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Everything posted by Moose

  1. He sure can be a real beeyatch when things don't go his way!
  2. Maybe this guy would look good in a Bill's uniform!
  3. Anyhoo - the bottom line is the Patsies LOST! Die, Patriots, Die!!! DIE!!! DIE!!! DIE!!! P.S And doesn't Tommy Brady look so handsome when he's mad?
  4. The Patsy lineman intentionally tripped Harrington - that's a penalty. He didn't just "happen" to be lying down.
  5. PLUS prior to all that they were the beneficiaries of a totally bogus roughing the passer call. When playing the Patriettes, unless the defender cradles widdle Tommy on his way down whilst singing him a lullaby, it's a penalty. Pure horse dookey!
  6. The refs mistakingly gave their Patriettes an extra down - and it was only just that what should have been fourth down ended with Tommy Brady fumbling. Stinkin' refs!
  7. But the other edge of that sword is that the more you ignore/appease truly unacceptable behavior, the more likely it is to continue and to get worse. I see it every day in the middle school where I work. Students who are routinely disrespectful, and whose parents do nothing to acknowledge or correct that behavior, become increasingly disrespectful. They also get a significant amount of support from their peers to escalate.
  8. Whatever makes you think I was referring to your post?
  9. I said the mainstream media "largely ignores it", which it does. You won't see any of this on the network nightly news broadcasts. And you will read more articles about the "atrocities" of Gitmo than you will about Christian teachers in Thailand being burned alive. You're welcome. Don't let your schooling interfere with your education.
  10. "Shrill???" Please specifically point out what in my comment qualifies as "shrill"? While the overall topic is the same [that islam, The Religion of Peace™, is committing atrocity after atrocity after atrocity the world over, while the mainstream media largely ignores it], each incident is unique - and islam seems to provide an unending stream of material. Challenged? I cited a news article and let it speak for itself. What specifically is being challenged? Are you challenging whether or not the article is true? Gee, I don't know... perhaps to see if anyone is bright enough to see a CONSISTENT PATTERN here?
  11. It's great to see that the lessons of political correctness, multiculturalism and moral equivalence have taken hold of some of you. Why is it that whenever one cites a CURRENT DAY atrocity in the name of islam, apologists come out of the woodwork to dredge up the evils committed in the name of other religions (especially the most evil of them all - Christianity!) that occurred over a millennium ago? Are you all channeling chicot now? (BTW, the article is not about "conversion", it's about BEHEADING people - muslims in particular - who get lax in their devotion!) In the eyes of the Left, no matter what horrors are committed by muslims, they can be excused because the imperialist West and Christianity are always, always more intrinsically evil. How will islam ever experience any kind of reformation when its worst practices are glossed over and dismissed as a "cultural thing" and no collective pressure or condemnation from the rest of the world is exerted to shag their asses out of a 7th century mentality? Make no mistake: stoning, beheading, and burning people alive are not quaint little cultural quirks akin to the Amish use of horse and buggy, folks!
  12. Can anyone list anything that the UN has actually accomplished in the last three decades? [/crickets]
  13. No one can top Jimmah Cahter as the worst president of the last 100 years! NO ONE!
  14. No women on the beaches isn't nearly the worst of it!
  15. Great. Sounds like a fumble waiting to happen. Frankly, I think the Bills play better without McGahee.
  16. See - just like I told you! Maybe Hobson should have cradled widdle Tommy and sung him a lullabye on the way down to the ground. What mystifies me is that the announcers fell all over themselves to agree with the roughing call. Either they've been encouraged by the NFL and/or network to voice more support for the refs, or their Brady-worship is dulling their powers of simple observation.
  17. Hello... anybody here? [crickets]
  18. Then you really should take an honest look at the replay, because what you heard is not correct. On that play Brady saw the pressure coming and leapt off his feet as he threw to get it past the oncoming rush. The defender hit him in the air as he threw; he didn't "pick him up and slam him to the ground." Watch it and if you see it differently, let me know. (IMO, Brady is the beneficiary of way too many questionable roughing calls... ie. the "giving himself up" call against the Bills.) On to the topic of Belichick - for all his success and championships, he sure doesn't seem like a very happy guy to me.
  19. Need some last-minute campaign buttons?
  20. No, chicot, that is not what I said and not what I implied! The issue is all about incentive.
  21. Socialism is another word for "redistribution of wealth" where the lazy, unmotivated and undeserving can get their "fair share" from the hard-working, responsible and innovative. *spit* On that topic, here's an entertaining site!
  22. Yes, that was most definitely a "Take that, all my critics!" spike. (And, no, the ball wasn't in the end zone. It was similar to the Vinny's helmet touchdown several years ago before they brought back instant replay.)
  23. I never wanted Bledsoe on the Bills team and I'm glad he's gone. Let him get his five good games a season somewhere else. Would you rather have the Bills play against Bledsoe or with him as your quarterback? I'd choose the former every time. (I'm sure the Bills' defense would concur, if they could stop drooling at the probability of all those sacks long enough!)
  24. I really can't stand listening to the broadcast of the Bills games when they play the Patriettes. How in the hell does Dierdork even talk with his lips so firmly and intimately adhered to Tom Brady's and Bill Belichick's butts the whole game? Oh, and it is quite apparent that smarmy Bobby Kraft has sold his soul to the devil. It will all come due someday, rest assured. The Patriettes will have our number for a while to come (hopefully not as long as the Dolphins did!) - but at some point their star will fade. Here's hoping that it's sooner than later. Oh geez, I almost forgot... DIE, PATRIOTS, DIE!!!!!! DIE!!! DIE!!! DIE!!!
  25. The Bills HAVE TO see enough of JP this season to determine if he's worth developing or not. It's as simple as that. They shouldn't throw in more variables by switching QBs now. The "experiment" must proceed until the end of the season... painful though it may be for all of us to watch.
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