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Everything posted by Moose

  1. I believe you - and all the others who were actually there and saw the plane. The whole conspiracy theory is pure bu11sh*t.
  2. Shhh... We're not supposed to recognize them with their new uniforms.
  3. Yep, I agree totally. We need a guy like good ol' Roosevelt Leaks, who always seemed to be able to bull forward for whatever short yards were needed.
  4. I'll bake you cookies every week, Thailog!
  5. I've wondered the same thing and have concluded that the only reason they don't is their bias might be too obvious. Still, I have no doubt whatsoever that they all wear Tom Brady underwear!
  6. DIE, PATRIOTS, DIE!!!!! DIE!!! DIE!!! DIE!!! Until the refs stop giving the Patriettes every break possible (No roughing the kicker - twice? No holding calls when it was rampant and blatant? Whistling plays dead for phantom steps out of bounds?) , and stop calling every non-existent or ticky-tack penalty against the Bills, the Bills are going to have to play (and coach) a near-perfect game. Today, they didn't. ... but I'm still proud of them and hopeful for the rest of the season that they will improve week by week.
  7. I am completely in favor of testing on humans. Briefly getting back to your question, many of those experiments have been repeated several times, with little alterations here and there. A lot of the experiments that attempt to replicate human "stress" in primates or other mammals use electric shock or some other ghoulish method... but, honestly, how relevant or useful is that when comparing it to how a human reacts to the stress of such things as not being able to pay the bills, traffic jams, or finding out your kid got arrested for running a meth lab? BTW, safe travels to Buffalo!
  8. Let's see... HE said: If you are against animal testing, then you and your family should never be able to reap any benefits thereof forever and ever. I said: If you support animal testing, then live with the consequences, bad included, thereof.
  9. And if you are a proponent of animal testing, then you should relinquish all legal recourse if an experiment that deemed a drug or treatment "safe" proves to be harmful to humans. Fair is fair, eh? BTW, I think we should incrementally replace all animal testing with al-Qaeda testing. We could eventually eliminate one problem while solving a myriad of others in the process! (I would particularly enjoy seeing the various "head trauma" experiments carried out on osama and his spawn.)
  10. Sorry for the delay - I've been mega-busy at work lately. Anyway, the majority of the more questionable experiments are performed in universities. (BTW, some companies help fund their own research by taking advantage of government grants and conducting the research through universities. When the results prove marketable, American taxpayers are the victims of double-dipping because they helped fund the research and will pay premium prices for the resulting drug or treatment.) Here are some examples of needless/questionable experiments: Also, some of the results of some animal research can be harmful when applied to humans: Link
  11. To suggest that all animal experimentation is beneficial to mankind is as simplistic as saying that none of it is. The reality is that there is pervasive abuse (which is not surprising given the multiple millions of dollars involved). Many experiments on animals are totally useless (repetitive, redundant or tell us what we already know) and outrageously expensive. Some experimentation actually prevents medical and scientific advancement because it focuses on one ( some say "outdated") model of research. While some animal rights activists are indeed "loonies" it does not alter the fact that there are widespread abuses and that there are sound scientific arguments against animal experimentation as it relates to advances in human medicine.
  12. Yes, you did - but there's no need to apologize at all. We're cool, buddy!
  13. I agree with you 100%!!! Better yet, American-style, we can have them drawn and quartered by four horses roped to each of their limbs - and hold a contest to pick the one who yells "giddyap!"
  14. Whoa, take it easy - don't be so defensive there, cromagnum! I didn't say or suggest that YOU believe in the conspiracy theory that BusHitler was behind 9/11! It's a commonly held moonbat belief, but I never accused YOU of holding it. Relax. Take a nerve pill.
  15. But, but... I thought 9/11 was perpetrated by the evil BusHitler regime to justify an attack on Iraq and the subsequent "war on terror"???? I'm so confused!
  16. Capture him and make him scream and cry like a little girl. Publish the video throughout the Middle East. Then kill the fugger as slowly and brutally as possible - just like his little jihadis do to their victims. Next, one by one, capture and do the same thing to every jihadi leader, imam, mullah and "teacher". Once the leadership starts being "martyred" instead of the brain-dead foot soldiers they recruit, you will see an end to "jihad".
  17. Here's another viewpoint. The thing about animal research is that some of it is redundant, most of it is pointless and unnecessary, and ALL OF IT means BIG BUCKS for universities. Abuses are inevitable. In the late 1980s, there was an "research" experiment at a SUNY university that sought to determine if thirst was primarily psychological or physiological in origin. The experiment used several Labrador Retrievers, in which the experimental group was deprived of water and the control group was not given water to drink, but was hydrated through a tube. I can't recall the results of the study, but at the end of the experiment, all the dogs were killed so their brains could be compared. Widespread negative publicity halted all further research. While the results of such experimentation improve the lives of NO ONE, the universities make a lot of money, animals suffer and die needlessly - and taxpayers, once again, get hosed. My point is, simply, that it's not all cut and dry. Some "research" is a load of crap; YOU and I shouldn't have to pay for it, and animals shouldn't have to suffer for it. Here is an excellent resource for information.
  18. Current: Brian Urlacher All-Time: Tie between Walter Payton, Mike Singletary and Derrick Thomas (Hmmm... mostly Bears)
  19. The question was "If any one of the islamic nations (Iran in particular) had the military capability that the United States now has, how would they use it? Are you saying that Pakistan has the equal military capability of the United States simply because they have a nuclear weapon? Bzzzt. Try again.
  20. Enjoy some of these very enlightening videos. Here's an interesting question: If any one of the islamic nations (Iran in particular) had the military capability that the United States now has, what would they use it? So how does the West defeat radical islam? This is an interesting viewpoint.
  21. When the temperature dips below 50º, Leinart thinks it's cold. B-r-r-r-r-r! While he may turn out to be a decent QB in a warm-climate or dome-playing team, it would have been idiotic for the Bills to draft him.
  22. These cartoonists often have an interesting perspective.
  23. In an "ADD" sort of way... no.
  24. Hey, don't you start with me now!
  25. Way to miss the point, as usual. To spell it out for you: I was merely responding to your post that I "missed the point" ... and yet you completely neglected addressing your charge.
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