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Everything posted by Fezmid

  1. Note that the movie is NOT SAFE FOR WORK (nudity). Personally, the zoom-ins on the monitor are unnecessary; leave it in the viewers imagination. You also get a PG rating instead Also, may I recommend a camera stabalizer (http://www.glidecam.com/). For the most part, the "jitter" look was ok, but it was really bad during the mom eating icecream scene. The camera movement wasn't smooth there and looked out of place. Didn't find the movie all that entertaining personally, but for the most part, the production was good. If you want to see a great indy film produced on a budget of a few hundred bucks (excluding the camera), check out: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai...&s=dvd&n=507846 Ignore the cover - it has nothing to do with the movie at all. This movie is hilarious. Regarding "Fandemonium," I noticed that your thanks during the ending credits are off. It says, "I'd like to thank everyone who he" Fire the proofreader. EDIT: Is everyone going to get on MavBavButav's case for copyright and trademark infringement, like they do with TracyLee? CW
  2. So would that be similar to this year's Bills/Jags game? Or the Bills/Jets game? Or the Bills/Steelers game? CW
  3. Umm, what are you doing here on your birthday on a Friday night???? Shouldn't you be out having fun or something...? (Happy Birthday ). CW
  4. So basically you're saying Kelly needed a group of Pro Bowlers in order to look as good as he did? CW
  5. Wow, the spin doctors are in full force tonight. Reading that quote, I don't see how anyone could say that he's talking about DB, at least not specifically. He could be talking about all of the really crappy QBs he saw play against Buffalo (Cleveland, SF, etc). He could even be talking about HIS play agaainst the Patriots. Poeple are reading way too much into every word this guy makes. Of course, the same can be said for DB quotes. CW
  6. You do know I was kidding, right? Or was I...? CW
  7. You know, you can hire people to hack the realestate websites to remove all traces of that house you want.... CW
  8. Happy Bday! CW
  9. Umm, I think you have me confused with someone else... I can answer the second question though -- Ulead DVD Workshop is great for making DVDs. That's what I use for the wedding videos I do. CW
  10. I've been procrastinating on my RothIRA for far too long lately. I've started a new thread on the Consumer board to discuss it and would appreciate input. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=22712 CW
  11. You'll never be able to buy channels 'a la carte.' Why? Because some channels (like ESPN) charge the providers a fortune to air. Other channels (like shopping channels, for example) actually PAY the provider for the right to broadcast them. Some are in the middle. The people who don't want ESPN, for example, are paying to keep the ESPN costs low. It's better to charge everyone $1 than to charge 20% of your audience $5. Plus, a lot of contracts (like ESPN) say that you have to offer their channel on the lowest tier (ie: can't turn ESPN into an HBO-like channel). Because of all of this, you'll never be able to pick what channels you want. CW
  12. From what I've heard, TW is better than Comcast... My in-laws have TWC and they have had several problems over the years, but nothing catastropic (except the cost). That said, you should consider DirecTV (http://www.directv.com). You get Sunday Ticket, cheaper price (generally), better picture quality, TiVos (not the same as cable DVRs, trust me). EDIT: Why is Comcast paying money in addition to TW? CW
  13. The crap I just pulled? That's funny. Your example is kinda lame though, because plenty of people who say it's ok to hunt cats think it's wrong to hunt dogs (for whatever reason). CW
  14. What, you're implying that you can look at an older girl, a little boy, a grandmother, etc, and want to do this? I'd change "little girl" with PERSON myself. CW
  15. You smash printers for a living???? CW
  16. I wanted to see this question: What do you call the utensil that cuts paper: A scissors A pair of scissors When I first moved to Minnesota, I noticed that everyone said "a scissors" (as in, "Can you give me a scissors please?"). Where I was working in '94 there was a woman from Pittsburgh, a guy from Cleveland, and myself. Everyone else fas from the midwest. Neither of them noticed the differentiation and April (the woman and manager) didn't believe me so she stopped everyone in the office, held up the pair of scissors and asked, "Everyone, what do you call this?" And the Minnesota people all said, "It's a scissors." She burst out laughing and I said "I told you!" When people say, "But there's only one scissors, so it's a scissors," I always reply with, "Do you wear a pants or a pair of pants?" That confuses 'em. CW
  17. 28% (Yankee). You show a very strong Yankee score.
  18. Not the same because Phillips was a first rounder who had promise, and Clarrett is a longshot with some potential. Nobody's going to use anything higher than a 3rd or 4th rounder on Clarrett IMHO, and that means he can't be a bust. CW
  19. Looks like somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Don't see how I was being nasty, just pointing out that you could've had your answer much faster had you went to google. All I was saying was if you expect people here to know what "all your base are belong to us" is, chances are Google knows too. CW
  20. Just stumbled upon this http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2005/writ...east/index.html B- seems a bit low to me, but these things are all subjective anyway. CW
  21. Congrats! My opinion -- if you love the house, put down the bid and go for it. My wife and I actually bought our first home when we weren't even looking for one. We used to do the "Parade of Homes" around the area as something to do for a weekend, just to see some nice houses. Well, we went into one and really liked it. It was a townhome, had a basement, was pretty big, had a nice master bathroom, and best of all - in our pricerange! We talked to the builder (new construction) and said we were interested in one of the corner units, but we found out that they only had one left in that phase and if we didn't buy it, we'd have to wait at least 6 months for the next phase to begin. Also, that corner unit didn't have a master bathroom. He agreed to hold the house for us for a few days and we had my wife's parents come in from out of town to look it over as well. They really liked it as well, so we put the offer down and bought the house. Short answer - if you like it, go for it. There's no "required looking time" before you make a purchase. CW
  22. Did you try: http://www.google.com Here's the result: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=%22al...G=Google+Search or the final answer: http://www.planettribes.com/allyourbase/ CW
  23. I changed the title to protect the innocent (I mentioned that in my first post in the thread). CW
  24. I like her quotes about who her hero is: CW
  25. Umm, you're going to miss the season opener...? CW
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