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Everything posted by Fezmid

  1. No, it was everyone around him. If Steve's grandmother was starting for the Pats that year, they would've gone 16-0 and WON the Superbowl. CW
  2. For whatever company you're getting broadband for $10 from. CW
  3. The host on the American Eating show (the one that recently talked about WingFest and the Anchor Bar) wore them in Wisconsin on the show... CW
  4. Yeah, I bet it's great if you work for the company. I work in IT, and I get free MS Windows and MS Office at home if I want it. Doesn't mean that the stuff isn't overpriced in the real world. Oh, and my two DVRs only cost $4.95 (total), so I'm still cheaper there CW
  5. "We?" You work for the cable company also? CW
  6. That's not a limitation with Brightmail, that's the ISPs fault. I was just wondering about Brightmail the product, as our tests here show that it's working very well. Wasn't sure why he didn't like it. CW
  7. Why do you say that? Our testing at work shows that it's doing a very good job and we're looking to implement it into production soon. CW
  8. The ISP should be able to filter incoming spam using a product like Spam Assassin or Brightmail. CW
  9. Umm, pretty much any of them, as long as you've been a customer for over a year. I've received a free TiVo and a free HD receiver over the past few years. Oh, and the HD receiver wasn't a swap-out, it was an ADDITION. DirecTV is #1 in customer service, Dish is #2, and cable is #3 in every independent poll. The simple fact is that some people have good cable service in their area. Most do not. Besides, I was just poking fun at CL. It's what I (we) do CW
  10. I think he's saying that he just doesn't want to see the Texans play. What's the big deal? That said, I wouldn't buy from someone with a 0 rating either, tickets or otherwise. CW
  11. If you were a REAL fan, you would've been IN the stadium CW
  12. I fixed your PS CL DirecTV, on the other hand... Great all the way around. (it's been awhile since I've done that ) And in other news, here's a great cable company thread on AVSForum.com http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/showthread....threadid=528206 CW
  13. Yeah, but the scores are displayed in the stadium... So you'll know the outcome. I say TiVo your husband (or use a camcorder) and watch him after the Bills game. Priorities!!! CW
  14. Congrats! However.... How are you going to watch the Bills if you're at the Seahawks games? CW
  15. Most people are typically in the chat room. Look at the top of the page, under WM's arm -- you'll see "chat room" there. While you're at it, check out the "recipes" section and add some of your own CW
  16. Ok, I can't take it anymore. It's clique, not click... def: clique - a narrow exclusive circle or group of persons; def: click - to strike, move, or produce with a click Sorry, it was driving me nuts. CW
  17. Yes, but if those parents stopped playing video games, then the violence in the country would decrease because video games are the root of all evil. CW
  18. Doesn't surprise me. I was a ref for 9th and 10th grade football games, and the parents would get pissed at the refs for "missing" calls (aka: parents didn't know the rule differences between high school and the NFL) and at the coaches for not playing their kid enough. Throw in people with guns in Texas, and you have a recipe for disaster. CW
  19. "My name is Inego Montoya. You killed my father, Ron Mexico. Prepare to die." or "My name is Ron Mexico. You killed my father. Prepare to die." CW
  20. Glad to see I'm not the only one confused by the analogy. CW
  21. May I recommend Amazon? http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai...&s=dvd&n=507846 CW
  22. It's marked OT. You don't like it? Don't read it. You can't avoid reading OT posts? Then leave. CW
  23. If Jerry Craft or his wife have a baby, feel free to post it She was pretty cute (probably still is?). CW
  24. http://www.cnn.com/2005/SHOWBIZ/TV/04/06/p...k.ap/index.html
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