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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. Great, another QB sucks thread. If only we did get mcnabb and shanny, we would have won this past game. Even though trent/gailey threw one TD more than mcnabb/shanny this past weekend. OH! Let's face it, this team is going to be pretty doom and mediocre this year. If you think that is all trent's fault, you are just blind. There are so many things about our offense that sucks you cannot put the blame on edwards and the oline alone. We have mediocre/developing recievers and a very weak TE group. Not to mention, the oline (besides green) played very well against a VERY tough miami Dline. I was expecting much worse from Bell.
  2. Let me tell ya, if this front office starts trading our 1st rounders to move up to the 4th round, I will be the first to call Nix to be fired. If the front office makes bad moves in round 1 and then "fixes" it by scalping them for low draft picks, that is going to be the biggest signal of failure. I would rather have a front office that drafts better than one that drafts bad and tries to grab low end picks to make up for their bad drafting. I know the bills haven't been the best when it comes to the first round (whitner, maybin), but there is hope (Mckelvin, Wood, maybe Spillar). This Nix/Whaley front office looks like it can draft better. You go ahead with your dream. Hope that this team can turn crap into "meh" picks. I am going to push for them to actually draft better than salvaging from making too many mistakes. This front office needs to be held to a higher standard than being the league recyling bin. It is time for them to build a football team.
  3. And yes, I get your point, but your point means so little. There is a bigger point, and the bigger point is, they busted on a 1st round pick. That trumps everything. Salvaging a pick does not make up for it. The bills have traded plenty of players for picks. If you don't know that, then you just don't pay attention to this team. The bills got a steal trading peters to the eagles for a first round, where he isn't working out. The bills traded mcgahee for two mid round picks. There are so many problems with the bills, i can't believe that something THIS meaningless is the thing you are crying about.
  4. I doubt it. He seemed servicable when he was in oakland, but he was only a starter for one year I believe and was just a backup beofre that. And he looked bad in preseason as well. I don't see him improving much, if at all. The only hope I have is miami as a great D line... so he might look better at teams with a weaker line... but this guy is bad and it is going to suck see him play the phins again and the jests twice.
  5. But they didn't get a 4th for him. They moved up 2 spots, and got 4 years of BAD service. He didn't do well for them at all. So I don't know what you are talking about. The pats* basically gave a 1st round pick to move up 2 spots. If you think that is good, then your math is just way off. In your opinion, the bills can totally bust on maybin and use him to move up two spots in the draft and look like geniuses. If that happens, they will look like idiots. Idiots that made a huge mistake that a lot of people saw coming.
  6. Don't worry. If you keep your hopes up, the bills will trade maybin in 4 years and move from the 6th round to the 4th round. It will be a genius move. Your point is terrible that you think they are getting value for maroney. They got 4 years of BAD service from the guy, and just cut their losses. There is no genius move there. If you have a bust of a 1st round pick, then guess what, that is dumb. The pats* ridding him just proves that they made a mistake in drafting him. It is insane that people think that the pats* screwing up a first round pick, and cushining the blow by moving up 2 spots to the 4th round is anything better than a mistake. That is my point. YOu thinking that salvaging a bust makes up for busting on a 1st round pick. If you pick a bust in the 1st round, there is no way to make up for it. This whole maroney thing shows the pats* made a mistake when they drafted him. Simple as that. Praise them all you want for salvaging a bust. That must mean the bills are geniuses for getting a 3rd round for mcgahee a few years back. I can't believe the bills had such a genius front office back then with marv. Just genius. The bills were even better then that pats*. We actually got a whole 3rd rounder for a 1st round rb and all the Pats* got was to move up a couple spots into the 4th.... man, the pats* could learn from marv!
  7. Yeah, the pats* move up two spots in the draft, and all it cost them was a first round pick from 2006.... so yeah, awesome for the pats* for having a first round BUST! People here are saying the bills would suck if they traded marshawn for a 2nd or 3rd rounder because lynch is actually a 1st rounder, so we wouldn't get good value for him. And here, the pats* trade a 1st round pick, and they get... NOTHING! They just move a couple of spots up at a low draft pick. Let's all hear it for the pats* They turned a 1st round pick and a 6th round pick into a 4th! if our front office did that (and lord knows we are dumb enough), bills fans would be livid. So yeah, the pats* are geniuses for grabbing a 1st round bust. They are just geniuses and the bills are dumb. Maybe in 4 years the bills can trade maybin to move from the 6th to the 4th round and be praised as geniuses.
  8. According to Espn rankings, we moved from 31st to 30th! We are movin up in this world bitches! http://espn.go.com/nfl/powerrankings
  9. I pretty much agree with everything here. RT and QB positions are going to need an upgrade, and we definently need line depth. And depending on how bell turns out, we will probably need an LT as well. I think Bell showed enough improvement in this last game that there is a chance by the end of the season, he will be a solid LT. But it is way too soon to say we don't need a starting LT. RT though.... that is an obvious, must have, need.
  10. I agree they still looked good without him, since they had so many good players on D anyway. But this is a huge blow for them.
  11. Saying those are the 2 biggest needs is pretty easy to argue. This team had a very high need for NT, OLB, DE, run defense, and playmakers on offense. Face it, this team had so many desperate needs, it is near impossible to pinpoint which needs are the biggest. We pretty much needed a new roster. So saying nix sucks because of two positions is crazy. Nix would be just as bad now if he got a QB and T in the first two rounds and got no NT and left the run D to suck things up like last year, and had no playmakers on offense. No matter what, there were going to be big needs that were going to be missed. Easly looked good until he went down in camp.... but the bills did bring in TO while lee had his big contract. WR doesn't seem that important as other positions, especially with nelson playing well and parish showing some life. And our TE nelson should help as a reciever as well, when he returns. If nelson develops more, and easly gets better, the WR group should be fine for the future. We are going to need a new QB.
  12. That is going to be the garing problem all off season, and it isn't going to be better and I don't think Ubrick (Sp?) can be any better, even after development. If nix is smart, he will try and trade for one or get somebody else in there. Green is going to lose this team close games. And personally, I would have liked a couple more free agents on a decent level like the davis and edwards signings, and I would have liked at least one of them to have been a OLB... just because this team was that bad. I don't think Nix made all the best moves, but I like this (so far) better than the Levy choices. Signing edwards and davis as modest free agents is so much better than signing dockery and walker to mega contracts. But I don't think Nix can wait and fix RT in the offseason. He needs to do something right now. Even if that means throwing wang in there or trading for someone. Because if Green loses games for us, then that is all on Nix.
  13. Signed a Davis to be the signal caller for the 3-4 defense, someone with plenty of 3-4 experience and and excellent at stopping the run signed Dwan Edwards, one of the "big name" free agents and has 3-4 experience on a WINNING TEAM. The only reason he was overlooked was due to health concerns, and so far, he looks damn healthy. Drafted a playmaker that can make an impact right away. People were complaining that this team had no impact players that can make big plays that are game changing. People say we don't need another RB, but we did need another WR and spiller will also has been a recieving threat, so yes he does fill a huge need that we needed. This team needed playmakers like crazy. Drafted a NT, the most crucial part of the 3-4 defense. There are so many things he did that I like. You can argue the spiller pick I guess.... but I wouldn't have drafted an OT there. I would have drafted a defense player probably because those were the only players left there that I would have wanted. Not to mention, One of the things that sucked most about us last year was we couldn't stop the run.... well, we drafted our NT, signed davis and edwards, who all are supposed to be good against the run.... and damn it, we fought that wildcat on sunday like we never did before. It is too early to tell, but it looks like Nix has taken care of the run defense in just 1 offseason. If he can get OLBs in the next offseason to provide more pressure, then this defense is going to be dominant. All in all, I think Nix has made this team better. People are so focused at LT and QB, but I would rather have him fix the run defense and draft playmakers than drafting a mike williams or aaron maybin. Take the best player on the board. And if for some reason Bell is able to work at LT (which is looking more possible after this game), then that means we really only need a RT (and maybe center) which isn't as difficult to find for the oline. people can say our LT is the worst in the league all they want, but the truth is, the cowboys (a superbowl contender!) have it waaaaay worse than us at LT. In fact, their whole line might be worse than ours. And that is saying something, I know.
  14. This. And they are going to run into the same problem when they face the phins who have a good dline that can't stop the run. The run is the only thing the jests have on offense. If you stop that, they aren't going to move the ball.
  15. he is suspended for the 1st four games for being naughty.
  16. Cromartie is making a lot of good plays for them and jason taylor as well....
  17. Their D is strong AND fast. Their D is just very physical and our offense isn't.
  18. This is a much different jets team than last year.
  19. Well, RT shouldn't be too hard to replace. It isn't as hard as LT at least. If bell develops this season, we might not even need an LT. That is still a big if though. We could use a new center, but that isn't as bad as RT. And we already have our guards.... so the line needs help, but it is just one offseason away from being stable, if Nix handles it right. QB... I don't think this regime would throw a rookie into the fire his first season. These guys seem old school. If they draft a QB early (and gawd I hope so), they will probably re-sign edwards or sign a vet QB to play while they work the rookie in. Ideally, I would think 1st pick in the draft QB, 2nd pick RT and get LB help in free agency. And of course, improve anything and everything else that you can such as C, LT, TE, etc.
  20. Dansby was a little too high priced for what I would expect for them to go after. But I think they really should have made at least 2 more signings on a decent level, at least. And by decent level, I mean players like Davis and Edwards who aren't great, but upgrades over what we had. Just two more signings like that would show more life on this team. Taking just two of our bad players off the field won't win us the playoffs, but the team would sure have more hope.
  21. And I think he is on the practice squad as well.
  22. What do you mean when you say "plan?" are you saying signing green is a plan? That is not a plan. That is what we call.... a signing. Green was meant as a stop gap player to begin with because of his age. That is not a plan. That is a temperary player and that is it. If that is a plan to you, then you don't know what a plan is. Yeah, Nix made a mistake thinking Green would work as a stop gap player. OH- !@#$IN- No! Nix also brought in Edwards and Davis who are doing great with our defense as FA. So yeah, nix isn't 100% good. But he isn't 100% bad as you suggest. Especially with a pickup like green that was never meant to be a long term solution to begin with.
  23. Most of those FA re-signed before FA even started....
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