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Everything posted by Moose

  1. Today is the 13th, a very "unLUCKy" day for the Horseshoes: Bills 13 Colts 0
  2. It depends on how much Kraft pays the refs.
  3. I really wish someone would compile a video showing the flagrant holding and illegal blocking non-calls and the ridiculously favorable calls the Kraft/Belichick/Brady Patriots have had the luxury of receiving, to add to the Patriots' history of stretching and flaunting the rules. Oh, and let's not forget their cushy schedules over the years when conference opponents had to play them after a bye or long week. IT. ALL. ADDS. UP!!!
  4. The League will make the Patriots change their name... to the "CHEETAHS!" (I think that's how you pronounce 'cheaters" with a Boston accent, isn't it?)
  5. Given the whole unlikely scenario of that play call with the Lombardi nearly in the Seahawks' grasp, it almost gives some credence to Kraft, Belichick and Brady having made a pact with the devil to win X number of Super Bowls. I'll have to look at the celebration photos to see if Satan is visible in any of them. ;-)
  6. I've had a CT license for several years and applied for one in Chemung County because I still have a house in Elmira. It took a lot of paperwork, but I got my NYS CC last summer! (Range memberships are a lot less expensive there than in CT!)
  7. If I could write the script, the Patriots will play the AFC Championship game in Buffalo next year and it will end with a decisive Bills victory with Brady sitting on the bench with a towel over his head and not knowing for sure where the heck he is (like Joe Montana in the 93 game with KC). Bon Jovi is seen weeping uncontrollably on Bob Kraft's shoulder. Belichick snaps and assaults a reporter after the game and is arrested. The following day, after he somewhat recovers from his concussion, Brady announces his retirement.
  8. Gronk and Alice the Goon - Separated at birth? http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-03zQJ5UEA5Y/TaWxp65wm0I/AAAAAAAAABg/yrV--dL5FWc/s1600/alice_the_goon_2.jpg
  9. I am SO glad the Bills have never lost a Super Bowl in such moronic fashion. As tough as "wide right" is to remember, it beats having to live with something so boneheaded as THAT!
  10. I don't have a good feeling about this game, so I think the Patsies are going to win without much of a challenge. Hope I'm wrong...
  11. What former Patriot that Belicheat lets go has been worth a damn?
  12. Gronk chosen for steroid testing and fails ---> suspended from playing in Super Bowl ---> Brady throws hissy fit ---> Belichick's head explodes ---> Patriots team leaves field in protest ---> Pete Carroll screams "GO FOR TWO!"
  13. Alternate headline: Tom Brady Feeling Deflated
  14. I work at a middle school in Connecticut - all I SEE are Patriette Jerseys, only because the Jets and Giant fans have put them away for the season!
  15. I haven't piped in about Rex Ryan yet because I have mixed feelings about the hire. He certainly wasn't my favorite HC candidate, I must admit. Ultimately, I believe it's about the total chemistry of a team that matters most, and some coaches, front offices and player personnel just don't quite fit together well. Also, people change and grow from past experiences and that goes into the mix. If you think back when Marv Levy was the head coach, they called preseason "Club Marv" - and it worked for that team at that time. Yet, I don't think that philosophy would work, let's say, with today's Patriots team, where the players are cogs in the Belichick machine. The reality is that no one knows how this will end up, but we can hope that the match is better with second-time Rex and today's Buffalo Bills under Pegula's reign.
  16. It doesn't matter who you will be rooting for - it's a done deal. This will be the Patriots' Super Bowl win number 4, according to Kraft, Belichick and Brady's 13-year pact with the devil. Watch for some very "interesting" things to happen on game day to ensure the Patsy win.
  17. THIS is the very first Bills game I ever attended, so I learned very early on never to leave until the clock goes to zero! Roland Hooks, Baby!!!
  18. If Pete "Just Give it to Them" Carroll were not the Seahawks coach, I would like them more than I do... but I will still root for them against the Patriots. Having said that, the Patriots will win in a blowout, with Prima Donna Brady, Bill Belicheat and Smarmy Kraft on the 50-yardline reveling in the Satanic glow of their limelight.
  19. My feelings exactly! All white looks like a tampon, which is even worse with the red helmet! This designer's ideas aren't too bad, although I don't like the wide shoulder stripe or the italic numbers on the jersey. The Patriots' "Flying Elvis" logo is STILL atrocious and I don't think it was much of an improvement over their old "Pat" guy. Also, the Patriots started winning because Brady became their quarterback, not because of a uniform redesign.
  20. I work in Greenwich, CT with mostly Giants, Jets and Pats fans. Some of the Jets fans hated Ryan and only laugh about the Bills' hire; others are nervous that he was not the Jets' biggest problem and will do well in Buffalo. The most arrogant ones are Giants and Pats fansand they mostly snicker. (Sigh) I really need to move back to Elmira...
  21. It's not one of the worst in the NFL, but the Drew Bledsoe trade really bombed for the Bills.
  22. Actually, the Bills haven't made the playoffs since I moved from Elmira to Connecticut. I still have my house in Elmira and plan to move back when I retire... but I have five to seven more years before I can do that. (Unless I win the lottery!)
  23. Why do Gronkowski's pants keep falling down? I've seen this with him in other games, too. Maybe he's an exhibitionist...
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