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Everything posted by Fezmid

  1. Interesting article on DST: http://www.stltoday.com/stltoday/news/stor...9E?OpenDocument
  2. I have the details: http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=21637 CW
  3. Dallas knocked pretty hard. There were even rumors that they were going to trade for him, until they realized they could get him for free. But that's not what I was saying to you. My comment was that you're wearing blinders if you think DB was the only problem on the team. And your response to it was proof positive that you are indeed wearing blinders, you terrible human being you. CW
  4. Your honor, the defense rests. CW
  5. I stick up for facts and will call people out on it when they blame the entire '04 season DB. For example, DB was sacked on average LESS than Brady was, once we benched TH. Yet you still read everyone saying, "He gets sacked every other play." False. "Even my grandmother couldn't do any worse than Bledsoe did." We went 9-7. Again, false. Same thing with the blitzes; yes, he held the ball too long from time to time, but OL forgot to block just as much, and receivers didn't shorten their routes just as much. If I have rose colored glasses, then you obviously have blinders. I guess we average out in that case. CW
  6. I do (frequently), but get attacked because of it (also frequently). For example, I always bring up the newspaper article from last year that said something like, "The Bills have passed the ball on 1,385,385 straight 3rd and 2 or less plays." Guess what? Completely false. Didn't stop everyone and their brother from posting it as gospel. Drives me up the wall (no pun intended ). CW
  7. Where did I say it wasn't Drew's fault? I said it wasn't *entirely* his fault. Big difference. Learn how to read. It'll serve you well for a lifetime. http://www.hookedonphonics.com/ CW
  8. I'd say the OL and WRs struggled with blitz recognition/pickup as well. On numerous occasions, DB tried to throw to the "hot" receiver, only the receiver was going 20 yards downfield. The whole team pretty much sucked at that. CW
  9. DST sucks. CW
  10. Have you tried a hotel off the strip? CW
  11. Don't remind me... I have to work tomorrow at 6am... Which is really 5am... Blech!!! CW
  12. Nothing if you used PGP (or GPG) to encrypt your mail before sending it... http://www.pgp.com/ http://www.gnupg.org/ Everyone really should start encrypting their mail. You wouldn't send important information through the mail on a postcard, would you? CW
  13. Umm, you're mistaken about Yahoo Mail. I have a group list that I send for the Bills DVDs (has about 60 contacts in it). Look again. That said, gmail seems better, although I'm a bit concerned about the fact that initially they said you couldn't delete any email (ie: you could delete it from YOUR mailbox, but google said they'd keep it on their servers forever and ever; they seem to have changed this, but who knows...). CW
  14. I heard that he's a big fan of Olof Pilar, and that he would call Olaf before every game. CW
  15. Not planning on watching any Bills games this coming year...? CW
  16. Well since he's been out of school for awhile (since he beat the crap out of that DE), can't we just sign him as a free agent? WHy waste a draft pick if we know that he wants to come here anyway... CW
  17. or doooooomed! CW
  18. I know... It's too bad that nobody has the patience for storytelling anymore *sigh* CW
  19. So did you get to hear him? How's his english? CW
  20. Agreed! I've posted about it several times in the past, but I think only a couple of people have started watching because of it. It's VERY well written, lots of plot twists, etc. I've seen the first couple BG episodes, and it's pretty good. I have the rest TiVo'd for later (probably summertime). CW
  21. So his english isn't as bad as I heard? Damn rumors... CW
  22. I heard that Olof's english isn't very good though, so he has a hard time communicating with teammates... I'm also worried that if we talk about him too much, other teams will find out about him. I heard that the Dolphins and Cowboys, after reading about him on the D&C site, instantly contacted the school for some footage on him CW
  23. http://www.cutelittlekittens.com/
  24. Not to let facts get in the way, but Bledsoe was sacked less frequently than Brady once TH was benched. Debate away. CW
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