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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. Try telling that to teams like the Falcons, Texans, and Saints. They took plenty of baby steps to get to the respectable stage. So I don't know what you are talking about. Unless you are talking about miami that went from worst in the nfl to divsion champ to not getting in the playoffs....
  2. Which would have been the Marv Levy approach to being the GM. build the o-line with over-rated players with big contracts (Dockery, walker, even have a probowl LT!) and a young QB prospect that SO many people believe will be a solid starter in the nfl....... we sucked back then when we had a pro bowl LT and a young QB, and we still suck. If we are going to pick a QB and LT, let's actually pick ones that are good for once instead of jumping the gun just to "fill a need." We were doomed one way or another this year. It is nice that there are people like Meryle who have so much hope for this team that they think this team would actually be GOOD if we drafted buluga/clausen.... but this team would still be "doomed", and we probably would have been worse in the miami game actually. And I think that it is borderline insulting that Meryle keeps saying we are "putting our heads in the sand" just because we don't agree with him. We know the team sucks, we know QB and tackle needs an upgrade... how is that putting our heads in the sand? Seriously. Is he even reading what people are saying? There are a million threads in the past week alone talking about how green and trent both suck. if that is putting the head in the sand, then that is just silly talk. And then he goes on "we can either do nothing and accept failure, or we can TALK about it and discuss how this team sucks...." wtf.... that is like my wife coming over to me and saying "taxes are too high. Let's sit here and TALK about taxes being to high with eachother and that will fix the problem.." hahaha, what the hell. Where is the logic in that if we TALK about green and trent sucking that they will all of a sudden not be problems anymore? It is like that scam artist that teaches classes on how to "wish" for checks to come in the mail, and they start coming on their own. It is crazy. What kind of voodoo is that? man, "stick your head in the sand in pretend land or talk about trent and green sucking." Yeah meryle, you are the first one to create threads on these two being complete garbage. I don't know why anyone didn't think of it before you brought it up
  3. It always amazed me how much the skins resembled us over the years. And I too was jealous with all the moves they made.... and I guess I still am. Though I wasn't too big a fan of Bruce Allen after seeing him in Tampa Bay... sure he helped build a super bowl team... but he was never really able to get a franchise QB.... which really bothered me since we haven't had a real franchise QB in so long, that is what I was craving. The main thing I am jealous of (after week 1) is trent williams. The guy is making an instant impact at LT.... if we were going to take an LT in round 1, THAT is the type I would want. Not buluga. Mcnabb did look rusty, but i did want him... though I want him less now. But I would love to have trent williams over spiller. Too bad he didn't fall to us.
  4. That would be amazing... I am not sure what the chances are, but yeah.... Nix seems to understand QBs pretty well... he knew Bradford was probably the only QB talent that wasn't a big project, and it looks like that is true. Tebow, Clausen, and mccoy seem like they are going to take awhile to develop, if at all. And he was on a team that grabbed both brees and rivers... so I am hoping that when HE picks a QB that he projects as a starter, it will be a good one.
  5. same. It is sad that our RT position is as bad as it is. And I was someone that was ok with the green signing. I wasn't a big fan, but I sure didn't bash it.
  6. Guys, who are the pundits saying we should draft? because if we don't listen to them, we are doooooooomed!
  7. But you said that the OL and QB positions are what would drag us down this year, implying that if we "fixed" them this year, we wouldn't be doomed this year. It didn't matter if we drafted all QB and linemen, this team was doomed either way this year. And all those pundits that had Clausen going 1st round?!?! HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Do you know that these are the same pundits that were picking Edwards to go in the 1st round?!?!? hahahahahaha, MAN! that worked out so well for us.... picking a player that PUNDITS thought should go in the 1st round and we picked him in the third. We realllly got a good deal on that one! You are SO right. We should listen to these pundits more often. maybe we can draft another edwards.... hahahahahahahahahaha. man you are a trip and a half with this nonesense. You are right. the pundits know more than all the teams that passed on clausen. man, you are just crazy. Holgrem, who is supposed to be great with QBs, passed on claussen twice! But forget that, the pundits know more than holgrem. The pundits have coached more QBs than he has... hahahahaha, pundits..... yeah, lets listen to those idiots
  8. I'd take Matt Hasselbeck as a stop gap and take a rookie. With Nix being part of a team that drafted Brees AND rivers, I have good hope that he will not make a JP losan type error and will at least get us a QB of Flacco type talent. I still think the most likely scenario is they sign edwards and draft a rookie, and their reasoning will be "he already knows the system, blah blah blah." It isn't what I want, but I just feel that this is the type of organization that would do that. The only saving grace is, edwards might just choose to retire. He never seemed like he really wanted to be a football player long term.
  9. I didn't call him a bust. I said he wouldn't have given us any help THIS year. Isn't THIS year the year you are talking about or did you already forget what you said in your first post? And WHO slated clausen to go 1st? because if teams actually slated him to go first, then they would have picked him in the 1st round. If you are talking about the ESPN folks slating clausen to go first, then that is silly that you want ESPN to run a football team.
  10. The thing about buluga is, he isn't even starting at RT on a packers oline that isn't that good to begin with. Chances are he would probably be just as bad as Green, but would have cost us a first rounder.... so people that are screaming we should have drafted buluga are crazy. But I agree with the reasoning that troup might have been available in the 3rd. It is hard to tell, but i agree it is very possible.
  11. You don't know what you are talking about. this team sucks and they wouldn't beat a pop warner football. It doesn't matter that the bills beat the jests last year, the bills just suck suck suck. Sanchez and Rex Ryan are god like and Edwards/ Chan are nothing but slaves that shine their shoes. This team didn't need a nose tackle. now that we have a nose tackle, we suck. Another decade of fail. If we drafted a QB and LT, this team would be competing for a playoff spot and we would be really good. /Merle Haggard
  12. I'm thinkin that as well. Especially if the team is ridiculous and goes 0-10 or something.
  13. You don't read the onion often, do you? They misquote people with the topic of murder from anyone who is a pop star or a political figure. It is like any other comic routine. Jay leno, conan obrien, david letterman all misquote people in their jokes.... I can't believe this is new to people.
  14. NOT DISCUSSING IT? are you blind? Nothing has been discussed more. The fact the bills sucked, and are going to suck with no QB or line help has been discussed for YEARS. And in reguards to this season, it has been discussed every day for a half a year. Yeah, the team sucks. But I don't see why you make a new thread about it without saying anything we haven't heard a million times since april. If you are going to do the same song and dance that we need oline and a QB, can you at least say something origional or at least something that hasn't been said a million times? Because good grief, if this is all you are going to talk about until the 2011 draft, then you really have nothing of value to say other than a rehashment of things that have been beaten to death with a dead horse over a half a year. Please, try to get some origional material.
  15. Seriously. It seems like every day there is a new thread talking about our crappy QBs and crappy tackles. We get it, they suck. Do we really need a new thread every day to inform us of this "new" development? And then people say "We know they suck, do we need a new thread talking about what we have talked about since the draft" then The people who create the threads over and over go "Go ahead! put your head in the sand and pretend they are good!" and it is like..... wtf.... no one is saying they are good. They are saying that you are beating a dead horse with this topic. You created a thread and said the exact same things others said back in april. All these angry people that keep creating these threads need a reality check. They are treating their opinions like it is some ground breaking stuff when it was already discussed nearly a half a year ago. Get with it people. I mean, how many threads has merle alone made on this topic?
  16. Better than him than the rookie. I am pretty sure that is how it would turn out, even if it wasn't the best thing to do. Buddy/chan seem too old school to start a rookie QB.... and I am thinking, they would resign edwards just because he knows the system and players already, so it would just be easier for them. So I am thinking that is the most plausable scenario... the other scenario is, buddy and chan ruin our lives and sign edwards, and don't bring in a young QB.... if that happens, then I will bash my head against the wall.
  17. I wouldn't mind taking a QB in round 1 if they TRULY feel that he is a franchise QB.... bradford looks like a real deal.... but I would rather take a QB in round 2 or 3. We should either re-sign edwards or sign a decent Vet to play while the rookie develops as well, at least in the first year. It is obvious we need a new QB.... it is going to suck if we pick one, wait four years, and find out he is a bust. I want them to take the time to actually find a good one. And of course we are going to need at least one starting tackle. Maybe more depending on how this season turns out. And of course, we need OLB help. And then the team needs depth in general at various positions. And it is crazy to think that if we plug in a good LT and a good QB into this offense, it will suddenly be fixed. The Skins have done just that (drafted an LT and Signed mcnabb) and they didn't look any better than us in their game. They didn't even have an offensive TD, that we DID have. People need to get a grip. This team wouldn't be playoff bound if we drafted a QB and LT in rounds one and two and signed a "better" rt via FA. This team is not 3 fixes away from being that good at all.
  18. Their offense wasn't lousy last year. Last year they had a probowl guard in Faneca and a great rusher in Thomas jones... they aren't on the offense this year. Their new guard is garbage and was a liability through the whole game and shonne green did nothing to help the offense. This is a "new offense." An offense that couldn't score a TD even though the Ravens had injuries and were missing key players. Their QB who completed less than half his passes and threw for less than 75 yards. An offense that got just 6 first downs. And THIS offense is "lightyears" ahead of the bills offense? Give me a break. If anything, they are a couple sprints ahead if somehow Sanchez turns the corner or something. Not to mention how much this team is going to break down after this year when they lose all their players who signed one year contracts. Not to mention, LAST year when they were "one game away from the superbowl" and actually had a good offense, the bills beat them. The team that is "lightyears" behind them, beat them. What a fluke. The bills beat miami last year too. Another crazy fluke. It is probably a fluke that the bills were just one score behind the phins last week too. The bills suck. Their QB and tackles are the weak side of the offense. Most people know it. But spewing out all this nonesense that we are in so deep and all these other crappy teams are so much better than us is crazy. We aren't the only team with bad tackles and bad QBs. The cowboys basically lost their first game BECAUSE their tackle did one of the stupidest things ever seen in football. Last I checked, our tackles were bad, but they didn't do anything THAT stupid (choking someone that created a penalty that killed the winning TD). The bills suck, we know it. But stop saying we are the only team with problems and every other team is "just amazing as hell" BS. The bills aren't the only NFL team right now that makes me cringe to watch.
  19. Oh , we are not brilliant. We suck. But if you think the jests crappy offense is any better than our crappy offense, then you are blind as hell. The biggest weakness right now on the Colts is they have a crappy oline... same with cowboys. Man, they are so dumb not to address the oline. Just as dumb as us. I am not making excuses for the bills, they have a crappy QB and crappy tackles. But you jerking off to the jests is just ridiculous. Just because they screamed the loudest... but guess what, jests aren't going to be good this year and the only reason they won't be picking first overall next year is because their defense is amazing. Their offense still sucks.
  20. Oh yeah, the Jests sure know how to work free agency by dumping their leading rusher and starting 2 guys that were nowhere near as good. How many fumbles did shonne green have? How messed up was the Jests oline without faneca? Did you even watch the jests offense play? They were horrid. There is probably a 50/50 chance the jests will win less games than us, if that is how their offense is going to look the rest of the season. And yeah, sanchez looks like such a stud, throwing to his recievers against 2nd string DBs... and getting less than 100 yards passing. MAN! the jests are just golden and are set at QB for the next 10 years!
  21. I want the pats* to win, just because the Jests have been so mouthy. 2 straight, early losses would really shut their mouths up. But I hope they really rough eachother up. I am not praying for injuries, because that might be taking it too far (though I wouldn't be upset if it happened). But roughing eachother enough so they are aching would be nice.
  22. I was wanting to keep all three of them. But with bell emerging during preseason, I wouldn't be opposed to trading lynch and moving bell up from PS.
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