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Everything posted by Moose

  1. When I heard about Brady's injury I was surprised to feel completely indifferent. After their Super Bowl loss and now this, it appears that the Great Patriette Joy Ride has at last come to a screeching end. This will be an interesting season indeed! GO BILLS!!!
  2. Yeah - I already posted that link in another thread. I've finally realized that all these political threads are for you "regulars" only. Whenever someone else interjects something, it's ignored while the insider banter carries on ad nauseam. I'm done wasting my time and energy trying to contribute to this area. This is my last post here. /out
  3. Yes, his step-grandmother. The whole family's stories keep on changing. Did you bother to read any of the links I posted? The Obamas are whoever you want them to be, at least until Barrack gets elected. Then, all bets are off.
  4. Obama's step-grandmother, Sarah Hussein Obama, is quite a chameleon: Here, she's a muslim... And here, she's a Christian... Perhaps all the Obamas are who you want them to be. There is something that REALLY, REALLY worries me about this whole Obamessiah thing - he's like an empty suit that the impressionable fill with their own projections. I will honestly lose sleep at night if he becomes President!
  5. Hey, it looks like they "fixed" it - now Spitzer is a REPUBLICAN! But I'm sure it's just an innocent mistake. Yep, just a little ol' mistake.
  6. In order: Least: Smerlas, Hobert, Todd Collins, RJ, Simpson, Nails, and Bledsoe Most: Talley, Hull, Spielman, Tasker, Ferguson, Roosevelt Leaks, and Bruce
  7. Cool website. Of all the Bills unis past and present, I think I like the 1982 version best.
  8. Uniform-wise, this Super Bowl is the ultimate "old school" matchup: Bears vs. Colts. I don't think either team has ever changed their uniforms.
  9. Yes, I DO have a hop in my step today! Marcia Brady and the Patriettes go down in flames!!!
  10. It amazes me how grouchy, hostile and downright miserable he is, even when he wins and with all his success. (See what I mean?) Honestly, the more I watch him the more I think that Belichick is afflicted with some kind of mental disorder, like an idiot-savant thing wherein he is a football genius but a social retard. Just watch him whenever he's giving a press conference or interview: monotone and no affect whatsoever. Bill Belichick is the Rain Man of NFL coaching.
  11. After the Bills and Browns, the Bears are my (very distant) third favorite NFL team. I'm pleased that the Colts beat the Patsies, but I never liked Dungy after he sicked his players on Sam Cowart in Tampa Bay because he was all over their offense in the first quarter. GO BEARS!!!
  12. Isn't "JP" short for John Paul? Anyway, I think the easiest way to win a Super Bowl is to forget God and make a pact with the Devil. It's worked for Jerry Jones and Bob Kraft... and they even get brand new stadiums to boot!!!
  13. No, that isn't what happened. He caught the ball and ran out of bounds before he was hit by an approaching defender. It didn't make any sense to me that the clock would initially stop - and then start running again. That's why I just figured it was one of those [wink]"Patriot Rules"[/wink].
  14. I guess it isn't... I tried googling "nfl coach salaries 2006" and found an article about the Steelers coaching position that stated this:
  15. Because they're playing the Patriettes and the rules are different (ie. OL for Patsies can hold and block low at will). "Just give it to them!"
  16. Except that it is not public knowledge what some coaches make... so how does anyone know who is the highest and lowest paid?
  17. I thought the fumbler had to recover his own fumble. It was a rule in response to the old "fumbleruski" or something like that.
  18. I predict it will be XLIV in 2010. Mark your calendars now, folks!
  19. Two words: Mark Rypien.
  20. They said that Lovie Smith, at 1.3 million/year, is the lowest-paid coach in the NFL. I find it hard to believe that Jauron is making anything close to this... but I could be wrong. Does anyone know what Jauron's yearly salary is? Thanks in advance.
  21. Do you mean in the Democratic primary, or in the subsequent general election? IMO, that ticket is far too left-wing/socialist to win in the general election.
  22. Stick a fork in Bledsoe. He's done.
  23. Bump! So after a full week, no one can list a single thing. Just what I thought. Case closed. The UN should be disbanded. It would save a lot of money and significantly decrease the amount of hot air being dumped into the atmosphere.
  24. The real question is why would they be so stupid to announce this, especially when it is working? Now the Patsies will make adjustments. Doh!
  25. My 1984 Panasonic TV is rapidly biting the dust - no red - so both teams looked blue and green and hideous! Anyway, I truly hate both our yoke unis and the use of two different blues. I'd prefer to go back to the 90s or 80s look, or with the retros IF they used a darker blue. In the meantime, I am wondering if anyone out there has one of these HDTVs and, if so, what do you think of it?
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