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Everything posted by Fezmid

  1. I'm not knocking them -- just refuting Wanker's post. CW
  2. Sorry, has to be done: Though the Redskins struggled early, converting their first three drives inside the Bills' 20-yard line into only three points, they built a 17-0 halftime lead. And they made it 24-0 just 16 seconds into the second half, after Kurt Gouveia intercepted Buffalo quarterback Jim Kelly's pass on the first play of the third quarter and returned it 23 yards to the Bills' 2. Jim Kelly was intercepted four times Or: First, Dallas safety James Washington intercepted Jim Kelly's pass and returned it 13 yards to the Bills' 47, setting up Aikman's 23-yard touchdown pass to tight end Jay Novacek with 1:36 remaining in the period. On the next play from scrimmage, Kelly was sacked by Charles Haley and fumbled at the Bills' 2-yard line where the Cowboys' Jimmie Jones picked up the loose ball and ran two yards for a touchdown. Dallas, which recovered five fumbles and intercepted four passes, CW
  3. FYI - I'm working on the Bills/Vikes game right now. If anyone has any pictures they'd like to contribute to the "extras" of the disk, let me know (through PM). I'm scouring the 'net right now myself. I'll let everyone know when it's done. Feel free to vote for the next game. CW
  4. Exactly Oh well, as long as the team improves, I'm happy. CW
  5. I don't mean to imply that they ARE being read. However, they COULD be read. Note the distinction. That said, any email you send on the internet could be read by anybody on the net who owns a router pretty easily. Most of the stuff going on the 'net is unencrypted -- sorta like tv signals used to be when people had the Big dishes - so don't start plotting a murder or bank robbery through email or personal messages, just in case. Sorry, I didn't mean to make everyone paranoid. CW
  6. Where do you see them officially called Private messages? Top of my screen says "0 New Messages." When I click on your name, the link says "send personal messages." Nothing about privacy. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?act=Help&CODE=01&HID=6 Sorry, but unless you encrypt stuff, you have no expectation of privacy. If you want to learn how to encrypt your email, I highly recommend reading here: http://www.gnupg.org/ More people really should be doing this; I used to with all of my CSci buddies in college, but in the corporate world, it doesn't seem very prevelant. CW
  7. Depends. Again, management may have asked him to look at the mail; that's happened in my company (I don't maintain the mail servers there though), looking for insider trading and other stuff. However, if the sysadmin had no reason/permission to do it, AND THE COMPANY HAS A POLICY AGAINST IT, then you can get in trouble. If there's no policy, generally it just boils down to an ethical thing. I have full access to a lot of systems in my company, including payroll. However, the policy clearly states that if I view that info (and am caught, obviously), that I will be terminated. Without that policy though, it's a lot harder to terminate someone. CW
  8. Absolutely nothing -- and Scott is fully within his rights to look at any and all PMs and you'd have no repurcussions. Same thing at work -- no expectation of privacy. How do you know that the guy wasn't told to go into the email? Playing Devil's Advocate, how do you know that it's not you being the noisy one? CW
  9. Monster cables are a ripoff -- all marketing. Copper is copper. That said, you just need the HD kit from Microsoft (also a ripoff, but what can you do, they have a special connector). That plugs into the XBox and has the component cables to plug into your TV. I played NFL 2k4 on my projector (100" screen!) and it was *amazing.* CW
  10. How did this person "break into" the account? Did the "victim" leave their computer unlocked? Did the person try guessing passwords? Did the person put a keystroke logger on the victim's computer? That's all pretty important... Where I work (as a sysadmin), if you leave your PC unlocked, you're fair game. I sent a resignation letter to my boss in the name of the person who left his terminal unlocked. Guess who got in trouble? The guy who left the terminal unlocked. But that's because we all had an understanding ahead of time. Anyway, there's three sides to every story, and we're only hearing yours. (also, you have no expectation of privacy while using company computers... So there is no invasion of privacy) CW
  11. Oh really? CW
  12. I don't know how believable this is, but this guy thinks that, if the season isn't saved, the Sabres, Senators, Panthers, Thrashers and Blue Jackers will all be contracted before next season (even if the league uses scabs next year) Say it aint so EDIT: I guess technically this thread is supposed to only be for "real" news, not speculation. Sorry. CW
  13. To answer the original question, most games for the XBox can do 16:9 and are 480p at the very least. Definately worth it, but you'll need to buy HD (aka: component) cables. CW
  14. Is THAT why he keeps wanting more Bills DVDs every couple of weeks... I didn't realize he was EATING them! CW
  15. Cheerleaders? The NHL needs to get cheerleaders on the ice like college hockey has... CW
  16. It's just the regional sports pack, the one that includes Empire (or, included, I should say), FSN North, South, West, gold channel, etc, etc. I used to buy it to watch the Bills/Browns scrimmage, and then cancel it after football season. Then Empire started sucking, so I never got it again. http://www.directv.com/DTVAPP/learn/Packages_SportsPack.dsp It costs $12/month but lets you see the local sports shows from all of the markets. You might want to confirm with them that college hockey games aren't blacked out; as I said, I know MLB and NBA games are, as were the NHL games. Sine they don't sell college hockey packages, I'm guessing you can watch them. Here's the channels you get: 610 CSTV CSTV: College Sports Television 626 EMP Empire 649 FSAZ FOX Sports ARIZONA 654 FOXB FOX Sports BAY AREA 639 FOXC FOX Sports CHICAGO 638 FXCN FOX Sports CINCINNATI 636 FOXD FOX Sports DETROIT 634 FSFL FOX Sports Florida 647 FSMW FOX Sports MIDWEST 620 FOXE FOX Sports NEW ENGLAND 624 FSNY FOX Sports NEW YORK 651 FSNW FOX Sports NORTHWEST 637 FXOH FOX Sports OHIO 628 FOXP FOX Sports PITTSBURGH 645 FSRM FOX Sports ROCKY MTN 630 FXSS FOX Sports SOUTH 643 FSSW FOX Sports SOUTHWEST 652 FOXW FOX Sports WEST 653 FSW2 FOX Sports WEST 2 613 FSC Fox Soccer Channel 612 FUEL Fuel 605 GOLF Golf Channel 629 CSN Home Team Sports 621 MSG Madison Square Garden 720 NBA NBA.com 623 NESN NESN 606 OUT Outdoor Channel 608 OLN Outdoor Life Network 607 SC Speed Channel 632 SUN Sun Sports 602 TVG TVG, Interactive Horseracing CW
  17. Assuming the games are televised, it's only $10/month for all of the regional sports networks. I know NBA and MLB games are blacked out, but I doubt college games are. That said, a good quality college game is just as exciting (if not moreso) than the NHL. The Golden Gophers are lots of fun to watch, but are generally one of the top teams in the nation (won two NCAA championships in the recent past although it's not looking good for this year). CW
  18. Hey, this one's valuable, I might have to price gouge people and charge them $1.50 each!!! Seriously though, I'd be more than happy to do it! I should be able to have it finished a week or two after I get the tape. I'm sure everyone will be pumped to see some real gameday footage of him playing. Labatt, send me a PM when you get the tape and we'll work out details. Great job! Oh, and before I get a ton of messages -- send no payment now; I'll post details onec I have the game converted to DVD. CW
  19. What does everyone think she means by that? She bolded the word 'life" -- maybe she really thinks we should eat more Life brand cereal???? Or maybe we need to play the boardgame? Hmmm, let's analyze it CW
  20. No, that's not the same because there, in both cases you're using the original CD. You're not circumventing any digital protection. With iTunes (and other DRM stuff - I don't want to pick on Apple because, as was pointed out, their DRM is really just there to appease the RIAA, not to really hamper end-users), if you burn the song to CD, you're bypassing the DRM (aka: copy protection) in the file and therefore are violating the DMCA. As I said, nobody actually *cares* that you're doing that - yet. But technically, it's illegal. The DMCA was the worst peice of legislature to ever pass, followed closely by the Patriot Act. CW
  21. I took the following two classes at the U of Minnesota: History of High Tech Weapons Killing I kid you not. High Tech Weapons was in the History department, and Killing was in Sociology (and apparantly one of the most popular classes; I was the only one there taking it as an elective ). This combination of classes almost cost me my first job before they even hired me. Apparantly they looked at my transcript (first job out of college; still there) and they saw those two classes and a few people were concerned that I'd be some psycho bomb building killer or something. My (at the time) boss had to convince them that they were simply college courses and that "Killing," since it was in sociology, was probably dealing with what killers did. If he didn't stick up for me, I wouldn't have gotten the job. Kinda funny, but kinda sad too. CW
  22. I disagree on this -- piracy has been rampant forever. The music industry is still making billions; revenue has decreased some, but there have been lawsuits against them for price fixing which may have also caused the decrease in revenue. I don't have all the details, but I don't agree that piracy has been hurting their bottom line despite what they're saying. For the record, I buy most of my music on eBay; you can get CDs for $1-$2 that way. Cheaper than iTunes and easier than P2P networks IMHO. CW
  23. Sorry Gina, but according to the DMCA, it is illegal: http://www.giantstepsmts.com/drm_glossary.htm#DMCA%201201 So by burning the iTunes file to CD and then re-ripping it to MP3 format, you're bypassing the copy protection and are in direct violation of the DMCA. It's a stupid law, to be sure, but there you have it. Doesn't matter that Jobs says you can do it, the Federal government says otherwise. Yes, I understand that they're (probably) not going to come knocking on your door and haul you off if you buy some iTunes and then convert them to MP3. But they *could* if they wanted to, and this is just the beginning. For some real fun, a Sharpie marker is technically illegal now to, based on the DMCA. Check this out: http://www.mohea.com/mike/words/000022.html Again, stupid law made by people who have no idea what technology is, but it's law nonetheless. CW
  24. I want to see them in the AFC Championship game... In the Ralph. Hey, you asked. CW
  25. Anti-consumer. Combining DRM with the DMCA and you no longer have any fair use. That's already there with DVDs -- making a *legal* backup copy of a DVD is illegal. Burning a song from iTunes to a CD and then transferring it to a different music player is also illegal. I'm not just applying this to music. This is going to be put on videos, pictures, software, you name it, and it's wrong. Check out places like EFF.org for more indepth analysis. DRM is being sold to the public as "anti-piracy" when in reality it's "corporate control" which are totally different. CW
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