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Everything posted by Fezmid

  1. The RIAA tried shutting down second hand CD stores back in the day. They lost miserably. The difference is that you own the CD. If you sell it to someone else, you can no longer listen to the music, only the person you sold it to can. With downloading, you take the song and now you and the original owner can both listen to the song. CW
  2. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2004/04/09/pl..._dmca_takedown/ http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20050106-4508.html I'm not blaming Apple on this at all; their DRM is very consumer friendly and is pretty easy to circumvent from what I've read. In my opinion, the MPAA is the group that's forcing them to use it to "protect their assets." The DCMA has nothing to do with "trafficking" from what I've read, unless you're referring to the downloading/aquiring of the tools needed to "break" the DRM. That's why programs like DVDXCopy have been shut down - it defeats copy protection. Do a search for DCMA and garage door opener for some fun. Or DCMA and Sony and marker. Here's a great article: http://fury.com/article/1318.php Expect DRM to get even more stringent in the near future. CW
  3. Doesn't matter -- I'm not the one breaking the law in that case, the seller is. CW
  4. The legal difference is that a CD doesn't have any copy protection. Therefore, since I'm not breaking any copy protection, I'm not in violation of the DMCA. With a song downloaded from iTunes, there is DRM on it, so by circumventing the DRM, I'm in violation of the DMCA. Not that I agree with it -- the DMCA is a peice of crap that was hurried through by lawmakers who didn't know what they were talking about. But tecnically, there ya go. CW
  5. I actually prefer ebay.com; you can get CDs for $1-$2. Find a seller who's selling thousands of CDs, pick out a dozen that you want, and you get 12 disks for roughly $20. Best part is that you can rip it to a higher bitrate than you'd get online. CW
  6. Why, do the French have something against the military? Oh, nevermind... (sorry, I couldn't resist ). CW
  7. Here ya go: http://mspbillsbackers.home.att.net/TapMap.htm It's not really close to the U, but after living here awhile you realize that everything is "about 30 minutes away." Here's a map from Minneapolis to Savage: http://tinyurl.com/4sm85 CW
  8. The original was great; running over all of the harry cristna's (sp???) and getting a congrats message (don't remember the wording( if you run them all over at once. Good times. CW
  9. Oh, it'll definately be finished by next season even if I have to pay someone large amounts of money to do it! CW
  10. As far as we can tell, it's all resolved; the builder came out and found out where the water was coming in from (above the 1st floor window; trickled in during bad storms and flowed all the way into the basement! Argh...). Anyway, that's all cleaned up. I finished the electrical a couple of weeks ago, so now I need to do insulation (bringing a friend over for that one ). Hiring out the drywall, so that should go quick. I'm really hoping I finish in the next few months. This project has been two years in the making, damn builder... CW
  11. Especially today... We're going to try really hard to make at least one gathering this season -- I havn't seen you guys since the Wild/Sabers game! CW
  12. http://www.ffbookmarks.com/unofficialteamsites.htm
  13. Very nice! You didn't post a picture thoguh, so I will http://mspbillsbackers.home.att.net/2004pics.htm Last one on the list. CW
  14. Which would've been all well in good if another team had wanted to trade. TD said that he did want to trade, but there there were no suitors available. So it was between making a pick or forfeiting your pick. I think he made the right decision. CW
  15. At first I thought you really had a baby without telling me! CW
  16. I agree, always take a direct flight. Connections suck; if a plane is late you could be stuck in the airport longer, etc. Just fork over the $400. I've never heard of Iberia, but I've heard of Lufthansa. That's about all I can offer on that. CW
  17. Millbank was right, MW is the next whipping boy. WTG Millbank! CW
  18. Yeah, I already did that mission... Oh, I have to do that one, huh? Great... Guess I better start practicing. I *hate* driving the low-rider cars, as you can't use the right thumbstick to change the camera (instead it makes the hydrolics go ). Oh well... Thanks! CW
  19. You're right, he had 209 delay penalties! (one of them was on the 2 yard line). CW
  20. I'd probably do it, but I don't have it available. On the other hand, I'm not sure if I could make the DVD without puking on my keyboard. CW
  21. I think my respect is around 50% (the bar is halfway full), and I've already taken over a bunch of territory. I just have to keep taking out more to unlock more missions, or what? I'm getting kinda bored of taking over turf and defnding my own.... CW
  22. I don't want to read them because they contain too many spoilers. That's why I was hoping to get a more direct answer here. CW
  23. Hey, I've been playing GTA:SA and it's pretty cool. However, I seem to be stuck (maybe). I finished the mission that the cops gave me to take over the park controlled by the Ballers. That opened up the turf areas on the map (green, purple, and yellow). Now, the only other mission I see is a race in a lowrider car (which I'm not good at yet). Do I need to take control of all of the map? (I'm pretty close, about 70% I'd say). It's getting kinda old starting up gang wars all the time, but there's nothing else that I can tell that i'm supposed to be doing. Thoughts? CW
  24. OH my god, Bledsoe had 208 delay of game penalties?!?! He sucks!!! CW
  25. That's already in the works, and that WILL take precedent over any of the other games. Just waiting to get my hands on the tape. CW
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