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Everything posted by Fezmid

  1. Information on the PS4's DRM system is starting to come out. While initially not as restrictive as the Xbox, it could easily become that way if the game publishers want to (and since MS has said the reason they implemented DRM in the XBox One was because of the publishers.... I expect to see this on the PS4 in short order). http://www.neowin.net/news/third-parties-can-dictate-drm-terms-on-the-playstation-4 "While technically this means that publishers could implement persistent online checks for their games, it's unlikely they will do so right away."
  2. I've heard a lot of people say that the Xbox One specs suck compared to the PS4. Anandtech did a good writeup and potentially debunked it. It all depends on how the cache is used. http://www.anandtech.com/show/6972/xbox-one-hardware-compared-to-playstation-4
  3. Really? I've eaten at restaurants in Spain and Greece and thought the service was fantastic.... I was only in Greece for a day, but was in Barcelona for 3-4 days and had no issues at all. No problems in London either. Maybe I'm intimidating looking!
  4. That's not ata ll what BuffaloBillsForever was talking about. When you play games, it learns your tendencies and basically makes an AI profile that plays like you. You can download these profiles from other people and play against "real" people instead of developer created AI. That's entirely doable -- the NFL 2k series did it for a year or two -- and just because they're stored in the cloud, doesn't mean anything's being processed out there. If Sony isn't already planning on doing it, it'd be pretty trivial for them to add I'd think.
  5. Yes, it's CURRENTLY more expensive to buy online for the console than a physical disk. But my point is that, like Steam, this limits the ability to resell games. That puts more money in the developer's pockets. And the reason Steam has insane sales is because developers realize that it's better to get $10 for a game that's a year or two old rather than nothing. The same thing could very well happen here. If it doesn't, that's a different argument altogether. Microsoft's site specifically says that you AND one other family member can play at the same time. And if that's true, then I think it's pretty awesome, depending on how they define "family member." (for example, I only see my sister once every year if I'm lucky -- but we play 360 quite a bit. It'd be nice to be able to play games together that we both don't own but can still share).
  6. I honestly don't see the problem here, although appear to be in the minority for now... My console is always connected. It's like the same arguments people had against Steam when it first came out... And now the service offers really cheap games very frequently. I'm hoping history repeats itself. I don't see how it's the same as iTunes... If you take it at face value, this is saying, "If you buy the latest version of Madden, you can play against your family member who lives in another city and they don't have to buy the game too." There aren't a lot of details, so nobody knows if that's how it's really going to work or not. But if it does, that adds a lot of flexibility and saves people a lot of cost - especially if I can select what 10 people are my "family members" like I can with Amazon Prime.
  7. Did anyone see this statement from MS? "Give your family access to your entire games library anytime, anywhere: Xbox One will enable new forms of access for families. Up to ten members of your family can log in and play from your shared games library on any Xbox One. Just like today, a family member can play your copy of Forza Motorsport at a friend’s house. Only now, they will see not just Forza, but all of your shared games. You can always play your games, and any one of your family members can be playing from your shared library at a given time." I wonder how this will be restricted, but in theory, couldn't your "family" simply be 10 of your friends, like people do with Amazon Prime memberships? There's no details though, so who knows. http://news.xbox.com/2013/06/license
  8. That's an article from a few days ago - before E3 actually started, so it's all speculation. Yes, HISTORICALLY that's true, but that doesn't prove it's true today. It might be, but we don't know yet.
  9. You could just turn the Kinect so that it's not facing you... Just sayin'... Plus, it can be turned off. Other statements are pure speculation at this point: http://kotaku.com/xbox-ones-kinect-can-turn-off-microsoft-says-noting-510100564 Also, regarding used games -- these are the same complaints people had about Steam, but it's been evolving nicely and the model lets you buy games dirt cheap after awhile. I suspect the same will happen here, although time will tell.
  10. Yeah, I'm not sure if the games being demoed at E3 are live or not, I'll see if I can find out (we have a writer there covering the event - neowin.net). I actually just preordered from Amazon - not sure if I'll keep it or not, but I'll get in line now before they sell out and decide before November on whether I want to cancel it or not.
  11. American Airlines came to his rescue after he tweeted it - Twitter really is a powerful tool. The comments are probably spot on -- the TSA agents wanted to keep it for themselves. http://www.nbcdfw.com/entertainment/the-scene/Chewbacca-Actor-Battles-TSA-Over-Light-Saber-Cane-210696861.html
  12. No need to be condescending. I didn't know that and was surprised to read it. You said their military can only be used to defend themselves, but that doesn't explain why we are obligated to help defend them.
  13. "Tokyo's move to boost its amphibious training is "hugely significant" since the United States is obligated to defend Japanese territory under a post-World War II security pact," Really...?
  14. "After the operation you will not be allowed to eat or drink while everything is healing. During this time (5-10 days) you will be fed through a tube."
  15. I just finished the reading the book recently, and I agree with you 100%. I think the only thing this movie is going to have in common with the book is the name. The book was written as an oral history -- the author traveling the world to talk to people who were involved in the war and get their thoughts on it. This movie is a typical "save the world" movie... My only hope is that it'll be entertaining if I just don't compare it to the book while watching (which looks like it'll be pretty easy).
  16. No way does Battlestar Gallactica deserve to be on that list. It started out good, but the "writers" had no plan and just made things up as they went (they even admitted that... In the middle of the series). That isn't good writing - that's sloppy, crappy writing.
  17. I was there! It was pretty cool. I was at the Bills/Packers game in GB when Bledsoe was the QB as well. My father-in-law bought me a ticket for Christmas and we had a great time -- even though he was rooting for Green Bay... As luck would have it, I was sitting next to another Bills fan for the game, but the Packers fans around us were cool -- asked a lot of questions about our players, we had some good football talk, it was a fun game (except Buffalo lost... And Favre said it was the coldest game he ever played in, and I think he was right.... Brrr!)
  18. If you kept up with everything, you wouldn't have the opinion you do, so... whatever.
  19. Yeah, I don't. Have you paid attention to what she's done, ASIDE from what the media tells you about? Do you even know what bridge I'm talking about? Doubtful.
  20. I don't mind Mickelback for some dumb thoughtless music. And I've been to a couple of their shows and they really are excellent entertainers. And that's the key - they're not musicians at all - they're purely entertainment. Once you realize that distinction, their music is fun to listen to.
  21. I saw Pearl Jam live at Oracle OpenWorld last year - amazing show!
  22. I don't understand the media's obsession with bashing Bachmann. She helped push the bridge between Minnesota and Wisconsin through, something that was desperately needed and kept hitting road block after road block, so she's ok in my book.
  23. OMG, someone tried to bring on replica grenades, the horror! And not one, but TWO razer blades!!! And a 3" knife!!! I feel safer already. Serously now -- none of this shows the need for TSA or extra security. The old metal detectors could already detect guns on someone, and the X-ray machines could detect guns in carry-on bags. How much of this stuff was found due to groping and molesting of innocent passengers? None. The goal of security at the airport is to protect the airplane, NOT to protect you. You can be stabbed while at a concert, a ballgame, or shopping for your groceries. The single biggest/best security measure that makes planes more secure is the reinforced cockpit door.
  24. We were 9-7 in 2004... And then the fans revolted, we cut Bledsoe, and have been looking for a real quarterback ever since.
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