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Everything posted by Fezmid

  1. Not exactly what I had in mind, but yes, in this case that's probably accurate. CW
  2. I really think it's funny that the same group of people who say, "You can't judge JPL based on a few meaningless passes against the Patriots!" will turn around and judge JPL based on 5 meaningless passes against the Broncos. He threw the ball on ONE DRIVE against the Broncos. Yes, it was an impressive drive (that did NOT lead to a touchdown...), but it was against (and with!) players who probably aren't even in the NFL anymore. His second drive against Denver, he didn't throw the ball at all... So you (the general "you," as in anyone who says "He did great against Denver!") can't tell people to ignore the Patriots game while harping on the Broncos game. Doesn't work. And my biggest concern about JPL is his pencahnt for running instead of passing. Week 1 vs Denver: 5 passes, 3 rushes Week 2 vs Tennessee: 6 passes, 4 rushes Week 3 vs Indy: Oh wait, he got hurt RUSHING THE BALL in training camp... Week 9 (regular season) vs the Patriots: 2 passes, 1 rush, 1 sack and fumble If he doesn't start to throw the ball before running the ball, he's going to get killed and then who will we start? We have no 2nd OR 3rd string QB! CW
  3. DirecTV - the only way to go CW
  4. 0.29 is my low score. Try beating THAT. For those who havn't figured out the basics yet: At the start, click AND HOLD the mouse button down to select the angle. Release the mouse button to select power. While your guy is in the air, you can click him and get some extra boost. I havn't exactly figured out when you can and can't do this, but it has something to do with the stuff in the upper left corner. Watch out when you hit someone that says "Special - Click!" Click and you get a big boost. CW
  5. 2359.47m Pretty cool. I got a couple of "Special" boosts (gotta click quick!". I don't quite understand how the teleport works, but most of the time I get more distance with it. CW
  6. No, the coaches told him that he could come back as a backup, but that JPL was the starter, no questions asked. Bledsoe said he wanted to be a starter (or at least have a chance to start), and the coaches said ok and cut him. Funny, because according to the bashers around here, Bledsoe is content to just collect a paycheck from Ralph without actually doing anything. If they were correct, wouldn't Bledsoe love to make millions for carrying a clipboard...? CW
  7. I liked her closing line when she was in the cab; I can't remember exactly what it was, but something like, "If I walk the line and am a winner, losing only means I'm winning." That's not what she said, but it made about as much sense. I wish I hadn't deleted it from the TiVo. My wife and I both looked at each other like, "What the hell is she talking about?" It was also sickening when she said, "Mr. Trump said I was beautiful, and that's all that really matters." So it's ok (and appreciated) when anybody but John says she's attractive. Nice. I also don't think John was trying to undermine her. He called and said, "Do you want me to work on X or Y?" and she refused to answer. If I go to my manager and ask him which project I should be working on, it's his responsibility to give me a straight answer. She was trying to frame him and he called her out on it. CW
  8. <sarcasm>They have Bledsoe, so they can't win the Superbowl. It's impossible.</sarcasm> CW
  9. They have a stable of RBs -- Moore, Bennett, and Smith. They can afford to lose one. Their defense has sucked, and they're obviously addressing that with the Moss trade and then (potentially) this trade. CW
  10. I remember watching Josh Reed in training camp and preseason. The looked better than Jerry Rice! Get his bust ready for the Hall of Fame! CW
  11. Ummm, did you look at what defensive contracts expire after after next season? It's quite the list if I remember correctly. CW
  12. So you're saying the coaches don't think we have a shot at the playoffs? I'm just *really* worried that we'll lost half of our defense the following year CW
  13. That'd be all well and good if not for the fact that, with WM as starter, Bledsoe was sacked less frequently than even Brady. This statue crap is getting to be worse than the "we threw the ball on 1,833,855 straight 3rd and 2 or less plays" nonesense. CW
  14. Who are you?
  15. Nobody was listening to me (and a few others) when people were clamoring to hire Green as our HC. The guy is overrated and sucks big time. Plus, his character is pretty weak (numerous sexual assault type things). CW
  16. Not to mention week 1 vs the Jags, and the game against the Jets where we took the lead with ~5 minutes left but the D let them drive. THere's 3 of our 7 losses. PW is a very good (not great) player. He's about 20X better than Hovan has been playing (when he played). Good upgrade for the Vikes. I'm going to get a bunch of people asking me about him when I go back to work as well, just like last year with Winfield. CW
  17. Wow, my endodontist just called me to find out how the tooth is doing. I'm impressed! CW
  18. I'm still pissed at him because the Sabres/RedWings had a deal and Hasek said, "No, the Red Wings are giving up too much, I won't agree to that deal." That's the part that pissed me (and a lot of others) off. CW
  19. Well, I'm back, and still alive. They had to shoot me up with novacain (or whatever they use) about a dozen times (literally) before I stopped feeling anything. Considering I absolutely hate needles, that was not too fun.... After that, it wasn't too bad I guess. It was rather disturbing having someone shove these metal pin things down my teeth for so long, but I didn't feel anything, only had to deal with the bad sounds. Apparantly all of my roots merged into a pocket at the bottom which I found strange. He said that it's unusual, but not uncommon, and that it's no big deal. Looked funny on the x-ray. The place was pretty hightech. There was an LCD screen right by the chair and as soon as they took an x-ray, it came up on the LCD screen so they could zoom in on certain parts and explain exactly what was goinjg on. As most people here know, I apprecaite good technology. I go in for a crown prep on the 17th (with my regular dentist) and the actual crown on the 31st. Hopefully the worst is behind me now (although he did say that roughly 2% of cases have problems... I hope I'm not that 2% ). I'm starving -- only ate a sandwich yesterday and a banana today -- but I can't feel half of my mouth so eating now wouldn't be a good idea (unless I want to bite my tongue off). Maybe this will be the new weight loss fad? Thanks to everyone for sharing their experiences and helping me mentally prepare for what was going to happen today. It was very much appreciated! To anyone sitting on the fence about whether to go to a dentist or not -- GO!!! It's best to get things done ASAP than put it off and have it get worse. I'm going to brush twice a day now, floss several times a week (can't say 7, that'd be lying...), and see the dentist every 6 months like I'm supposed to. You should too. CW
  20. I've seen that posted somewhere, but with Detroit as the city. Makes more sense (well, with the beating/killings, not the Superbowl ). CW
  21. They just had the general nurse putting it in at first and she's the one who screwed up. When they got the anesthisiologist (sp?), he got it no problem. Experience, I guess. T-minus 2 hours, 15 minutes for root canal. CW
  22. I was squirming uncomfortably when my WIFE was getting an IV this past fall. It took them 3 or 4 attempts to get it right and I told her there was no way I would've been able to do that. Ouch. CW
  23. I had a couple of very bad experiences with a dentist when I was in highschool, and that's what got me into my current mess (ie: I didn't go anymore for too many years once I graduated). The first instance was when they extracted all four of my wisdom teeth at the same time, in addition to doing a filling on a back molar. That was miserable. At least they used novacane. But I couldn't eat real food for over a week, could barely talk for days, and it bled a lot so I got to shove cotton on my mouth several times a day. The second instance was similar to yours Steve; I had a "small" cavity in one of my top teeth and they said it didn't need novacain. Figuring they knew what they were doing, I let it go. It hurt like hell (not "peel me off the ceiling" hurt, but still very uncomfortable). I guess it all depends on the dentist... At least now my regular dentist is really nice, friendly, and willing to inject novacain for me (although I hate needles and have visions of the needle going through the side of my mouth whenever they inject it; I'm such a wuss). I was slightly concerned because she just graduated from dental school less than a year ago, but it was from a good school (U of M), and so far so good. CW
  24. In case someone does a search in the future (yeah, I know...), here's a good link on root canals: http://www.animated-teeth.com/root_canal/t1_root_canal.htm Although some of it makes me even more apprehensive... CW
  25. Well, I'm going to be able to get in on an emergency basis this afternoon at 1:15pm. They're not sure if they'll be able to do both phases (not sure what that means), but they'll be able to remove any pain with the first phase (it hurts very slightly right now, kind of like a mild tingling pain, but I havn't actually eaten anything since visiting the dentist yesterday either as I'm worried it's going to hurt and/or break something...). If they don't have a lot of emergencies, they'll be able to do it all at once but apparantly Wednesday is a big emergency day (Huh?!). At least I don't have to worry about it from now until Tuesday I suppose... Instead I get to be miserable thinking about it until 1:15. CW
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