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Everything posted by Fezmid

  1. Lambeau's awesome. My in-laws are from there and I got to go to the Bills/Packers game (the 10-0 game). What was cool was I sat down in a sea of green and gold, and not five minutes later, a Bills fan with a Nate Clements jersey sits down next to me! Turns out that we somehow got tickets next to each other in Lambeau. The fans there are very cool and very knowledgable about football. They asked a lot of questions about the Bills and were never rude or vulger. A nice day at the park. My mother-in-law bought a fundraising brick for myself, my brother-in-law, and my father-in-law, so my name is forever on the walkway around Lambeau. Here's a picture of the brick itself: http://www.thevfl.com/brick1.jpg And here's a picture of where the brick is located (on the ground): http://www.thevfl.com/brick2.jpg Some may find it lame, but I think it's pretty cool. BTW -- I'm pretty sure I'll be going on the 5th; I'll take my camera and post pictures. CW
  2. Nothing wrong with doing that every now and then. I went out and saw Titan AE over "lunch." Same thing with Priates of the Carrebean and Lord of the Rings: Two Towers. Then again, I guess i had worked about 70 hours the week of Titan AE (and recovered from a nasty database crash if I recall). And as for Pirates, my manager actually gave the whole sysadmin group tickets to go see the movie (from a vendor)... Same thing for Lord of the Rings: Two Towers... So I guess those don't count when you get manager blessings CW
  3. I was saying the same thing as you. I'm betting it's in the rules though, because they still didn't pay the cabby his full amount but said over and over, "He told us that's good enough! He told us we can go!" That'd also explain why he was trying to swap his ring for the money. CW
  4. I'm ashamed to say that when I saw that Geico commercial, I was thinking, "Hey, what's the name of this show? I want to TiVo it." CW
  5. Like football tickets? CW
  6. You should've spent the $15 to answer all of these questions for us. CW
  7. Hey, lots of other people are saying the same thing I did in this thread. Go use big words on them too! CW
  8. John's Flaming Hearth in Niagara Falls. http://travel.yahoo.com/p-travelguide-2737...niagara_falls-i CW
  9. Old people ( ) have been saying that for years. "Back when I was a kid, everything was great!" Watch some old reruns of "All in the Family" and you'll see it there as well. The show as taped in the 70s, and Mike (aka "Meathead,") says on multiple occasions, "This world sucks, there's so much polution, hatrid, etc, etc, that I don't want to bring a child into this world!" The show also had main characters raped, mugged, beaten, etc. It showed the times. Bad things have always happened, and I don't think they're really that much worse than they were before. CW
  10. I'm going to disagree with a lot of these... Re: Divorce Probably true; however, lots of people in unhappy mariages but not leaving because of the stigma. Re: obscene phone calls Didn't realize this was prevalent now... I've never gotten one. school killings (even though we boys invariably carried jack knives to school with us) Again, it's not exactly prevalent now either, just because it's happened a handful of times in the past 10 years. credit cards And this is a bad thing...? incessant screams about "my rights" Right... Nobody ever cried about the rights of blacks... Or women... Nope, none of that. drugs Could've fooled me. From what I hear, the 60s and 70s were pretty drug-filled. Maybe not crack and meth, but still. icious dogs in residential neighborhoods Again, prevalent now? All I see in my neighborhood are dogs that are about as big as my cats... workplace shootings and killings. Again, how prevelant is this? A handful of occurances does not mean it's prevalent. 40 years ago, we would never have heard of 99.999% of the things happening in Iraq or Afganastan. We would not have heard about the school masacre in Russia by the Czhekyans (sp?). We wouldn't have heard about the North Korean nuclear testing (heck, the US in general probably wouldn't have even known it was going on). And that doesn't even include the stories that happen domestically. Not a flame, but I'm still trying to see your point on some of these... CW EDIT: Apparantly you can only have so many quotes in a post (10).
  11. There's some pretty funny lines about him being crazy... CW
  12. Exactly. What happened to "innocent until proven guilty" in this country? Remember a few weeks ago with the "runaway" bride and how people in the media were saying the husband killed her, just like the Lacy Peterson thing? Sheesh... I will admit that it doesn't look good when you're charged, but being charged and being guilty are two different things. CW
  13. Only sometimes? Off the top of my head, I can't think of a movie that was better than the book... CW
  14. Fine, Yoda dies in Ep 3 as well then and they only had to stay around long enough to help Luke. Come on, why else would Yoda want to live on a swamp planet??? He had no choice, as that's where his spirit was drawn to. And no fair reading the books for insight. CW
  15. Want my theory? I think Ben Kenobi was already dead in episode IV. I think he'll die in Ep 3, and that was just his ghost somehow living on this plane of existance. As far as I can recall, Kenobi was the ONLY Jedi to just "disappear" when he "died." Heck, even Darth Vader looked confused when he "killed" Kenobi. My guess is that Ben was helping Luke with a physical presence. Flame away. CW
  16. Only if you're an hourly employee currently on the clock. I'm salaried/exempt, so I don't have to "put in" a certain number of hours a day to get paid. I get paid the same for working 35 hours a week as I do for working 80 hours a week. Nice try though. (oh, and unfortunatley I generally seem to be closer to the 80 than the 40....) CW
  17. Are you going to pat our heads now and tell us to go run along? CW
  18. He played on a broken bone. Your very own Travis Henry (only smarter, I hope... ! ). CW
  19. Shouldn't a mod ban his access for a couple of days for making an obscene comment like that? SQUISH THE FISH, always and forever. CW
  20. But the school DID use reasonable judgement by cutting the suspension down to 3 days. Kid broke the rules, he has to have consequences. That's how the real world works. My manager was late to a wedding in Iowa, so he was speeding down the interstate to make it on time. He was pulled over, and the officer asked why he was speeding. My manager told him he had to get to a wedding. The officer wrote him a ticket, looked at his watch and said, "You'll make it." He ended up getting to the wedding on time, but because he was speeding he had to pay the ticket. Consequences. CW
  21. But he wasn't suspended for 10 days; the school reviewed the case and cut it down to 3 days. End of story. And if everyone without service experience has to STFU, then everyone without NFL playing experience better STFU on this board too. Only OT posts allowed from now on! CW
  22. Oh look, another post saying, "If you don't have the exact same life experiences as I do, then you have no right to comment on the situation." Sorry AD, but there are rules for a reason. He wasn't supposed to have his cell phone on. If what the stories are saying is true and he didn't bother explaining WHO he was talking to on the phone or didn't tell school officials ahead of time about the chance his mother would call and instead decided to go ballistic when told he wasn't allowed to be on the phone, then it's entirely on the student. You can do whatever you want in this world, but there are always consequences to things you do. Cause and effect. He broke not only the cell phone rule, but also the "don't verbally assault a teacher" rule, and being suspended is the consequence. I don't see what the problem is in this situation. CW
  23. Still the Dolphins in my book. CW
  24. Matchstick Men was an awesome movie. Very nice plot twists. CW
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