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Everything posted by Moose

  1. Sort of on-topic: John Sullivan, the Rams center, went to the middle school where I work. He stops by every now and then to say hello... a real nice, down-to-earth guy. It's a bit of a long-shot, but I hope he gets a Super Bowl ring to show us the next time he's in town.
  2. Best wishes to Belichick, Brady and Kraft on the final extension of their contract with the Devil. When it comes due, however, there's going to be Hell to pay, so I hope it was worth it for y'all!
  3. I moved to "New England" [*spit] in 1998, specifically to SW Connecticut - right in the heart of Jersey Jets, Jersey Giants and NE Patriots fandom. Prior to moving my feelings about the Patriots were pretty neutral... and Drew Bledsoe always seemed very beatable. Yet eerily coinciding with my move here, the Bills started their descent into heartbreaking mediocrity and the Patriots began their Dynastic ascent. First there was the "Just Give it to Them" Game! Then came other head-scratching, ref-assisted losses to New England, like the one where a Patriot player's helmet was supposedly out of bounds, negating a critical fumble. Finally, as if Destiny's Hand intervened, Mo Lewis took out the bumbling statue Drew Bledsoe and opened the path for Tommy Terrific! Meanwhile, after the Music City Miracle, the Bills quickly became a laughing stock. Patsie fans seemingly came out of the woodwork and became increasingly obnoxious, making even "Wide-Right" Giants fans seem tame by comparison. So, yes, I DO hate the Patriots! It is a deserved and well-cultivated hatred! Thankfully my time left in "New England" [*triple spit] is coming to an end: I will be retiring and moving back HOME to Elmira in 2020! By that time I expect the tide to turn back in the Bills' favor and the Patsies to sink back into blissful nothingness.
  4. I just switched to Cat TV for my cats. Can’t watch anymore.
  5. I have a BAD feeling that the Pats are going to beat KC going away: 31-17. I have the same BAD feeling that the Saints will beat the RAMS in a closer one: 27-21. This is all because I'd much rather see a KC-Rams Super Bowl, but it isn't going to happen.
  6. A year ago I would have wanted Brady to have an injury, but I have since softened on that. I'd love to see KC pummel him around a great deal tomorrow and beat the Pats convincingly, but without any real injuries in the process. The tide will turn eventually and their dynasty will fall, but other teams have to earn the top spot by wresting it away from them. It seems that the more I despise the Patriots, the better they do... so I just have to let it go.
  7. Darryl Talley. While he may not have been as talented as other defensive players on the team, he always seemed to give 100% effort all game long, no matter what the score.
  8. The only way to beat the Patsies is the 3Hs directed at Brady: Hit him, Hurry him and Hurt him! If you don't do that, you lose.
  9. Out-cheated, too: Bellicheat having his players fake injuries to slow the no-huddle. I would want the Bills to beat the Jersey Giants in some heart-breaking fashion that causes their annoying fans to forever abandon the "Wide Right" jab.
  10. Yep - "Classy" Jersey Giants fans just can't resist the Wide Right jab. I enjoy reminding them that there is only ONE NFL team in New York State.
  11. I am STILL trying to find decent wings in CT! Typically, the ones around here are rubbery - not crispy - and SMALL, more the size of pigeon wings!
  12. In SW Connecticut, I am smack in the middle of Jersey Giants and Jets and NE Cheetahs. I hate them all and can't wait to get out of here!
  13. What about the old “running the ball and stopping the run” philosophy as the winning formula?
  14. I was driving back home to Elmira from a friend's birthday party in Toronto. Listening to the Bills games on the radio while driving made me nervous back then, so I kept the radio off the entire trip and had absolutely no idea of the score at any point in the game. I had to stop for gas and a pitstop in Lewiston. When I went in to pay, a crowd was huddled around a small ceiling-mounted TV above the cashier - it was the final kick that won the game for the Bills! While I watched, I was thrilled that the Bills won but didn't know about the historic comeback at that point. One of the customers told me how far behind the Bills had been at one point, but I honestly didn't have an appreciation for it until later.
  15. Thank you so much for sharing this! As an amateur cartoonist myself, I love reading about other cartoonists - especially the old style crosshatchers. Hopefully you still have some of your father's old pen nibs, holders, and ink bottles. Are you also an artist, Guffalo?
  16. Joe Montana was (is) a decent, likable guy... a regular Joe, so to speak. Brady is not, and I think he enjoys being despised for the arrogant jerk that he is. On that last day of Montana’s career in Buffalo he looked like he had a concussion. I would enjoy seeing Brady’s career end in Buffalo, too, with him sitting on the bench not knowing where - or even WHO he is! Is that mean?
  17. That’s what Patriette fans do; it’s just their nature. I am surrounded by these a$$holes in CT. Jerks gotta jerk!
  18. Edelman is such a cocky little jerk, as well as a typical Patsy dirty player.
  19. Hopefully Matt Barkley is to Josh Allen as Frank Reich was to Jim Kelly. We shall see. Congrats to Mr. Barkley. Just watching that dismantling of the Jets made the season for me, as I am surrounded by Jets, Giants and Patsy fans!
  20. All the "expert" picks resemble their Week 3 picks with the Vikings (at home) against the Bills. May be a little bit of history repeating...
  21. Ultimately, the only way to turn the lopsided officiating around is to coach the players to go full "Eddie Haskel" and be as profoundly polite as possible to every ref, every game.
  22. I never much cared for having Bledsoe come to Buffalo. As a QB for the Patriettes, he never scared me and always seemed beatable (unlike Mr. Bundchen). Anyway, someone gave me a bobblehead of Bledsoe in a Bills jersey. I kept it until, with little time left during a meaningful game, he threw a pass OUT OF BOUNDS on forth down! That's when I ran over that stupid bobblehead multiple times and tossed it in the trash with my dog's poop bags. BTW, I honestly wish the Bills organization would prohibit any player from wearing #11 - ever!
  23. I love reading those posts, especially the ones about the Patriettes being "hosed" by the refs! Oh, the irony!!! The REAL reason they lost is that all those contracts with Satan have finally come due. It's going to be fun to watch from this point on!
  24. I haven't had a chance to look at the 20-year birthday thread yet, but will go through the whole thing when I get home from work. On a related note, do you remember Gregg D'Ville (or something close to that spelling)? He was from the old HyperBills days and definitely made the transition to TBD... but he seems to have vanished in recent years. Also, I've been trying to find Chris White from Wisconsin, too. Hopefully they're both alive and well and just too busy to post...
  25. Hello, Jay - how are you doing? I've only recently taken the time to drop by TBD. It's good to be back, but I'm dismayed that there are so many Patsie fans that hang out here. What is their problem? It's as if they need to come here and engage in order to convince themselves that their team is as wonderful as they like to think it is.
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