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Everything posted by Moose

  1. WOW - It was just a wild guess! I'll be sure not to call you Tony. Good night, Anthony.
  2. Yes, I'm afraid so because it's WAY past my bedtime and I'm exhausted now. (I'm up a 5 AM on school days.) It's been fun messing with you for a few posts, Boondck! Only take half of what I say seriously (you decide which half.) Good night, sweetie!
  3. Oh, how sweet! And do you have a nice Italian name like Tony or something, meazza? (I'm only half Italian, on my Papa's side, BTW.)
  4. How do you know I'm Italian?
  5. Ooo... such thinly-veiled hostility! I guess I'm just too decrepit to be able to hear the subtle inspirational and uplifting nuances of rap, or to understand how the youth of today is elevated to a higher level of enlightenment by listening to it. I can only take comfort that I know how to properly use apostrophes and can differentiate between "than" and "then". Curse my useless Elmira education!!!!
  6. I presume you mean "listening to music" - and when did I ever say it was? I think you missed the whole point. (Have you been listening to too much rap again?)
  7. First of all, it's "perch" - and I am from lowly Elmira, NY - not Greenwich, CT. So you found some rap lyrics that are somewhat "uplifting" (I certainly would not call them that, though)... and you claim it is indicative of rap as a genre. Okay... got it. My point is that kids and others who live in ghettos or whatever kind of poverty and deprivation should look to EDUCATE themselves and develop some self-respect and sense of responsibility. I firmly believe that education is the great equalizer - and too many kids just toss it aside like it's nothing, while numbing their little brains with the negative incantations of their rapper heroes. Rap is perpetual wallowing in a condition of squalor and hopelessness. After a couple of decades, it's time to rise above that. Train and exercise minds to be MORE than that. Become shapers and leaders that nurture and inspire the best in human nature, not that which is twisted, depraved and base. Children in the ghetto would be better served to learn math, chess and debating. -Three Cheers for Bill Cosby And if rap has permeated society to the degree that little girls in Greenwich, CT debate whether they are more gangsta or ghetto... maybe it's time to move on. Stick a fork in it.
  8. Yeah, rap is pure misogynistic poetry talking about niggaz and HOs and rods and all other things uplifting. It's right up there with Angelou, Yeats, Browning, Tennyson and Lord Byron. And all those fools in the ghetto are pinning their hopes and aspirations on becoming rap or basketball stars someday - instead of studying and trying to really lift themselves above the crowd. I work in a public school in affluent Greenwich, CT. Last year, I overheard two little blonde-haired sixth-graders talking about whether they were more "gansta" or "ghetto". Hopefully, this means that rap, the ART FORM (base though it may be), has finally "jumped the shark!"
  9. I can't wait until they start having "Rap is Dead" parties like they did back when Disco died. What a non-art form rap is! [A cute little "gag me" smiley would be fitting here, if we had one.]
  10. I wouldn't put money on us against Cleveland... unless the Browns were wearing their hideous orange jerseys.
  11. Most NFL quarterbacks throughout the years are not "it" guys like the ones you listed, though. The above-average, fortunate ones land on a team that allows them to have success for any number of reasons. Just curious - do you think Bledsoe has "it"?
  12. The Bills made him look like Joe Montana last week. Now he stinks. What a difference a week makes. And, on THAT note, let's rip the Patriettes a NEW ONE!!!!!!!!!
  13. I've been a fan since the early 70s when they were a joke and remained so for about 16 more years. Then we got good. Now we're a joke again, hopefully for fewer than 16 years. The reality is that the Bills have stunk for more years than they've been good. This is typical Bills football: sit back, grab a beer and enjoy! Mediocrity is just around the corner - if we're lucky!
  14. When he was in NYC for the Heisman ceremony, it was over 40º - and he thought it was really, really cold. Has he played in any cold weather yet? Just askin'...
  15. If I recall, we played that game in NE after they were coming off a bye week... just like this year! WTF - does the League always give the Patriettes a nice little rest with extra time to prepare and heal (and get their stroke victims ready) before they face a division opponent? The Bills sure get no love from the NFL, do they? Oh, and here's another grain of salt in the wound: the CARDINALS are on Monday Night Football tomorrow? Are you kidding me? Does this make the Bills the team with the longest stretch not to appear on Monday Night?
  16. If Oakland beats the Broncos tonight (not likely), there will be no more winless teams. Oh, and I will send someone a check for $10 if they can determine the Bills' record in their hideous "Yoke" jerseys, and break it down into white on white vs. blue pants, too.
  17. Okay, fair enough... perhaps that IS what I'm saying. Surely, one cannot look like mega-crap and play like a champion at the same time. My response is "How well did the Tampa Bay Bucs play in their old swishy swashbuckler uniforms?" Be sure to scoll down to the Uniforms, Colors and Logos section about "Buccaneer Bruce!" [Worthy of note: the Bucs have never worn throw-back uniforms since abandoning their old look.]
  18. I agree. A good old-fashioned arse-kickin' never hurt anybody... right?
  19. That isn't what I said, my friend. What I was trying to say is that how a team looks is an essential part of the pride, confidence and self-respect that is one important factor in building a winning tradition. A team can look great and lose badly [see the 2006 version of the New York Yankees ], but how many teams with putrid, hideous uniforms have you seen win a championship?
  20. Good graphic design always stands the test of time. Bad design becomes more and more obvious the longer it sees the light of day. (Take a really objective look at those Bears uniforms... they are purely classic.) Can I have an 'AMEN'?
  21. The game isn't on TV here, but every "highlight" they show of the Bills-Bears game makes me sick... and it isn't just because of the Bills' ineptitude today. Our team goes to a storied NFL stadium, playing against an old-school team with a classic look and throwback-style play - and we look (and play) like frickin' Ass Clowns!!! Damn it, I cannot stand those hideous yoke uniforms! What is our record in those anyway? I bet it's something like 5-40 or even worse. I believe how a team looks is an important factor in how a team plays. It has to do with pride and self-respect. These away uniforms are a joke (so are the home ones, but not as bad) and they have to go!
  22. So, according to your timeline, they went from being a "shining example of tolerance, science and culture to the rest of the world" to - a millennium later - mired back in a 7th century mentality, while the rest of the world has moved on past the middle ages. Makes perfect sense to me. Really, it does. Your superior mind is too powerful for me. I give up.
  23. Except that you were implying that islam was the MODEL of TOLERANCE. Your tune mysteriously changes now. Hmmmmm....
  24. Oh my Gawd! More multi-culti revisionist crapola. Where do you get this nonsense - from our modern middle school textbooks? Or maybe from websites like THIS that claim that muslims discovered America before Columbus and the Vikings - and invented or discovered just about everything under the sun and moon? (Ooooo - I bet you didn't know that Neil Armstrong heard the muslim call to prayer on the MOON and converted right then and there!!! NOT!!!!) Where do you get this endless supply of crap, Crap-Thrower? You, sir, will make a model dhimmi; you've got it all down pat, boy. Lots of luck with that - I'd rather be dead than muslim. (And any "good" muslim will be happy to oblige.) BTW, it's obvious you didn't read a single article on the Gates of Vienna. Your loss. Stay deluded.
  25. I, for one, am very thankful for the Crusades! Otherwise, I'd probably be wearing a friggin' BURKA and most certainly wouldn't have my beloved dog. (Mohammed and his followers hate dogs, you know. Tells you more than you need to know about their true nature.) Hey Osama and Taliban and Jihadis - shove those burkas up your fuzzy arse!
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