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Everything posted by Fezmid

  1. I'm forming a cult... Just bring all of your money and possessions to me and you can join. CW
  2. We also only scored 10 points in the second half... Levy pulled most of the starters. CW
  3. There's software called "Ghost" that you might want to look into. You install Windows, run the patches, then make a "Ghost image" of the drive. Then when you want to reinstall Windows, it's as easy as plopping the ghost image down. Much quicker than reinstalling all the time. You can even install all of your applications before making the ghost image (just make sure they're TRUSTED applications), so you can save a TON of time in the future. Food for thought. CW
  4. Good thing I wasn't drinking anything, or I would've spit it out all over my monitor. They don't run the score up? So when they score a TD with no time left on the clock and the defense walks off the field in protest of two TERRIBLE calls that give them the game, they don't go for 2-points instead of the PAT? Sorry, the Pats aren't classy. They may be good, but they're not classy and they DO run up the score. That said, I didn't see that big a problem on that play. Looked to me like the Steelers didn't even try tackling the guy. CW
  5. http://www3.ca.com/securityadvisor/pest/pest.aspx?id=27652 http://www.pestpatrol.com/pestinfo/n/new_folder.asp There ya go. I still recommend reinstalling. And installing anti-virus software. And installing anti-spyware software. And not downloading things from untrusted sites. But that's just me. CW
  6. You have to consider the fact that there's a process running on your computer that you have no idea what it does but it randomly creates a folder on your desktop... What else is it doing? Logging keystrokes and emailing them to some hotmail account somewhere? Reporting what websites you hit and for how long? Mailing copies of your Word and Excel documents out? Infecting other machines? Waiting for a master computer to tell your computer to send out useless garbage on the network in order to crash a site like Amazon? All of these things are very real possibilities (and all have been done before). If this were happening to me, I'd reinstall for the security of my system and my personal information. I hope you don't do any online banking. Read the link I posted, it's a security presentation I give. CW
  7. Have you run virus and spyware scans on your system? http://www.fezam.com/security Barring that, you can try doing a google search to see if you can find any info. Otherwise, reinstall Windows. You'll generally get at least a 10% boost in system performance if you do (and I'm not making that up either). CW
  8. He was bouncing around the sidelines all through the game. Given an extra 2 weeks, I wouldn't be surprised to see him play. CW
  9. Actually Eugene Wilson has 4... And as we've all learned on this board, if you're second place, you suck. CW
  10. I'll take a stab at that: Brady: Patton and Branch are the go-to receivers Rushing: Dillon (duh) Kicking: Vinatieri (he's won how many Superbowls for them?) Sacks: McGinist Headhunter (aka: center fielder): Harrison Tackle leader: Bruschi Ok, let's see how I did: Receiving: Givens led the team with 56 receptions. Patton and Branch were #2 and #3, and Patton leads the team in TDs with 7 (Branch was 2nd) Rushing: Dillon had 1600+ yards. Nuff said Kicking: I don't even need to address that Sacks: McGinist had 9.5 sacks, 2FF, and an INT. Tackles: Harrison leads the team with 129 (Bruschi is second with 120, so I was close). See, it really isn't that hard. I still maintain that they're not a bunch of nonames by any stretch of the imagination. And I forgot to even mention Vrabel. So yes, they spread the ball out a lot in the passing game. But rushing and defense they have dominant players. CW
  11. I'm getting so sick of the "no-name" team crap. If you can't name a dozen players on the team, then you're not paying any attention to the NFL. This "we plug in any 7th round pick" junk is just that. CW
  12. If you're trying to compare football to baseball, you're completely off; football is a *team* sport, whereas baseball is very much an *individualized* sport. When Barry Bonds goes up to bat, the rest of his teammates are inconsequential. Therefore, buying the best players in baseball gives a much better ROI. Also, while the Patriots have been to 3 out of 4 Superbowls, they didn't even make the postseason after their one. Combine that with the fact that salaries aren't exploding out of control so that ticket prices can remain affordable and all of the teams can compete, and you see that the system does work. CW
  13. Apparantly you don't watch Simpsons; there was an episode or two there which CLEARLY show that God is very interested in football, but doesn't get a lot of time to watch it. Sheesh. CW
  14. I know they would. CW
  15. That money doesn't go to Kelly; researching cures for diseases costs a LOT of money; more than even Manning has. CW
  16. Nice to see that the "we suck unless we win it all" mentality is still alive and well. CW
  17. Really? Bledsoe: 3.56% of all passes intercepted Big Ben: 3.73% of all passes intercepted CW
  18. What's up with his scruffy beard, his hat and scarf, and his jacket? Makes him look like a homeless drunk. CW
  19. If the NFL allows it, why not? CW
  20. Since you're going to be way too busy taking care of a new baby, can you send me your TV? I'll return it once she goes to college... Seriously though, congrats! CW
  21. Yeah, but the browsers work the same way; she won't really see any difference, except that the buttons look a little different. CW
  22. One of these days people will listen to me... Go to http://www.mozilla.org Download either mozilla or firefox. Watch your problems disappear. CW
  23. No, they were very respectful. Started singing when the kid stumbled. It was quite amazing, really. CW
  24. Yes, he was blind. I did a search for him, and he was born after 26 weeks and weighed a little over a pound (!). That said, I still don't understand why he sang the anthem... http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=timmy...G=Google+Search CW
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