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Everything posted by Moose

  1. Since he became Bill Belichick, SUPER GENIUS, the refs are afraid to throw flags against the almighty genius-coached team. If our OL could get away with HALF the holding - no, molestation - the Pats OL gets away with, they'd improve immensely!
  2. True... but if he hadn't gotten hurt to make way for Brady, he wouldn't have gotten a ring. How many has he gotten since?
  3. Belichick only became a genius after he dumped Bledsoe.
  4. Uh oh... does that mean he's a goner? BTW, your post lead me to add the following: Denethor - Tom Donahoe Faramir - Tom Modrak
  5. What a great thread - it showcases the brilliant and/or very sick minds of the everyday Bills fan!
  6. Marv Levy - Gandalf the Gray, and White Ralph Wilson - King Theoden (or perhaps Treebeard) J.P. Losman - Frodo Baggins Kelly Holcomb - Bilbo Baggins Willis McGahee - Samwise Gamgee Mike Mularkey - Wormtongue Bill Belichick - Saruman Patriots - The Uruk-hai Miami Dolphins - Orcs Jets - Trolls Referees - The Black Riders Up for Grabs: Aragorn - Legolas - Gimli - Gollum - Others? Have at it!
  7. As long as it wasn't Pottsylvania University (P.U.)
  8. OC - Boris Badenov DC - Natasha Fatale Wossamotta U!
  9. Marv also added that he'd like to see the character issue even spread to the Bills fans, elevating them to something special in the league. Interesting indeed. I think he's on to something there... are we on board with it?
  10. "Hurray for Marv, Hurray at last... Hurray for Marv, He's a horse's ____ !" Great press conference, Marv! I hope you get that elusive Super Bowl ring very, very soon!
  11. Did it ever occur to you that you are just as prejudiced? Nothing like lumping a whole state into a "white supremacy" basket.
  12. I mentioned this rumor two weeks ago. Where have you guys been?
  13. I agree. Hope you'll pardon my LOTRs reference, but it's like Marv left as Gandalf the Gray and will return as a wiser, more powerful Gandalf the White. There... and back again.
  14. Ralph gave MM the equivalent of the kind of kiss on the cheek that Corleone gave Fredo. Mularkey's a goner.
  15. Bye now - be sure to write! On second thought, save the postage.
  16. Yep, I caught that, too. The reason Ralph's "not negotiating" with Marv is that the deal's already been struck.
  17. One of my favorite quotes from Marv was one he directed to Bills fans: "We'll play with the heart of a lion. You supply the roar!"
  18. My dog could do a better job of play calling!
  19. [To Mr. Wilson] Can we have our old Buffalo Bills back now please? You know... the ones that don't shiver in 20 degree weather? Oh, and can we reinstate their old uniforms, too, so we can make a huge bonfire with the a$$clown ones?
  20. Am I missing something here? If Donahoe is gone, wouldn't it be the job of the new GM to decide about the HC position?
  21. "Save your postage." -Tom Donahoe
  22. Whatever team hires Greggo can HAVE him! Wade Phillips has also had several chances as a head coach. Some guys just don't have what it takes to be a head coach and are better in their coordinator positions. (I think this is the called the Peter Pan Principle...) Gregg is one of them, IMO.
  23. 31-13 (Dyslexics-R-Us Special) Jets win.
  24. No friggin' way!!! He's as clueless as they come! Have you ever watched his post-game interviews? Anyway, rumor has it that he's headed to KC whenever Vermiel retires... which may be soon.
  25. Wyche would be a good choice as HC, I think. At least he has NFL head coaching experience... and he was the last one to spark something in the Bengals prior to their current success. With this scenario, there would be some consistency and the team wouldn't be completely starting from scratch again. Of course, all this will depend upon who the GM is going to be, eh?
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