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Everything posted by Fezmid

  1. I still have most of the toys; should look at selling them at some point, since they're just sitting in my parent's basement. The Death Star set was cool -- not only did it have the planet blaster gun, but you could destroy it by pulling a lever and have it pop off. Cool. The Millenium Falcon was awesome too -- every Xmas was a Star Wars Xmas for me growing up. My cousin and I would play Star Wars for hours, setting up different bases around the basement, some rebel, some empire. We had our own ruleset of what was and was not allowed when attacking other bases, but heck if I can remember any of it. It probably only made sense to an 8 year old anyway. CW
  2. http://www.cnn.com/2005/EDUCATION/05/07/ph...iraq/index.html
  3. That's true, to an extent. However DVDs have the major advantage of keeping the same quality over time. The picture/sound will be just as good ten years from now as it is today. Plus, while there are a few movies I'd like to see in HD-DVD/Bluray, most movies wouldn't fall under that category. Therefore, the current DVD format will be good enough. CW
  4. Where you renting from? The local Blockbuster charged $8+ for two movies last week. CW
  5. I was referencing more than DB. Learn to see the big picture. CW
  6. We didn't have a VCR in our house until around '83, so I was 8 at the time. And back then, you really couldn't buy any movies so your timeline about videos being the babysitter is a bit off... The reason I buy DVDs is because, as I said before, it's roughly the same price as renting. I can get DVDs for ~$7-8/each. If you rent, it's about $4-$5, and that's if you turn it in on time. This lets me buy the movie and watch it whenever I want without having to go Blockbuster to rent it. It's also cool to have friends over and watch a movie that you may have already seen but your buddies havn't so that you can get other people's opinions on the flick. Also, a lot of movies are well worth multiple viewings to get some of the subtleties, sort of like how a lot of people here have watched every episode of Lost multiple times. You get more from the movie the second and third time. Have you ever re-read a book and gotten more from it the second time? Same thing. The last reason I buy is because there are a LOT of extra features on DVDs that you just wouldn't have time to watch if you rented. Some movies have 2 or 3 commentary tracks, so that two hour movie takes 6-8 hours to watch if you want to hear the commentary. Who has time to do that with a 3 day rental? I'm sure it's different for everybody, but those are the three main reasons that I prefer buying movies rather than just renting them. CW
  7. Thanks. I'm the big 3-0 today... My grandmother sent me a card yesterday that read, "Remember when you were 18 and you thought 30 was old?" On the inside, it says, "You were right!" CW
  8. I almost always buy; it's usually only a few bucks more than renting. CW
  9. Are there spoilers in the link? CW
  10. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/234242
  11. Address is all they need. Use a fake email address at dodgeit.com (oh, and birthday, but you can make that up to Just because a site is ASKING for information, doesn't mean you really have to give them real information ). CW
  12. If you learned how to read, you'd see that you get a COUPON for a free candybar. Sheesh, some people's children. CW
  13. Free candy bar. I had one this past weekend, and they're not bad. Not the best, but for free... http://hersheys.eprize.net/take5giveaway/i...affiliate_id=1b Maybe I should only post things like this in the consumer forum, so that more people go there EDIT: For /dev/null's benefit, I'll clarify that you get a free COUPON for a free candybar. CW
  14. They have luxury boxes for golf?! CW
  15. Damn Apple, raising the crime rate!!! Yet another reason to buy a Dell DJ or a Creative or something like that. http://www.cnn.com/2005/TECH/ptech/04/28/s...d.ap/index.html (yes, I'm kidding... ) CW
  16. Right, because Kelly Holcombe couldn't be much worse than JPL who can't be any worse than Drew Bledsoe. CW
  17. I used to think that the big piles of "stuff" in front of the factories in Niagara Falls (on NF Blvd) was sand. Asked my mom when we could go play in it, and she always said, "We'll go there later." Realized "later" that they were large mounds of chemicals... Of course I grew up in Love Canal, so I'm immune to most chemicals CW
  18. Why do people say that? Is there a ever a time when a person is "10 going on 13?" CW
  19. Mike Vick. Do a search, it's well worth the results CW
  20. Did you know you could've set your packages on the website? You can change your programming levels easily and they go into effect immediately. Not sure if it still happens, but some people would buy HBO for a night at a time to watch Sopranos or something by ordering HBO, watching the show, then cancelling, and repeating the next week. They were prorating the cost per day. CW
  21. Getting a free $1,000 receiver is bad...? I was going to offer to take it off of your hands, but if you've already found a use.... CW
  22. From infringement? What? CW
  23. http://www.mcphee.com/lifestyle/current/10629.html CW
  24. http://www.mcphee.com/bigindex/current/11476.html (AD, should this go in the consumer forum? ). CW
  25. "It can feed a family of 10," said Denny Liegey Sr., the restaurant's owner. http://apnews.myway.com/article/20050503/D89RMI981.html CW
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