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Everything posted by Moose

  2. It's a little bit of a short week. Bobby Kraft better get the checks to the refs in time!
  3. I LOVE this team!!! This song was on the radio on my way to work this morning, where I can take some solace amongst all the Patsie, Jets and Giants fans surrounding me:
  4. He recently bought a mansion in nearby Greenwich, CT - which is where a lot of wealthy people who work in NYC make their residence. I believe he is positioning himself to retire and have his TB12 headquarters in New York. He may also do some broadcasting from there. Of course, Giselle does a lot of modeling work in NYC, too. Yes, I think Tommy is done after this year in the NFL, especially if the Patsies do not make or win the Super Bowl. TB12's stock is not going to do well if Brady continues playing while looking washed up. I just hope Trevor Lawrence doesn't end up in the AFC East in three years!
  5. I watched the whole thing yesterday and it was wonderful. Unless I missed it, however, Marv Levy was not interviewed. I just hope everything is okay with him.
  6. I think we should never use the term ”Patriotsy“ again. Billsy has a special meaning and it’s an exclusive term for Bills fans... we all know what it means. Satan’s Team cheats and gets special treatment, so it does not deserve mention.
  7. Can you give even one example of that in the last 22 years?
  8. You could also say they were calling it from a Patsy perspective, as usual. When the Bills lose, it benefits the Patriots. From that viewpoint it will be interesting to see if the officiating mysteriously turns in the Bills’ favor when they play the Ravens, especially if there’s no way Buffalo can realistically win the AFC East.
  9. Thanks! It’s wonderful to set aside a day of gratitude for the important things in life: family, friends, health and love. All the rest (like our beloved Bills team) is gravy. Mmmm.... gravy!
  10. Don't they have to wait until Marcia and Bilicheat let them know when THEY want the game to be held?
  11. Right you are - good eyes! That’s the year I became a Bills fan, and it was a good year for the team. Maybe it’s time to go back to that uniform.
  12. This! The white jerseys are fine, but why not have the blue pants paired with them? All the monochromatic combinations stink, especially the red! Actually, it looks like the Bills have never used white jerseys and blue pants with the standing Buffalo. Maybe it’s time to start!
  13. Ugh - Drew Bledsoe! When it was announced that he was traded to Buffalo I was pretty upset because he never worried me as an opposing quarterback. He was slow of foot and slow of mind. A friend of mine gave me a Drew Bledsoe bobblehead (wearing the stupid "yoke" uniform with dreaded #11) , thinking I would like it. I didn't, but I kept it on my desk until a crucial game when Bledsoe threw the ball out of bounds on a last-ditch fourth quarter forth down to try and win the game! I think he said after the game that he had lost track of the down. Moron! I took that stupid bobblehead outside and ran over it several times in my driveway. The Bills' Drew Bledsoe Experiment was a waste of time, money and energy. It only benefitted New England and I'm sure Bill Belichick would often chuckle to himself that he pulled one over on us.
  14. I remember watching that game, which started out as a laugher and then became a nail-biter. (It looked like Bruce Smith might have been Offside on that last play, too.)
  15. I'm not a fan of ANY uni-color, be they all red, all white or all blue. That said, I hope that we never, ever, ever, ever, ever, EVER see the "yoke" uniforms!!!
  16. "We left some points on the field today."
  17. Yes, time to Deep Six #11...
  18. The RAMS helmets are one of the best helmet designs in the NFL!
  19. On a somewhat related topic: why do you think it is that in the past MANY years, the Patsies play their second game against Buffalo at home in Foxboro, and it's usually quite late in the season? (I think 2016 was the only recent exception.) There must be an advantage to NE having the second game at home, otherwise the scheduling wouldn't be so lopsided that way. Thoughts?
  20. Don’t you have anything better to do? Go away...
  21. Yes, I saw that, too! Were we already out of challenges at that point? Refs sucked big time!
  22. Refs sucked, too, as usual. They had their Tom Brady underwear on again.
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