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Everything posted by Fezmid

  1. Oh, you're a guy...? I thought that picture below your name was a picture of you.... CW
  2. I liked the cassette player with the tapes that turned into a bird. I'm getting old and can't remember the names offhand... I wonder if they'll update the show to have an iPod-type transformer or a CD player at the very least CW
  3. Are you trying to say that broadband causes people to misbehave?????? CW
  4. Transformers.... More than meets the eye! CW
  5. Ok, your answer was exactly what I was trying to say, only you did it much better. CW
  6. This stuff has been going on for a LONG time, but the media is just much more pervasive than it was before so we hear about every little thing that, in the past, we would never have known about. Remember in the early 80s when everyone was trying to say that playing Dungeons and Dragons caused kids to kill people? Ever hear of Lizzy Borden? That happened in the 1800's. Charles Manson? Hell, Vincent Van Gogh cut off his ear and mailed it to his girlfriend. That's pretty twisted. This crap's been going on forever, it's just being hyped by the media more. Video games, music, role playing games, etc, have nothing to do with it. I'll admit that lack of parenting is probably escalating it, but that has nothing to do with games/movies/etc; bad parenting has ALWAYS been linked to bad children. You can't say, "Playing video games makes people violent!" just like you can't say, "Listening to heavy metal music makes people violent!" There's just no link there. CW
  7. I hope you're not trying to blame video games on these problems... Correlation does not imply causation. CW
  8. But deer aren't humans, so you're dehumanizing anything. Personally, I don't care either way. I just found it amusing that our lawmakers had to jump on this one ASAP. CW
  9. Yeah, this was posted a month or two ago. Since then, some states (including Wisconsin) have made it a crime to hunt on the internet. Go figure. CW
  10. It took you 30 seconds to type that...? Sheesh. Here ya go: http://www.broderbund.com/jump.jsp?itemID=...&keyword=typing CW
  11. So you get a disease from someone you're "committed to in a serious way," and then you turn around and sue them? If it were that committed, I doubt you turn to your lawyer. CW
  12. I'd say the girl's an idiot and needs to take personal accountability in your metaphor as well CW
  13. Regardless of whether Vick knew or didn't know, shouldn't the woman have to take SOME responsibility here? Last I checked, sex was a 50/50 proposition. CW
  14. Gotta agree with LA on this one. Where is the personal accountability? I'm no Vick fan, but come on - you reap what you sow. The law may be clear on it, but if so the law is stupid. Just like it's illegal to cross from Minnesota into Wisconsin with a duck on your head. CW
  15. Someone forgot the OT button. You'd think with nearly 17,000 posts they'd get the hang of it... CW
  16. Didn't realize the Cards were asking for extra compensation, I thought it was the other way around. The Cards sure make a lot of noise for a player that they claim they aren't really that interested in. I hope that, after all of thise, it's not just a straight player-for-player trade. I want an extra pick (or swapping of picks). CW
  17. Where did that word come from? I never heard of it before until playing GTA:SA. Now I see it pretty frequently. Anyone know the origin? I agree that Bison and Ostrich are great CW
  18. My first game was the Bills/Bengals Monday night game in the early 90's (don't remember the day/year but could dig it up with some effort). Kelly sucked in the first half and everyone (except me) was calling for him to be benched and for Reich to play. Kelly came back in the 2nd half and lit the Bengals up, winning the game handily. I went with a bunch of friends and a few parents of the friends (we were in highschool). We tailgated for hours before the game, and then stayed in the parking lot until 2-3am partying some more. Didn't get home until around 4am, and my parents made me go to school the next day It was worth it though CW
  19. What were they saying? Not that I'm fishing for more DVD material or anything. CW
  20. Keep in mind that MLB has NOT said that he took steroids, only that he took "illegal substances." CW
  21. Thanks for the story. Damn new fangled clocks! I had my alarm set properly this morning, went to bed at a normal time, but ended up pressing snooze until 6am anyway... So I didn't lose an hour of sleep today! Of course, I was up at 5am yesterday... (4am before the time shift), so this makes up for it I guess. Kinda... CW
  22. I was in my room, listening to Van on the radio (damn blackout...), playing some games on the internet (yes, it existed back then! ). I was pretty disheartened about it, but kept the radio on. Then we scored, and I barely batted an eyelash. Then they scored again and I started to think we still had a chance. Then they scored again... And again.. And my mom and I were running around in the house screaming with excitement. I was so drained after the game, but it was worth it CW
  23. Once again you prove you have no reading comprehension. So tell me, where in any of these posts I've made in this thread are you getting the "you can't let go of Bledsoe" crap? Are you disagreeing with anything I said here? Ed, learn to frick'n READ posts before spewing crap. CW
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