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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. How so? Arizona looks like a mess, and they don't even know who is going to be starting at week 1. At least we have a pretty good idea of who we are starting. And how about the broncos? They drafted freakin Tebow in hopes he could eventually take orton's place. And then signed Quinn. If you think it is naive to think that Edwards is at least a little bit better than orton, then I don't know what to say to ya. Trent is having a better preseason than a lot of these starting QBs. I wouldn't be surprised that this season edwards looks and plays better than these QBs: -Orton -Leinhart -Kolb -Sanchez -Delhome And if Cutler throws a record of int, I would add cutler to that list as well. Of course, edwards will have to prove himself this season. But right now? I say he is better that those guys. Edwards has never really proven himself, but Those QBs haven't shown that they are any better than edwards. If you think they are better than edwards, that what makes them so special? Becuase quite honestly, our QB situation would either suck, or suck more with any of them on it.
  2. Same with the cable company down here (Brighthouse). They have had issues like this before with other networks, but they always get resolved like the day before the deadline.
  3. That is what I am afraid of. He will be just enough so that they won't address the QB position next year. Which will just be sad. Even taking a QB prospect in the 2nd or 3rd round would give some hope.
  4. It means the poll sucks just as much as our QBs. IF you wanted real results, have real, unbiased options in the poll. Otherwise it is just a tongue in cheek game to state the obvious. But yes, there are teams our QBs would start on, especially Edwards. It is obvious we are at the bottom when it comes to the QB postion, but we aren't last. We are in better shape than Arizona and Clevland easy. And like others have said, you could easilly argue tampa, jax, raiders, carolina, and others. Kolb even doesn't look like he is doing very well, at all. One that hasn't been mentioned (I don't think) is Sanchez.... the guy is having a WAY worse preseason than our QBs.... The only reason he hasn't been cut is because he is a first rounder from last year. Sanchez has more upside, just because he is still new.... but right now, edwards is very easy better than him. So yeah, our QBs suck. but we aren't the only team in the nfl with QB problems. so you can "LOL" all you want at all your little jokes. You clearly don't know what is going on in the rest of the nfl.
  5. How is putting a player on IR a cost saving move? Isn't it an extra expense to put a player on IR? because you not only have to pay the player on IR, but you have to pay the person that replaces him..... I think the bills are pretty cheap overall, but saying putting a player on IR is a cost saving move makes zero sense.
  6. He still didn't hurt anyone. She isn't claiming to be a victim or claiming he hurt her. In fact, as far as incest goes, she is JUST as guilty as he is. But I don't think she was arrested or charged with anything. If the incest charge was really that big of a deal, they BOTH should have been arrested and charged. They both gave consent, both particpated, it is insane only one of them got arrested for a crime that took two people to do.
  7. No body here shunned cody. There were a lot of people that didn't want us to draft him. But no here said Cody shouldn't be allowed to play in the nfl, shouldn't be allowed to tryout on any team, and should be blacklisted for life. The two situations are completly different. I don't know what the minimum crime should be for condemation. But there are so many players that do things a hundred times worse and are repeat offenders and they actually hurt people. This guy didn't hurt anyone, it happened when he was a kid, and there have been no other issues since then. There is very minimal risk. What would a GM be afraid of what he will do? Is he going to run back and start banging his sister? Is that what you are afraid of? Because I don't see any indication of him doing that. He has no violent history and no history of drug abuse. Right there he is better than a third of this league. The only reason why this is such a big deal is because incest is a huge taboo that is very hard to understand, because in our culture, it is creepy as hell and not many people do it.
  8. I would say hardy if Easly wasn't on IR and the other injuries. But I think he makes the team because of the injuries.
  9. ummmmm, not wide recievers. We had one of the best passing defenses in the league last year.
  10. Anyone know anything about Sapp? I don't think I reconize him... The phins got a CB.
  11. Or at the very least, crappy players will be accountable, for once.
  12. yeah, let's give 30+ million dollars of guarenteed money every year to the QB position. That will really fix the problems If there is a QB they think is worth it, then I say take it. Otherwise take a QB in later rounds and test him in camp. One of the worst things this organization did was keep hamden around and had him do nothing. They should have kept taking a qb in the later rounds and tested him out. With all the QBs that get picked up past the 5th round like Romo, Brady, and Hasselbeck, that is a risk that should have been made until we had a QB. I say don't waste a high pick just because you need it. Only take the player if you think he will play well.
  13. most of them have been in the middle of the night. during normal hours the run sportscenter, their regular shows, baseball games, etc. I think on the weekend they have shown a few at noon.
  14. Man, that was a great read. Love the stuff how they select the "right" players rather than ones that have a high potential of DUIs, and big blowout parties in miami beach. And looking up the law firm, it is a very modest, yet successful firm. And their "media blitz" prior to the draft I think is great to try and avoid fan hatred and really get the player involved in the community.
  15. 5 minutes of last season is too much. it was a nightmare.
  16. this seems very close to the truth, if not the whole truth. Especially as more things surface, like when wilson wanted to start johnson over flutie. It isn't that flutie would could have won us the game or something, but the fact he told the coach how to do is job is very telling, and we don't even know how often it happens. Wilson obviously plays coach and GM, even though there are other people to do that. How much he does it, it is unsure. But I am hoping it isn't as bad as Davis and Snyder.
  17. You said fan spending would make the team better. wouldn't that mean we would draft better if the fans spent less money? hey, it is your logic, not mine. You are the one that claimed the team would be "better" if it didn't have any fans spending money. You just don't explain how except "well, that is how the free market works!" (which it isn't btw). The free market, in reality, when a company loses customers, it usually cuts spending, saves on resources, and lays people off. They don't jump into the "let's spend millions of dollars on development so in 10 years we make a profit!" That just isn't how it works. I don't know how you think that this team would be better if fans spent less money. If the fans spend no money for one year, what would be so different? If anything, this team would be worse. Cowher would have turned us down even faster than before. What coach wants to come to a team with no fan support? TO would probably be trash talking about us like crazy saying how the fans suck instead of saying how much he liked the fans. Do you really think that if the stadium had no bills fans, the team would be better? how? I just assumed you meant we would draft better and sign better players/coaches. But if you have some other way the teams get better, than you should explain yourself.
  18. man, if we could only go back in time..... if we all stopped spending money before the whitner pick, we could have ngata on our team! Man, hindsight is 20/20 I guess. But that is our fault, the fans. It is our fault we drafted Whitner instead of ngata. We should all feel ashamed of ourselves.
  19. As a business, they are very much affected by the market. but as a football team, hell no. The chargers havn't done anythign more to address their problem than any other team. In fact, I would argue that the bills have done more to get a better product (new football GM, new coaching, new schemes, and hell, they even signed TO!). It is obvious that it doesn't matter how much money is being spent. If we all stopped spending money, do you REALLY think the front office is going to say "alright, the fans are pissed. Let's try making some good draft picks instead of bad ones, that way they will all come back to us." GIVE ME A BREAK! That kind of talk does not happen in the war room, they don't say "we don't know who we are picking 1st yet. We are still waiting on tickets sales info to decide whether we pick a good player or a useless player." If you seriously think that kind of talk actually happens in the war room, then you must be one of those people that think the moonlanding was faked. And I don't think I spend a dime on this team. I don't live near buffalo, so I don't buy tickets. I don't bother with merchandise, and I don't pay for nfl sunday ticket. Hell, I usually just watch the games at either a bar or online (oh no!). It is trully hilarious that someone thinks that our drafts could have been different had the fans not spent any money. that is just ridiclous and a huge cop out for this crazy organization. Yeah, sure, I believe you. The fans are just at fault as the owner/front office....hahahahaha. This team sucks because danaue made stupid and ballsy risky/flashy picks like mcgahee and parrish. Levy went on a "smart people and good character" phase and signed an Ivy League Coach and drafted a stanford QB. THAT is why the team sucks. Because the front office made stupid decisions that had no impact on whether or not the team was selling enough tickets.
  20. This is just insane. You really think how fans spend money affects the front office? The bucs are looking at mostly a blackout season. That must mean the front office is going to go out and fire the entire coaching staff, get all new players, right? The Jags are having the same problems selling tickets. That must mean they are going to be SO much better! The chargers.... fans aren't buying tickets, so that must mean AJ Smith is going to buckle down and sign mcniel to anything he wants! If only we stopped buy tickets like the chargers fans did when we were trying to sign peters.... maybe our front office would have showed peters the money that mcneil is gettign from aj smith right now! I don't know what world you live in where football decisions are made based on fan spending. Even when we had sell out crowds (so the fans are voting yes for jauron!) The front office fired jauron....mid season! WTF! Did the front office not get our votes? We were selling out the stadium! our votes were saying we LOVED jauron! why would they fire him if we were "voting" yes for jauron by spending money!??!?!? Do you not see how flawed your logic is? It doesn't matter whether we spent a ton of money or no money; Levy would have still picked whitner over nagata, signed Dockery and walker, and have us stuck with a crappy team being coached by jauron.
  21. A vote for what? It wouldn't be a vote to make the team better. And almost all that stuff you mention is revenue sharing, so it wouldn't even matter if every bills fan stopped. The bills would still get money.
  22. Because you are implying that if the fans decided not to go to the games, the front office would magically spend money and sign players and coaches to become a winning team. If you think that fans protesting and not spending money would lead to a better team, then you are very much mistaking. If the fans decided not to spend money, that would just be the final nail in the coffin to move the team OUT of buffalo. THAT is how free market economics works. "you guys don't like this team? There are other cities that would love it and we make millions! later buffalo!" You saying we have a vote is laughable. By your logic, people who bought season tickets voted for gailey, edwards, and spillar and all the people that didn't buy tickets voted for something else. That is NOT how the front office makes football decisions. They don't look at how the fans spend their checkbook on them to decide what to do. And if they did, they would be even worse than we thought. If you seriously think that if the fans spent less money that they would magically make the team better, then you are very very wrong.
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