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Everything posted by Moose

  1. I really enjoyed this one, even though it wasn't a particularly good game. For the life of me, I don't know why more teams don't use a hulking, powerful defensive player in short yardage situations like the Bears used the Fridge. On fourth and one, I'd be comfortable letting big Sam Adams bull his way into the line! Anyway, the Bears' 1985 season was fun to watch. I always root for blue collar teams that play outside in frigid weather.
  2. >>> Is Rob Johnson still in the league? <<< One could make a case that he never really was.
  3. I've grown philosophical about it over the years and look at it this way: It takes something special to be a true Bills fan, and most rank and file NFL fans aren't up for the task. We will win a Super Bowl someday - and it will be the sweetest victory in all of sports, and only true Bills fans will be able to savor it!!! That said, I simply do not subject myself to watching the end of Super Bowl XXV. What's the point?
  4. iDog The cottage industry that has sprung up around the success of Apple's iPod is amazing in itself. Here's a cool little gizmo that is totally unnecessary but totally cool: I want one - and I don't even have an iPod yet!
  5. Yes, indeed! I have watched everything there is to watch in the extended versions of the first two and it is truly astounding, as you say! I would have LOVED just being a part of the design crew or something, helping to create even the most minute implement of one of the cultures of Middle Earth. The enormity of creativity and effort that went into those movies is nothing short of spectacular, from the work of the swordsmiths to the script writers (what to leave in, what to leave out) to the dedication of even the most extraneous extras! As a Christmas present I got the extended (gift) version of The Return of the King and I'm looking forward to watching every last disc in its entirety. My hope is that there's even a FULL TRILOGY extended gift version in the works for Christmas 2005! (Although it's hard to imagine that there are any new tidbits to add...)
  6. To me, the collective LOTR trilogy is the best movie I've ever seen. After three years, I was sincerely bummed that there wouldn't be another at the theaters this past holiday season. I have the regular and extended gift versions of all three movies - and I plan to watch the extendeds all in succession when I have a few days off. (Last fall I watched the extended versions of the first two the day before I went to see The Return of the King.) It's funny - I thought that each movie was better than the one preceding it, yet they are all equally my favorite. That cliche about the whole being greater than the sum of its part seems to fit here. I had read the Hobbit back in college, but never read much of the LOTR books. My goal is to read them this year.
  7. Where I used to work, we had strict guidelines that we never gave references without the written permission of the employee. Also, phone references were verboten; we only gave them in writing and kept a copy on file. I'm not sure if this practice was required by law, or if it was just the organization covering their butts. Either way, it seemed to be a good practice and fair to everyone involved. Don't know how this info helps you, though.
  8. Same here. I respect them, but I still hate them. Hmmm, even though it doesn't seem contradictory to respect yet hate someone, I don't think you can like someone and not respect them at the same time.
  9. Glad to help out. BTW, I give at least several flying figs what you think!
  10. He's overrated and overpaid, IMO. The Patsies certainly haven't missed him much.
  11. You could get a Mac as your next computer! Sorry, I haven't done that in a long time and I just couldn't resist. Hope you get it figured out. Listen to Fez; he knows what he's talking about.
  12. The Patriots are indeed a great football team, but that doesn't mean I can't despise them. As long as they remain the darlings of the zebras, as long as Bills fans have to endure the mediocre play of their worthless, over-paid refuse players, and as long as their troll fans infest this BILLS board like dirty little cockroaches, I will continue to hate them.
  13. If I didn't know better, I'd think this was a Patsy board!
  14. No point in watching it either.
  15. That is indeed a terrible thing, but your analogy is lacking.
  16. Whatever helps you sleep at night, Brit. Sounds like you have the dhimmi lingo down pat to keep your throat intact. Just ask Theo Van Gogh and the Coptic Christian family from New Jersey.
  17. Did the mauling by the pit bull happen before you got her? How old was she at the time? At any rate, it was undoubtedly a very traumatic experience and your dog seems to feel extremely threatened in certain types of encounters with other dogs. My best advice is to consult a knowledgeable dog trainer who specializes in dog aggression. Your dog needs to be slowly and patiently desensitized to other dogs' perceived aggression toward her. Keep in mind that it may well be a long process. There is a couple down the street from us who adopted a rescue dog that had been mistreated by people (men, mostly) and it had a real aggression problem with men it encountered during leashed walks. They worked with a dog trainer and, over about a year's time, the problem was pretty much resolved. Every dog and situation will vary, though. Hope this helps.
  18. She's adorable, Mike! (Your son's a cutey, too!) When she's old enough to walk, teach her to kick a football. If she can learn to kick field goals at a young age, she might just be the first female kicker in the NFL. It wouldn't hurt for college scholarships either.
  19. All I know is that it took place in western Iran. It's a story from November of last year, and I did watch some of the video until it got to the actual punishment phase and I couldn't watch anymore. Also, my memory did not serve me well and my facts were not straight - the boy was whipped to death, not stoned. (Don't know which is worse.) The video link I had bookmarked is now dead, but I will look for another. The point is that this would be like Catholics killing a boy for eating meat on Friday during Lent or something similar. Whether the punishment was decreed by the central government or by some rogue clerics taking things into their own hands, it sheds some light into the mindset of islam.
  20. No, the law of the land in other muslim countries is very civil indeed. Like in Iran, where recently they stoned to death a 14-year-old boy for eating before sunset during Ramadan. (I'll post for you the horrifically gruesome video to watch if you like.) Hope you're taking dhimmi lessons so you know how to behave when Europe becomes Eurabia in the next couple of decades, Brit.
  21. So you're into the philosophy of Moral Equivalence. Good for you. Read up on the quaint little practice of "honor killing" (there was even one in Rochester last year!) and see if you still believe that. BTW one of the myriad of those "capital crimes" according to their laws of the land, as you call them, is simply leaving islam. Oh, and adultery.
  22. I am proud of the work that I do.
  23. 46 Frequently, I totally forget how old I am and have to do the math.
  24. Oh - sorry, Joe. I certainly didn't mean to overstep my bounds. For whom are you rooting this weekend? If you're rooting for Pittsburgh and I'm rooting for the Patriots, we'll find out which of us is the more powerful jinx!
  25. Working with developmentally disabled adults (9 years) Career Counselor (9 years) Mac Technician (6 years and counting) Hmmm... looks like I have about three more years in my current career before I move on to the next thing. I'm hoping it will be "Multi-Millionaire" or something similar.
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