass rush this season, that just might force that to be one of our top needs and force out the QB/LT stuff we need. You never know, bell or meridith are still young and could be the LT we need, but QB is obviously the number 1 thing we need at this point. And it would be pretty cool if somehow Kyle Williams was able to get a high number of sacks, being that NTs don't normally get them. He was a great pass rusher last year. It would be a nice surprise if he can get a few this year.
  18. As much as our team sucks, one of the reasons why I was ok with the spillar pick was because it wasn't tebow. So many people pictured him as a Bill, and that was probably worst case scenario drafting him in the first.
  19. It is sad that thigpen would be a huge improvement over what we have already.
  20. I thought it was a good indicator that they kept him in there. It seems like they reconize his raw talent and really want him to get a lot of experience and get to that level of understanding. I think they are definently pushing him.
  21. Yeah, they looked bad tonight for sure. But since they played so well last year, it doesn't seem right to say they are bad because of a preseason game when they have last season backing them up. Corner more than anyone looked bad tonight, as far as the secondary goes...
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