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Everything posted by Fezmid

  1. http://www.blogmaverick.com/entry/1234000270043583/ Basically says that, since Yahoo music lets you download unlimited music for $5/month, that the RIAA really should only be able to sue for that amount. CW
  2. Maybe that's what the new Apprentice (aka: Kendra) will be working on when she wins this week. If so, that's an AWESOME prize CW
  3. Also make sure to label all threads related to SW as SPOILERS. No posting a subject line of "WOW! Darth Vader killed Yoda!!!!" or anything like that. Some of us won't be seeing the movie for a week or two after the release. CW
  4. You didn't watch Rice play much in Oakland or Seattle, did you? CW
  5. It took you four minutes to type four words, none longer than four characters? Wow... CW
  6. You were four minutes too late. Next time, read the entire thread. CW
  7. No way, that's out of vogue. You should sell it on eBay! More money AND publicity! CW
  8. This is news...? CW
  9. I'll be recording it and putting it to DVD if it's any good. CW
  10. So people without cats can comment on cats, but people without kids can't comment on kids? CW
  11. Umm, did PW's agent tell him that Buffalo won more games than the Vikes last year? And that the Bills have won more games than the Vikes for 2 of the last 3 seasons? BTW -- where's the link? Why do people insist on posting an entire article instead of one simple link? CW
  12. Every day is worse than the day before, therefore every day is the worst day of my life... CW
  13. He told Katie and Jenn that if any of them won immunity, they'd kick out Tom. Ian claims he didn't mean it, but it put a lot of stress on Tom/Ian, because Tom said there wasn't any question that he was going to bring Ian to the final three, even though that may not be the smartest game move. So Ian, to regain his integrity and friendship with Tom, gave up $100,000. Very noble. And I think he'll make that money, and more, back with speaking engagements and such. CW
  14. Perhaps you missed my post where I mentioned the dead mouse in our kitchen? Both of our cats have been indoor "pampered" cats as you put it. Yet they still killed it, and they still hunt various bugs in the house (flys, spiders, etc) and eat them as well. A cat catching a fly is very cool to watch. I'd like to see you (or a dog) catch a fly without a flyswatter. There's a reason that cats play lots of "hunting" type games. As for the poster's comment about "every cat owner's house smeling like a litter box," that's no different than saying "every dog owner's house has popp in the front lawn." If the owner doesn't clean it up, it'll be there. If you scoop the litter every couple of days, it'll be fine. CW
  15. Exactly. EDIT: This post turned into one that FFS would be proud of.... I had to take my former landlord to court for withholding my entire security deposit AND trying to charge us $1,000 extra on top of it. If he had just taken the whole security deposit we probably would've just let it go. I did a LOT of research before the trial, specifically on tenant/landlord laws in Minnesota (they differ in each state). I think we must've been the only people to ever take him to court, because he showed up with his lawyer. The entire trial was like something out of Judge Judy or People's Court -- totally hilarious. The judge started letting the lawyer talk, so I interjected. Me: "Your honor, I didn't think lawyers were allowed in this court?" Judge: "You're right. Sir, you have to sit down." Lawyer: "But I'm a partial owner of the building." Judge: "Oh, ok then, continue." Me: "Your honor, we've never heard of this guy before. All checks were made payable to the landlord at his home address." Lawyer: They could've checked the official city records to see that I am a partial owner. Judge: They shouldn't have to do that! Sit down and keep quiet." Later in the trial I showed the judge pictures of the carpetting (landlord wanted us to pay to replace it all, even though we lived there ~7 years). Judge: "Carpet needs to be replaced after a few years, especially cheap apartment carpet." Landlord: "That was high quality carpet that lasts a long time!" Judge: "How much are you paying for the new carpet?" Landlord: "$1,000!" Judge: "For the hallway?" Landlord: "No, for the entire apartment." Judge: "THAT'S CHEAP CARPETING!" Later in the trial the judge told the landlord that he has a claim on the blinds (our cat bent some of the flaps, as they were made of metal; we didn't disagree with that). The judge asked the landlord for a receipt for the new miniblinds, and the landlord said, "They were $500." The judge again asked for a receipt and the landlord said he didn't have one. Here's where the whole courtroom started laughing: Landlord: "I don't have a receipt." Judge: "How do I know you really spent $500 on them then?" Landlord: "Well, I raised my right hand and promised to tell the truth, didn't I?" Judge (obviously pissed): "Well so did they, it doesn't mean you don't have to show me any proof!!! It was a great day for us, and as I said it was just like a court show on TV. (I'm guessing not everyone is as stupid as the landlord was when they go to court though). We didn't get everything we sued for (talked to a lawyer friend about it later and he said the judge usually wants both sides to feel like they "won" so rarely awards the maximum in tenant/landlord disputes). However we ended up getting about $100 more than our initial security deposit so that wasn't too bad. Short cliffnote version: Small claims court isn't that scary. As someone else said, bring all the pictures, receipts, documentation, witnesses, etc, that you need and have EVERYTHING there. Read up on the laws (preferably the actual laws, not the dummied down ones) and then go for it. You'll pay about $40 to file (which you can get back in the lawsuit, at least in Minnesota) and spend a day at court. I'm not sure if this is a Minnesota thing or if it's everywhere, but the judge didn't actually make a ruling while we were in court like I expected him to. He heard the facts then said we'd hear back in a week or two. We got the decision in the mail and the landlord had a month to pay us. He paid us on the last possible day (figures). I actually thought it was kinda fun CW
  16. Is it too late to change my previous post? CW
  17. http://www.thepetprofessor.com/cat-breeds/...e-Coon-cat.html We have a cat that I'm pretty sure is part Maine Coon (she looks like one, although she's rather small -- about 7 pounds). She fetches, likes putting her paw under a water faucet and then lick the water off of her paw to drink, and she's the one who follows me around all morning and is at the door waiting when I get home. She's definately not all Maine Coon (we rescued her from the vile people that lived below us in our last apartment) but she has many of the dominant features (including "clicking" more than meowing; hard to describe, but it's not a typical cat meow). CW
  18. Heh, my Maine Coon wouldn't come close to beating up a dog; she'd run CW
  19. Angelus and Darla from Buffy the Vampire Slayer (and later Angel, the series). If you watched the show, you know that they're evil incarnate. CW
  20. I know you were kidding, but I've never seen a dog be able to get close enough to a cat to be able to eat it, even if it wanted to. Cats are lightning quick, and if they have their claws, there's noplace they can't go. Our older cat was looking around a sunporch at my wife's grandmother's house. Her uncle arrived with his dog and the dog was VERY hyper, bolted into the sunporch and surprised the cat. The cat LITERALLY sprung 8' in the air, flipped himself upside down, and latched his claws into the beam in the ceiling, all in a split second. All of this from a COMPLETE STANDSTILL. It was nuts (and he was petrified). No way the dog was going to get him up there though. My cat used to watch the Simpsons with me for the first month or so that we had him. He wouldn't pay any attention to the TV, but as soon as Homer was on, he'd sit on the coffee table and watch the show. He usually got bored when a commercial came on and then left to do something else, but he would just stare whenever Simpsons was on. He doens't do that anymore though CW
  21. Exactly -- rodents and such are much more likely to get into your house than a burgler (statistically). We live in new construction, and apparantly there were some field mice living nearby that were disturbed/displaced by other houses going up around ours, as one day we found a dead mouse in the middle of our kitchen. One of our two cats had obviously "played" with it for awhile, then killed it. Never saw any more mice in our house. In addition to rodents, they're excellent at catching bugs -- spiders, ants, mosquitos, etc. We had a bunch of bugs in our house until we got our first cat -- then they all disappeared (not sure if the cat ate them all or if the smell of the cat scared them off, but they definately reduced in numbers). My "less social" cat is sleeping next to me on the sofa right now too. Bah to those who say cats aren't loving like dogs are. CW
  22. Have you ever had a cat? My wife and I have two, and they're anything but the stereotypical view on cats. The younger one (a Maine Coon mix) plays fetch, follows me around when I wake up in the morning right to the door when I walk out. When I come home from work, she's right there at the door waiting for me as well. The older cat is a bit more secluded, but still comes up to see us and cuddle at least 3-4 times a day. Plus, I don't have to wake up at 2am to walk my cat when it has to go poop. I'd venture to guess most people who bash cats have never actually had one. CW
  23. Prayers and well wishes. Keep us posted. CW
  24. And again, nobody complained when Rob and Amber got a plane to wait for them earlier in the show. Here's a thread talking about the prior incident: http://ctvbb.insinc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=572
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