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Everything posted by Fezmid

  1. What a shock, Ed the first to B word about it. Don't you have another 400 page LAMP thread to start? CW
  2. And again, after TH was benched, Bledsoe was sacked less than Brady was so there's at least a little truth to it. Just because the mob here wants to think he's sacked every other pass attempt doesn't make it true. CW
  3. http://www.cnn.com/2005/TECH/science/04/11...o.ap/index.html Apparantly they didn't stop to answer their cell phones... http://www.nypost.com/news/worldnews/44365.htm CW
  4. Didn't take many English classes, did you? CW
  5. Yes, the DVD offer is just for people who are on the fence about helping Rockpile out. Some people are greedy and want "something" in return for their donations (like the tax writeoff isn't good enough ). This is just to offer some extra push. If you're not interested in the DVDs, then that's fine -- saves me money too CW
  6. Increasing the security of your wireless network isn't infringing upon rights of people in the country. Nobody is being inconvenienced (or worse) by enabling MAC filtering, disabling SSID broadcasting, and enabling WEP (or better). However, if I'm being arrested at Best Buy for using $2 bills or being tackled by the SS for carrying luggage around the city, then rights ARE being trampled upon. They're two completely different things. Innocent until proven guilty has left the building. CW
  7. Considering our country is founded on the belief that we'd rather let 999,999 guilty people go free rather than prosecute one innocent person.... But this is post 9/11, so we should throw away what our country stands for. CW
  8. And exactly what reality is that? What exactly has happened on our soil since 9/11? NOTHING. And it has nothing to do with "tighter security," because 99% of it is simply window dressing. No nail files on planes? Give me a freak'n break. United Airlines gave my wife and me a GLASS BOTTLE of champaign when we flew on our honeymoon ONE MONTH after 9/11. I think a broken bottle can be a bit more dangerous than a nail file. But I guess terrorists can't pretend to go on a honeymoon. Oh, and on our way back from England, we were allowed to bring a sturdy wooden, metal-tipped umbrella onto the plane (thank goodness, since it wouldn't fit in the luggage). That was allowed on as well, because it "wasn't on the list of banned items." Again, the umbrella was MUCH more dangerous than any nail file. I'm sick of the "it's ok, because it's making me safer" bullcrap, because all it's doing is taking away more and more civil liberties and NOT making anyone safer. At all. CW
  9. Right, people who wear sunglasses outside and wear black are evil. That's the way it works in the movies, so it has to be true! Hot Pockets, indeed. Ever think maybe the person doesn't speak English? Maybe they're deaf (as mentioned here)? But no, everyone is guilty until proven innocent because of 9/11. People who are willing to give up their rights don't deserve them. CW
  10. Exactly. While we're at it, we should have people arrested for using $2 at the store. Serves them right for not marching in line with everyone else in society. We're not all unique and different in our own way, unlike what the crappy school system tries to teach people. America, the land of the free! http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=21967 CW
  11. And you can get that down to a roll of pennies by skipping the filter...? CW
  12. For those who missed out on Campy's fundraiser, you have another chance to support Rockpile and own some Bills history at the same time. Our very own Rockpile is raising money to fight Multiple Sclerosis and is asking for donations. As some may know, I have a bunch of Bills DVDs available to TSW members ( http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=9546 ), including the Bills/Vikes game from '02 which I havn't announced yet (but that I quietly put into the Trading Post thread). The deal is such: If people want to contribute to Rockpile, but also want some DVDs, and are torn between the two, you can do both at once. Pick 4 DVDs for $25 (or 8 DVDs for $50), and all $25 (or $50) will go to Rockpile (ie: I'll eat the shipping costs and the media). I'll do this until Friday 4/22/05, so get your orders in (his walk is May 1st). You can either pay me directly via PayPal or check (see the thread linked above) and I'll send the money on to Rockpile at the end, or you can contact him for payment information and he can forward the DVD request to me after he receives your pledge. Either way works. If anyone's interested, PM me. CW
  13. Yeah, except playing Madden WAS his job Steve. I'm sure he signed a contract and was paid to participate in the event, just like he's been invited to do the bowling thing. Don't think any of the players are doing it for free. So he DID get up and leave during his job. CW
  14. I wonder if he'll storm out of the building if he's getting beat in the 5th frame... Not that it matters, since it's only bowling, right? CW
  15. I wasn't... That said, there were over 75,000 people there. http://www.buffalobills.com/history/AFCWildCardPlayoff.jsp CW
  16. This isn't entirely on-topic, but it's related: http://folding.stanford.edu/ If you want to help researches find a cure for Alzheimers, Parkinson's, Mad Cow, etc, you can download this "Folding@Home" program and just let it run on your computer. It'll use extra CPU cycles when you're not doing anything, so you won't even know it's there. And if you want to join a team, type in 3074 (2cpu.com -- 5th highest ranked team overall, and the team I'm a member of). The team doesn't really matter, but it's fun to "chase" people. CW
  17. They should build a dome! CW
  18. Jack posted a link in this thread to it. CW
  19. Isn't the Baltimore Sun reputable? CW
  20. NERDS, short for "elite," the people who rule (r001) computers. CW
  21. http://web.morons.org/article.jsp?sectionid=8&id=6131 CW
  22. Short for "elite," the people who rule (r001) computers. As in: 1m 4 l33t h4><0r! (aka: I'm a leet haxor, aka: I'm an elite hacker") Not that I know anything about that. CW
  23. Right on the money, my feelings exactly. Plus, why is nobody saying that the parents need to take some responsibility on this? (Ok, there I go with the personal accountability stuff which is obviously lost in our country). It's not like there weren't rumors flying around for over a decade, yet you send your kid to Neverland Ranch anyway?! WTF? There's no way in hell these parents weren't trying to set MJ up. Personally, I don't think he did anything wrong in this instance either. He may have in the past, but not in this case. Too many inconsistencies in the stories, so I feel it was obviously an attempt to get cash from MJ. My 2 cents. CW
  24. Everyone does. The media gets boerd. How many times have we heard that Josh Reed is going to the Hall of Fame for his preseason contributions? CW
  25. According to Snopes, it's true (at least the call is, although it may still have been a prank I guess): http://www.snopes.com/crime/cops/burger.asp CW
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