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Everything posted by Fezmid

  1. What, so we were tampering with the Texans when we signed Jeff Posey at 00:00:01? CW
  2. Hovan's overrated and underachieves. We don't want him here. CW
  3. At least they wait for the screaming to subside... CW
  4. Considering my insurance is a joke anyway (only pays $1,000/year and I pay roughly $120/year to the insurance company for that insurance!), that's not a big deal, depending on the cost of the procedure itself. Neither solution sounds great though... One step at a time though - I first need to get the root canal and then see what happens after that. Thanks. CW
  5. That works for me. I better finish everything I want to do in the next week or so, just in case... CW
  6. Ok, don't want to get freaked out further, but what happens if it breaks? Can they insert a false tooth or something? How does that work? CW
  7. Metal straw? *cringe* Sounds scary... She definately said that as soon as the root canal is done to come back and schedule a crown prep with them. She said that she's seen people put it off and crack their tooth off in a few months after the root canal. I'll be there, definately... CW
  8. That's not helping... Glad you made it though -- that would've freaked me out and I may not have returned! CW
  9. Ok, why does everyone have root canal horror stories if it's no big deal? Where did those come from??? Or has the procedure just gotten better? How does Nitrous Oxide work? I've read that a lot of people like using that but I don't know what it'll do to me. Is it safe? I guess I have lots of research to do tonight CW
  10. Thanks. They referred me to an Endodontist. The first one didn't have any appointments until the 21st, so I called another one that had one on the 8th. I'm HOPING to get in on an emergency basis before then, but we'll see if they have any slots... No antibiotics. She drilled the tooth, realized that it was down to the pulp, and then filled it with "vitnebond and fujii" (whatever that is...). Apparantly it might hurt but she didn't seem worried about infection... She did say I'll need a crown after the root canal. Luckily I knew I had some dental work this year so put $3,000 in my "flex spending" account (aka: pretax dollars). But that was supposed to cover new glasses and such as well. Guess not, as they said that each proceedure (crown and root canal) is roughly $1,000. Lovely... Go to the dentist everyone! They're not too scary (ok, yes they are... But you have to go anyway ). CW
  11. Well, just got back from having a couple of fillings done. Was supposed to be no problem, but apparantly one of the teeth had more decay than they saw on the XRay and I'll now need a root canal Everyone at the dentist's office kept saying that it's no big deal, but I've heard a lot of horror stories throughout my life about them so I'm not sure what to believe... Needless to say I'm extremely scared about it. To make matters worse, there's no appointments available until March 8th, although I'm going to try to get in on an emergency basis sometime this week. To make matters even MORE worse, she said that it may hurt because the pulpl was exposed while she was drilling and I need to take a bunch of ibuprofin and if that doesn't help to get something stronger from them. This sucks. Didn't hurt at all until I went to the dentist (although it was something I know I needed to have done - the fillings, not the root canal). Moral of the story - don't do like I did and avoid the dentist due to fear. You have to face it sometime and waiting just makes things worse. *sigh* CW
  12. It's not an insult if it's true -- and in the thread, she clearly believed it was true. CW
  13. Hey, TracyLee and her son are in this video! CW
  14. So nice, you said it twice. The secret to your post total CW
  15. Yeah, but how can the Dolphins afford to give up 2 first rounders? They don't even have a first rounder until next year, do they? CW
  16. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=9546 Not really selling as much as just distributing games for people (selling implies profit, and I "sell" for cost although tips for my time are appreciated). I finished the Bills/Vikings game from 2002 as well (the one where Bledsoe reached 30,000 yards for his career, Hollis kicked a career long 54 yarder to send the game into OT, and Price scored on a ~60 yard TD in OT. It also has my first attempt at motion videos. Wouldn't it be nice if the NFL just put all of the games on DVD for us, with better quality than I could do? CW
  17. Oh, I get it now! Now that I'd believe CW
  18. Henry has excellent speed? I must've missed it... CW
  19. Yeah, we need that back for when we're talking about the cable company (not the employees!) CW
  20. And do you actually have proof of this? Didn't think so. I saw numerous occasions where Bledsoe tried to hit a hot read on a blitz and his receivers completely failed to adjust. Did they fail to read the blitz because they don't live in Buffalo either? Dammit Moulds, stop living in Mississippi and get your butt up to WNY. It takes two to play pitch and catch, and it wasn't 100% Bledsoe's fault. Sure, if a QB doesn't throw the ball away on a blitz, it appears to be the QB's fault, but it's not if he has nobody to throw it to (and taking a sack is better than throwing the ball away, as that'd be a 10 yard penalty as opposed to just lost yardsage). I'm not saying that every one of the sacks was the fault of the receivers, but a sizable chunk of them appeared to be from watching the games. To pin the blame 100% on the QB is crazy. CW
  21. Superbowl? No, I don't see either team seriously competing for the Superbowl for at least a couple of seasons. But I wouldn't be surprised to see Buffalo playing golf in January while the Cowboys are in the playoffs. CW
  22. This is so overrated, it isn't even funny. I'd venture to guess that 80% of the players don't live in the same city as their team and it's ridiculous to point at that as a problem. DB never missed any of the optional camps, none of the required camps. He can study film and such in Montana and nobody here has any idea of whether he did that or not. However, you don't stay in the NFL for 12 years by slacking off. Just another example of people looking for any negative they can, kinda like the "he fumbles all the time" (untrue) and "He's sacked every other play" (untrue). CW
  23. And yet DB only fumbled two more times than Brady or Breese did... He fumbled less than David Carr did. By reading the posts here, you'd think every other play was a fumble. CW
  24. Interesting story. Can't say that I would've done that. In the future, it's generally a good idea to include a link to the article. Also, there's a new "OT" button in the list of smily icons when you startup a post. The new rule is to click on that button so that the OT graphic appears on the main page. CW
  25. No idea... Just a general "someone" I guess. Or maybe R. Rich, considering the "Who" question... CW
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