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Everything posted by Fezmid

  1. I've never read the books (I know, I know), but the movies were great. You have to watch and pay attention (ie: you're not spoon fed the information like most Hollywood movies), but the story is great, the special effects are even better. Typical American responses though -- "I have to sit through the entire 3 hour movie?!" I even heard people as we were leaving the theater say similar things. LA's right when he calls Americans a Hot Pocket society CW
  2. There's an article in the Minneapolis paper about the Vikes wanting him as well. http://www.startribune.com/stories/510/5279229.html "Jaguars safety begging for trade to Vikings" If you need a login, go to http://www.bugmenot.com and get one. CW
  3. Get new cats, sheesh... When there was a lot of new construction in our area, two mice managed to find their way into the house. Both were found dead, killed by one of our two cats. Kinda gross seeing a dead mouse in the middle of your floor, but the warning must've been sent for the other rodents because after the second one, we never saw/heard another. That was about 2.5 years ago. CW
  4. What do cigarettes have to do with anything? CW
  5. If it were a misunderstanding, why would he be hiding in the restroom...? As an aside, can we please start posting links instead of just cutting and pasting the whole story? Technically, it's the law; besides, it makes things easier to send to others. CW
  6. True enough, although your avatar is a bit disturbing and could be considered "obscene material." CW
  7. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?act=boardrules CW
  8. Exactly. After Peerless was signed in Atlanta, Jennings was interviewed on an Atlanta radio station and said something like, "I'd love to come down here and play with Peerless since GA is my home." That doesn't sound like someone who wanted to stay in Buffalo. CW
  9. I guess I'll do my own research. I was correct, you do get compensation: http://www.theredzone.org/2005/freeagents/defintions.asp Specifically: Teams don't get compensation from the CURRENT draft (so we'd get picks in the '07 draft for players that leave in '06), and we don't get compensation from the team signing the players, they're just additional picks. I'd feel better if this was on the NFL website though, just in case something has changed in the last year or two. CW
  10. You forgot to use the OT button... CW
  11. Actually, I'm not so sure about this... If you lose players as free agents, don't you get compensation depending on how good they were? Well, both NC and TH have been to the Pro Bowl. So, if we keep them through next year, shouldn't we get some decent compensation for them? Yeah, not a first rounder, but I'd guess at least a 3rd and 4th or something like that (as I don't think compensatory picks go above a 3rd rounder). So in that light, maybe it makes sense to keep Henry on the bench rather than cut him outright. CW
  12. Would YOU want to talk to people in your everyday life about this...? CW
  13. The liner notes are frequently printed before the song is finalized. Wouldn't be the first time I've seen incorrect lyrics in the liner notes. Just because it's in the book, doesn't make it correct. CW
  14. <sarcasm>Shouldn't he be in Buffalo studying film and such? It doesn't even sound like he's buying a house in Buffalo! What the hell, he's just not dedicated to the sport!</sarcasm> Seriously though, good for him. My brother-in-law (a UW Madison grad) has been watching some Bills games because of Evans. WHen he made a fingertip catch against someone this year (the Jets?) in the endzone, he called me and said, "Aren't you glad you drafted Evans???" He's going to be good. CW
  15. Isn't it strange how every website has "controlled by the media?" I guess everyone wrote it down wrong? http://greendayweb.yaia.com/lyricsamericanidiot.html http://green-day.lyrics-songs.com/lyrics/92495/ "Don't wanna be an American idiot. Don't want a nation under the new mania." ... "Don't wanna be an American idiot. One nation controlled by the media." People are even posting that on USENET: http://groups-beta.google.com/group/uk.pol...9a921e2a614218d I've heard the song on the radio numerous times, and there's no way that "controlled by the media" sounds anything like "under the new mania." Maybe your liner notes are a misprint and you could sell it on eBay for $18,583.33! CW
  16. Isn't it nice to see poeple with 11 posts proud that this is their first OT post, even if it's completely wrong. Or as AD would say, CW
  17. Thanks for illustrating my point. If we had beaten the Steelers and made the playoffs, then lost in the first round, then the bashers would still say, "See, he can't win the big games." If we had somehow made it all the way to the Superbowl and lost, the bashers would still be able to say, "See, he can't win the big games." It proves that "Big Games = Games lost." Why'd we stick with Jim Kelly? Should've dumped him, as he couldn't win the big games either. And was the "loser" comment really necessary...? CW
  18. Why support keeping Bledsoe? Because we're banking our entire season on an unproven rookie (who will be a 2nd year player now) who rushes almost as frequently as he passes and who wasn't even able to stay healthy in training camp (because of the rushing issue). We also went 9-3 with WM as the starting runningback, giving reason to believe that 11-5 or 12-4 wouldn't have been out of the question had WM started all season. Nobody's saying he's the best QB since sliced bread, but he's a known quantity in what is probably the last year of our great defense. Putting Losman in now is an extremely high risk that may have a good reward, but history shows that QBs falter their first few games and/or season. All of that assumes that JPL doesn't get hurt in camp/preseason as well... CW
  19. Oh look, more "he sucks in big games," with no definition of what this "big game" actually means. Was it the season opener against the Patriots last year that we won 31-0? Was it the west coast road games we needed to win this year to keep our playoff hopes alive? Maybe it was the games this year against the hated Dolphins (you know, the team that beat the Patriots). I'm assuming someone will come back and say "The Steelers! That's the only big game we played this year!" By definition, it seems that our only "big games" are the games that we lose. CW
  20. You're right; I thought he had a helmet on but he doesn't. http://www.onlinesports.com/pages/I,CD-RK-NEWENGL61.html CW
  21. And let me tell you, I can't WAIT to start collecting that $1.5 million salary!!! CW
  22. Well, it used to be the Patriots... But not anymore... I just read this trivia question a month or two ago, and now I can't remember the answer. I might have to cheat and go to ESPN CW
  23. At least the Browns don't have an idiotic dolphin wearing a helmet jumping around on their helmets CW
  24. Once again, looking at that site reminds me of why this board is (visually) so much better. Not allowing in-line graphics in posts is the most important peice of it in my opinion. CW
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