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Everything posted by Fezmid

  1. If you're going to break numbers down, what are the numbers for the last 12 games of the season? Then what are those numbers if you take out his atrocious Ravens game? I bet they're nowhere near as bad; but I don't know that for a fact, so post both of those scenarios if you don't mind (and/or have time). CW
  2. What the hell is this crap I'm reading now? Steve, you were the one that posted that your grandmother would've done just as well as Drew did this year. If our defense and special teams were solely responsible for a 9-7 record, and your grandmother would've equaled those wins, why the hell would you accept a 5 or 6 win season?! It's like everyone who wanted Drew gone (and are apparantly getting their wish) are now covering their ass saying, "Yeah, well, we probably won't be good next year." Why the hell would you take a 9-7 team that was one play away from making the playoffs and be ok with losing nearly 50% more games next season?!?! Remember, if NC knocks down the ball against the Jags, if SOMEBODY knocks the ball down in the EZ against the Jags, if CV doesn't hold against the Jags, if Henry doesn't trip over a gopher against the Raiders, if NC's punt return isn't called back on a phantom hold, if Spikes is given a safety for being held in the EZ against Oakland, if Baker doesn't get burned for a long TD against the Raiders, if Henry gets 1 yard against the Pats (next play was a fumble for a TD), if the defense doesn't allow the Jets to score on their last possession, if Lindell doesn't miss the fieldgoal against the Steelers, if Reed doesn't throw an illegal pick (away from the play) against the Steelers, etc, etc, we would've been in the playoffs WITH DREW BLEDSOE AS QB. Why the hell is everyone in this thread saying, "We'll give him a few years??" In a couple of years our defense will most likely NOT be as dominant, nor will our special teams. We went 9-7 last year (a WINNING record), and now you're willing to go to a Bengal-like 5 win season? What the F??? Let me condsense this: Nobody is worse than Bledsoe at QB, he sucks! Let's put in a rookie and be happy with 5 wins instead of 9!!!! HUH?! CW
  3. It's not official (and I've been saying that over and over the past few days). The News "reported" that it looks like Drew's out, and all of the other media outlets picked it up and ran with the story. They almost all say, "According to the Buffalo News, Bledsoe will be cut." The only one report was when Mort (?) said that DB was going to have to take a paycut. He said that before one of the playoff games. The media also reported that Lewis was going to be our head coach a few years back... This one seems to have a bit more steam though. CW
  4. He also has the ability to be worse than Drew. You know what that says? It says we have no idea what JPL can do for us next year. All this speculation of his upside is just that, speculation. Everyone thought Leaf would be good. Guess what? First round players can be busts. The grass always looks greener on the other side. If JPL starts, I sure hope that the grass really is. CW
  5. Ok, I finally watched the latest episode last night (I love TiVo..) Anyway, one theory that I havn't seen anyone mention is that Ethan is simply Charlie's subconscious. If you go with the theory that everything on the island can be "wished" for (Charlie's guitar, Locke's knives, Jack's father and the casket, etc), could it be that Charlie "created" Ethan? The whole episode showed flashbacks of Charlie trying to confront his demons. Could Ethan have bee the "bad Charlie," and therefore Charlie pulling the gun out and shooting him was a way for Charlie to cleanse himself? Charlie and Claire were together. Charlie really likes Claire. Bad Charlie (aka: Ethan, whom we never saw before) comes out and takes Claire (sort of like Charlie did with the copier girl). Charlie "repents," and therefore takes out his bad side (Ethan). My wife hated the theory and thought it was lame, but I'll throw it out there anyway. CW
  6. Most of the fans here are so fair weathered that it would serve them right. While at the U of M, I saw more people wearing Bills stuff than I did Vikings. There's just no heart and passion here. Part of that probably has to do with the crappy stadium arrangement; no place to tailgate (unless you're willing to spend something like $30 to part by the Dome). The only thing I'd miss is the ability to see the Bills when they come to town. CW
  7. And that's why they love ya Although it only took an hour or so for mine; I did the negotiating through email and it only took 2-3 rounds of messages. Worked well for me. Buying my wife's car last year was even easier -- the dealership gave us a better deal than any of the websites (edmunds, cars, etc) said we'd get, so it only took one message saying "I'm interested," they gave me the price, I said "Sold!" CW
  8. Exactly. When I bought my car, I financed through the dealership (because they beat the credit union rates). Anyway, they hand me the paperwork to sign, and I sat there and read all of the fine print. I could tell the guy was getting impatient, as he mentioned several times that it's just boilerplate stuff. At one point I looked up and said, "Wow, did you know that I can't legally drive the car into Canada until it's paid off? This says the vehicle can't leave the country." He was taken aback and said that he never knew that before. Seems nobody (including him) had ever actually read it... Weird... I never sign anything without reading; annoys a lot of people. CW
  9. Besides the fact that it violates copyright? CW
  10. Why not just post the link? CW
  11. I'm going to bump this for the Monday morning crowd - it's for a good cause and is free. CW
  12. The deal isn't going to go through. The guy's "only" worth $400 million. The news here is thinking that the NFL will reject the offer, but it will be difficult because he's the first minority who has a shot at owning an NFL team (ie: they don't want to ruffle feathers). The guy just doesn't have enough wealth to own a team though. Glen Tayler (owns the T'Wolves) will probably be the eventual new owner IMHO. Also, the Twin Cities is hardly a small market. Hennepin county alone consists of over 1.1 million people. Throw in Ramsey county and you're looking at around 2 million. Overall, the metro area has 2.7 million people in '02, according to this: http://www.metrocouncil.org/about/facts/Tw...lationFacts.pdf CW
  13. Great, so not only do we have to worry about him getting injured on the field, we have to worry about him getting shot on the way to practice? CW
  14. Bledsoe made $2.25M, while Brooks made $3.25M, according to the NFLPA. CW
  15. The off-season doesn't start until after the Pro Bowl IMHO. And why the hell doesn't JPL live in Buffalo? What a freak'n loser! If he cared about the Bills, he'd buy a house here!!!! (isn't that what everyone said about RJ, because he only rented an apartment?) CW
  16. The announcers kept saying "McGee" as well, but they were obviously wrong. CW
  17. You mean like David Carr (HOU) and Aaron Brooks (NO)? Gotta be careful when you say things like "nobody" or "everybody." CW
  18. I've seen PLENTY of posts saying that we can do no worse with JPL than with DB. That's the part I have a serious issue with. Fact of the matter is, with one less mistake by NC, TH, CV, DB, EM, etc, etc, we would've been in the playoffs. To think that ANY QB would've done as well or better is just crazy talk. Based on...? Again, I havn't heard a single official word about the situation, only speculation. CW
  19. So you preferred the 3-13 seasons as opposed to watching a meaningful game in Orchard Park in January? Yeah, we didn't make the playoffs but we were one game away for two of the last three seasons. I've said it before, and i"ll say it again -- to those who have been saying "Steve's Grandma would be no worse than Bledsoe," I maintain we could've been FAR worse. In fact, we've only had one losing season in those three years. Yes, no playoffs, but we were far from cellar dwellers. I was going to say Moulds, for fumbling in the redzone. Or CV for holding on the second to last offensive play the Bills had. Unfortunately, a lot of people like to pin everything on one guy instead of realizing that it's a team game. But don't worry Sue, JPL can do no wrong and we're going to win the Superbowl with him next year because ANYBODY could've QB'd this team to a 9-7 record; any replacement is guaranteed to win at least 1-2 more games. CW
  20. Seti@Home is still big. I run that on the second processor in my computer Computers don't use very much electricity as long as you set it up to powerdown the harddrive and put the monitor in sleep mode. Those are the two power eaters. I leave my PC on 24/7, as well as run a server 24/7 and my electric bill isn't much higher than before I did it (about $4/month higher - worth it for me so I don't have to wait for it to boot, combined with the fact that I can run automated backups to my server, etc) The gas bill, on the other hand.... CW
  21. Not very secret if everyone knows.... CW
  22. Yeah, it also leaves us with only one QB on the roster... So we'll need to sign someone else, eating up most/all of the cap savings from cutting DB. Assuming the Bills even cut him, which I'm not convinced is the case. CW
  23. Leave your computer on overnight? Don't do much other than surf the web? Well, put your spare CPU cycles to good use and help find a cure for Alzheimer's by joining the Folding@Home project. I don't know the science behind what they're researching (something about folding protein molecules...), but the tech behind distributed computing has been around for awhile. Basically you install a program on your computer and then when you're not using the CPU (ie: writing email, surfing the web, etc), it's doing mathematical computations in the background. When it finishes a unit, it uploads the results and then downloads a new unit to work on. It'd be cool if people could join the 2CPU team -- they're currently ranked 4th overall, but are starting to lose some ground to some other people behind them. Here's a link to the site: http://www.stanford.edu/group/pandegroup/folding/ Here's a link to a forum that can answer questions for you: http://forums.2cpu.com/forumdisplay.php?forumid=37 Join Team 3074 (2CPU.com): http://vspx27.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py...ge&teamnum=3074 I'm ranked 474th (out of 847) on the team. Even if you don't want to join the 2CPU team (maybe make a TBD/TSW team?), it's for a good cause. CW
  24. It's not fake. My aunt and uncle bought me a cap with that logo. I posted it here a year or two ago. Can't say I love it, but it's unique. CW
  25. Am I the only one who thinks that if this happened today that the cameras would be all over it, showing it from different angles, etc? That was the first thing I thought when I saw the video on the link. How times have changed. CW
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