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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. I am also going to go out on a limb that no coach will be fired mid season. And I wouldn't be surprised if fisher is one of the first ones fired on "black monday" or whatever.. Fisher is a great coach, but he isn't doing it right in STL. with the talent he has, he should be doing better
  2. And isn't he planning on retiring soon anyway?
  3. no, there shouldn't be a punishment for fumbling unless the defense establishes position of the ball. if this happens at the 50, there is no "punishment" and there is no reason it should be different at any other part of the field. And the fact that the NFL is revisiting this rule would suggest that the NFL finds it flawed as well. this is probably how they came up with it
  4. Well, I think he said a lot of things, and with Timmy cherry picking from what he said and putting random stuff in twtter made it worse. I think it is more TG's fault than Jackson's. What jackson said wasn't really out of line. At first people were like "well, that is disappointing." people freaked out with the "rogue" comment, which I don't think came from fred. though it is possible.
  5. depends on why we lose. If I had to put a guess on it, I would say penalties and not converting 3rd downs
  6. From listening to the press conference, they wanted to keep all 3 QBs. They trusted EJ, but cassel was a safer (but not a better) backup than EJ. After 2 regular season games, Rex was fairly comfortable With the 3 QBs with the exception that they didn't have the opportunity to develop EJ but it didn't make sense to make a long time vet the third QB option So then as luck would have it, Whaley came to rex saying dallas was insterested in Cassel. And Rex agreed thinking after 2 regular season games he would like to develop EJ more and was ok of EJ being number 2 I also think that the bills secretly wanted that roster spot. With Aaron williams injury, Duke playing terrible yet again, and Meeks being upgraded to 53, all played a small role in them wanting an extra roster spot. I see it as them just being presented with an opportunity by dallas, they looked at the pros and cons, and made a decision. And pros and cons can change weekly in the NFL. I do not get why the local media is so invested in Cassel and so forceful to run EJ out of town. And they seem to act like Tyrod doesn't exist. It is really like they formed some kind of pact. I don't hate the local media like some here, but their speculation and opinions on this QB battle has been frustrated reading all offseason and now it keeps going
  7. Was hoping for a player for player swap to get some oline depth, but guess not
  8. For the time being it is a quarterback league, and today we needed a QB to out score brady. We just couldnt do it. A lot of blame to be passed around for this game, but it is pretty damn near impossible to beat brady/gronk/belichick together without a franchise QB
  9. Really, the league is going to be so much better once brady retires. And that isn't just because we play in the same division. It is just that I am sick of this nonesense and all these stories. They are never going away until brady and/or belichick retire.. And age would have brady to be the first to go. And I don't really put the blame on brady. I mostly put it on belichick. But with brady gone, the pats won't win as much and these stories won't be such a big deal and the media wouldn't eat them up like they are now.
  10. the thing about the market is, what would be his market value? there is no guarentee he would get Suh money from another team unless he tested the market. I think the chances of him getting suh money anywhere is pretty slim. If he gets anything bigger than JJ watt money (with the bills or anywhere else) I would be shocked. the 90 million is close to what he is going to get. I haveto imagine the major sticking point is the guarenteed money
  11. Nice place for a press conference too! I tell ya, this block feature sucks when the person I block keeps getting quoted so I see his nonsense anyway. We should all just ignore mastershake and wait for him to do some self reflection
  12. If he agrees to the extension, is he allowed to sign it tomorrow or does he have to wait after the game?
  13. I think chandler just because he is probably going to play pretty well in NE and that will trigger some "we should have kept him" commentary. He is for sure serviceable, but he is gong to look great with brady throwing to him. And with Gronks history of injuries, I think he may play more than people expect. Fred will leave the biggest hole. his leadership is unquestionable. And right now, we have a lot of players with major character defects.... with fred gone, I have a fear that maybe the bad character guys out number the good character guys now. And that gives me doubt that the locker room can keep it together. Though I am not going to doom them. But there is some doubt in my mind now that fred is gone from the locker room
  14. This is how I would like it, though I have my doubts
  15. dont forget incognito and better coaching/scheme
  16. I asked you to please read my posts before you blindly reply to them, yet to decide not to. I never ever said Graham should apologize. Not once did I ever say that. Go show me exactly where I specifically said Graham should apologize. What I said was, graham should have admitted his sources were wrong. That is not me asking to admit blame. It is not his fault his sources were wrong. He should put the blame on where the info came from, the sources. But rather than admitting his sources made a mistake, he stood by them. I was never ever in this thread asking for TG to apologize. You are making that up. I never said he should twist the words of his source. Again, another thing you are making up. Go find where I said TG should twist, change words of his source. you won't find it, because it doesn't exist it is something you made up, because I did not say those things
  17. one other point I wanted to add to this, this is actually a common thing. Usually with interviews . but the reporter will insert "sic" when there is something that is odd, thinks it might be wrong, or mean something else. I take it you must get most of your reading done on the funny pages of the news
  18. or.... the reporter could just ask the source for clarification. like "wow! Whaley really went Rogue?! does that mean he didn't tell the pegulas? didn't tell rex? went behind the backs of the entire organization?!" I mean, I am not a reporter or anything, but if a source dropped a bombshell on me, or gave me something that didn't make sense, then I totally would ask a source for clarification. Which Tim obviously did because he came back and said, oh by the way, Terry Pegula knew about fred jackson's release
  19. I am not saying he should re-interpret anything. This is another case of you not reading. If you ever read any news pieces where something was falsely reported, due to errors/bad sources, they issue a retraction. plain and simple. no apologizing, no re-interpreting anything. You really pull these things out of thin air when you quote me well, obviously amphibious, because sports writing is for entertainment purposes only. Like an extension of the funny pages. All laughs with nothing being accurate
  20. It seems odd to me. But it would be pretty low for TG to completely make it up, or miss tweet it and blame it on sources. Because he said several times that it wasn't his word, it was the word of his sources. If this didn't catch on in the national media, it would have been forgotten by now. I know we all hate ESPN/ NFL network for obvious reasons, but I still watch them. It was pretty dishearting hearing them talk about this "rogue" story and talking in detail about how the bills are dysfunctional because there is no communication between the HC and GM. I mean, what a buzz kill over what has been a pretty exciting off season. Actually, yes, this probably would have been better. And would have been an easier pill for him to swallow too
  21. Well, he did eventually come out and Admit that Pegula knew ahead of time about fred getting released. Not sure if about ryan and roman though.
  22. Yes, admit that his sources used a bad choice of words. it was not his word, so he shouldn't apologize for that. He should have just admitted his sources used poor wording. In my opinion, that is what a good journalist would do. Whether they are reporting about a Niki Minaj concert, the stock market, or a little league baseball team, I have respect for journalists that do their job the right way. If their sources make something up or report wrong, then there is a retraction by respectable journalists. You think it doesn't matter because football is an entertainment topic so it doesn't matter since it isn't a serious issue, and that is fine. I personally like my journalism , sports or otherwise, to be a higher standard then what was displayed. There are plenty of journalists I have stopped following because of that. There are too many good journalists out there for me to follow someone that isn't meeting those standards.
  23. One of the things people were talking about was that a lot of the leaks did start when he returned back to camp. Though being an assistant oline coach I am not sure how much he gets told. I am sure he got a lot more when he was an OC
  24. Coller lying or not lying about playing college basketball is something completly funny. It is hilarious that it even came up in discussion. And the more that came out on it, the more it looked like Coller did play college basketball (and received college credit for it). So of all the things TG could pick to discredit a peer, he picks .... that. And I never said I was offended or Graham should apologize. Bu thank you again for not reading my posts....
  25. My thinking is that there is someone(s) that are not whaley fans and they exaggerated the situation to make Whaley look bad in public. There really seems to be a lot of info about the bills getting leaked lately. I think the organization is becoming more aware of it, and I am sure they are going to tighten the communication at the very top Someone on twitter jokes that Kromer was one of the leaks just because of his reputation haha.
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