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Everything posted by Moose

  1. If is was a "flower", it was a corpse flower.
  2. BZZT. Thanks for playing. Try again sometime. What a PC, multi-culti, "moral equivalence" crock of pure bull sh-- that is. Whatever culture, art, literature, etc. they had was the product their INVASIONS of other cultures and claiming those things as their own. And they have NEVER, EVER, EVER been tolerant. You are the proud product of a modern, hook-line-and-sinker "this is the way we say it is" education. Talk to an 80-year-old Armenian sometime and ask about the truth of islam. Educate yourself.
  3. Like the lame defensive holding call to give the Patriettes a first down after they would have had to kick a field goal. Did I ever mention that I hate the Patsies?
  4. Congrats to Jauron for his first win with the Bills - and to Levy for his first win as GM!
  5. Will the refs come to play for the Patsies today? That's the big question.
  6. Hell, NO!!!!!
  7. There are only TWO teams in the NFL that begin the season with TWO AWAY games: Buffalo and the Saints. There are only FIVE teams in the NFL that START and END their season AWAY: Buffalo, Miami, Seattle, Atlanta and San Fran. It's just the luck of the draw, I suppose, but it stinks.
  8. Fortunately Elmira doesn't have that problem. In fact, I would never dream of drinking tap water here in Stamford, but I do all the time in Elmira. And when you can't drink tap water there's always beer!
  9. The Religion of Shooting Nuns in the Back strikes again.
  10. Heh - I know what you mean. I still own my house and a nifty piece of property in Elmira where I plan to retire. Life in CT is overpriced, overpopulated and overrated.
  11. Wow - I'm not a hockey fan... but that thing is patently hideous in every way. What in God's name were they thinking? I'm sure you guys have all seen THIS EXCELLENT WORK before. (My apologies if it's already been linked in this thread.)
  12. Precisely! They were having a rational, theological discussion and islam, true to form and right on cue, reacts violently and irrationally. How totally ignorant can they be that they cannot grasp that they are PROVING THE POINT OF THE QUOTE IN QUESTION? Again, what does not piss them off? Cartoons, books, beauty pageants, dogs, soccer tournaments, parties, nightclubs, infidels breathing... what?
  13. Hee hee. That may be so, but at least moose are far more attractive than that piece of crapola.
  14. They have to be kidding. Who would buy this iPoop? Do you think Steve Jobs and company are losing any sleep over this?
  15. True. False.
  16. Here is the true context of the entire RATIONAL, theological discussion: Read it ALL, or don't comment! P.S. What doesn't piss of muslims anyway? Cartoons, beauty contests, soccer tournaments, theological discussions? Hmmm...
  17. I forgot to add this little tidbit in my original post: On my way back to the parking lot, I noticed a prominent display on someone's lawn consisting of Lamont posters and another huge poster with this message: "Where is Lee Harvey Oswald when you need him?" Nice, eh? It's so puzzling why the fascist regime of BusHitler would allow an ordinary citizen to freely and publicly advocate the assassination of the president. Or perhaps Karl Rove's brownshirts were not yet aware of the sign.
  18. I hadn't been back to the Wall for many days, so I just read your reply to my posts on the animal research thread. My apologies, Nervous Guy, for not following up. For the sake of brevity, I am not opposed to all or even most animal research, nor has it ever been an issue that I've taken into consideration when deciding how to cast my vote.
  19. Oops - Sorry I didn't catch that, buddy.
  20. And I DO NOT want to see him wearing #11 anymore. Sheesh - someone should make him change it. For all we know, wiping #11 off the Bills backs forever may be the only thing keeping them from winning the Super Bowl! At any rate, it's worth a shot!
  21. Not really - I don't even think it'll be close. Lamont is a nutcase and won't win in a general election. Democrats have an unfortunate propensity for picking left-wing socialists in their primaries instead of someone who stands a chance with the "average American voter". Mark my words, Folks, and we will revisit this in November. BTW, for the record, I believe that Jack Kemp would make an excellent president! Sadly, I think he's pretty much finished with politics.
  22. Are the Steelers aware of this?
  23. A nice pictorial sign with a zebra, heart and Patisies logo. Caption: "Just Give It To Them!" I think that will adequately and concisely convey your point.
  24. I was at the Norwalk Oyster Festival this morning and Joe Lieberman and his wife were there. We shook hands and chatted a bit. I mentioned that I saw that Jack Kemp promised to do whatever he can to assist him in his campaign (by either supporting him or denouncing him ) and Lieberman laughed and said the two of them have been close friends for a very long time. Although I couldn't vote in the primary (if you haven't guessed, I'm not a Democrat), I told him I'd be casting my vote in his favor. Anyway, he seemed like a real down-to-earth guy. I predict he'll win easily in November against Lamont and whoever the Republican candidate might be.
  25. I have never regretted running over my Drew Bobblehead and I doubt I ever will. Rest in Pieces, Drew Bobblehead. P.S. Hi, Chris!
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