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Everything posted by Moose

  1. This was the first Bills game I ever attended! I still have the sports pages from the following day. A lot of people had left the stadium well before the Hail Mary... I hope the Bills can start beating that team again sometime soon!
  2. I do not intend to watch and, even if I did, I am banned from watching any Patriettes game on the main TV in the living room because a stream of obscenities usually ensues. Even the commercials have been obtuse, so that's no draw either. (I am, however, a sucker for commercials with dogs in them. Woof!)
  3. That's not what my BS meter says.
  4. Did he say anything in the interview about being Bob Kraft's buddy? Whether in Buffalo or in Toronto, the Bills would have been Bob Kraft's team's permanent practice squad if Bon Jovi ran the show.
  5. Every time I root AGAINST the Patsies they win, so I am going to be contrarian and start rooting FOR them! Now, any suggestions as to how to put my heart into that? Is there anything or anyone at all that's good with that organization??? Thanks in advance for suggestions.
  6. When I was very young I liked the Bengals only because I liked tigers. I didn't know a thing about football but had a poster of Ken Anderson in the old Bengals uniform hanging in my room. In high school while playing in the marching band I decided to learn about football as long as I had to freeze by butt off at the games... and that's when I picked the closest pro team to Elmira: the Buffalo Bills! I still liked the Bengals and also started following the Browns a bit because my uncle and several of my friends adopted them after Ernie Davis was on their team (although he never actually played). Teams I do not like, in order of intensity (most to least): *Patriettes Cowboys Dolphins Giants Jets Steelers I am indifferent to all other teams, unless they happen to have a player or coach I particularly like or dislike. Mostly I just pull for anyone playing the *Patriettes.
  7. If I recall, Patsy fans sent thank-you letters to Mo Lewis when he ended Drew Bledsoe's position as starter for the Patsies, clearing the way for Tom Terrific and all that ensued.
  8. I had to stop watching after the first half because I used up my allotment of swear words for the day. It’s actually more fun hanging out here and psychoanalyzing the pitiful Patsy fans who post on these threads! ?
  9. Yeh, and i’d Even send a donation to the charity of the guy who does it! ?
  10. Gillette time clock! Heh!
  11. This game was over when the refs switched the false start call on Pats to the neutral zone infraction on Titans.
  12. I wouldn’t be surprised if Al Riveron is in contact with the refs all game long, telling them what to call.
  13. Everything is going according to the script.
  14. Have you EVER seen that kind of call switched?
  15. They have to hurt Brady now
  16. Trying. I’ve read your other posts. BTW, I have to live and work around your fellow insufferable cheater Patriettes fans. Real jerks all. Keep your sentiments to yourself, Bucko. My only hope for your satanic team is that the Steelers end Brady’s career in a couple of weeks.
  17. Is "PAT" short for patronizing? I cannot wait to get out of this overpriced, overrated, overcrowded hellhole called "New England" with its smug populace.
  18. All in all, I actually think the refs called a decent game. They missed some things, but were not ticky-tack. Honestly, I often thought we had illegal motion - but they never called it. The Bills got to the playoffs, played their best... and lost. I would have liked to have another shot at the Patriettes, but it ultimately doesn't matter because the NFL will make SURE that it comes down to Steelers/Patriettes. Does anyone doubt that?
  19. I only want to be positive right now - so let's BILLieve that this is a stepping stone! Go Bills!!!
  20. Great team-building by McDermott. I thought Rex Ryan was very gracious in saying what a great job he has done with the team.
  21. Awesome! Hey, is that Andy Dalton???
  22. Up until 2015, Alex Smith was 7-0 against AFC East teams. I have mixed feelings about the prospect of having him come to Buffalo but, if he does, they should absolutely, positively FORBID him from wearing #11!!!
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