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Everything posted by Fezmid

  1. It doesn't affect your access, but aren't you a bit concerned that you have to give your drivers license and sign a log in order to get COLD MEDICINE? And why aren't there these restrictions on bunsen burners? Draino? And how is this really helping anything? Why won't Mr. Meth maker go to Walmart for a couple packages, Target for a couple more, WalGreens, RiteAid, etc? IF someone wants to make meth, this is hardly a deterrant. All it does is forces normal citizens to "show your papers" to get cold medicine. All security is a tradeoff -- and in this case, I don't see any benefit to outweigh the negatives. CW
  2. I couldn't get over how many COMMERCIALS there were as well. Seemed like every 3 minutes we had 2 minutes of commercials. Thank god for TiVo. CW
  3. http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/meast/05/20/...otos/index.html CW
  4. That was the LAMEST episode of anything I've seen on TV... Trump has no idea how to do a finale show. Am I the only one who was sickened by Tanna last night? "The reason the car brochure won was because of me! I came up with the idea to make it round and I didn't get any credit! IT WAS ALL ME!!!!!" as she's pumping her fist in the air. Pathetic. Especially considering Trump said something like, "Kendra, why did you let Tanna take all that credit for the brochure?" How can Tanna say she didn't get any credit when Trump just said she did? I really hate people like that. EDIT: Duey beat me to it. CW
  5. The first 20 minutes were TERRIBLE. Everyone really seemed completely out of character. Hated it. Then the character was buried alive -- they did a GREAT job with that. My wife and I were both feeling very claustrophobic. Freaky stuff. I agree that the end happened much too quickly, and there really weren't very many clues that they went on. It was almost like dumb luck got them there. From a mystery point of view, it was rather lame. But again, the freakiness of it was very cool. CW
  6. http://www.hudsonstarobserver.com/main.asp...&SubSectionID=9 Does anyone besides me have a problem with this? Why should I need to show photo ID and sign a log to buy cold medicine? Do they honestly believe that people who want to make meth won't easily get around this? How long before I need to sign for Draino as well? Just seems like a rocky road to go down IMHO, especially because there doesn't appear to be anything in the law stopping me from hitting 10 different stores to get all the Sudafed I want. I think this is akin to not allowing nail files on airplanes. "It makes you safer, trust us!" Thoughts? CW
  7. No. Besides, that'd be illegal if you did it. Why should the domain registrars be able to censor what domains people get? First, the web is world-wide. Second, how is ebay-userpage.com anything like ebay.com? Just because "ebay" is in the title? What if I want "ebay-sucks.com" or "ihate-ebay.com?" People just need to pratice safe computing and remember the cardinal rule -- ALWAYS TYPE IN URLS YOURSELF, NEVER CLICK ON THEM!!!! If you think you got an email from Citibank or eBay, asking to confirm your information, then type "www.ebay.com" in your location bar (don't rely on bookmarks - a worm can change that if it wanted to, although none have been found yet) and login to see for yourself. CW
  8. He cheated and changed the title of the post. It used to say: "Camry on Columbus 670 AM, Fellow TBDer?" (or something like that) CW
  9. Heh, I thought you meant that someone named Camry was on the radio (670AM). Maybe I need some caffeine this morning... CW
  10. Yeah, I thought the same thing. He had three drug test failures, which carries a mandatory 1 year suspension... I bet he'll try to claim that he retired before the 3rd one was in effect, so that doesn't count or some crap like that. And the league will "just give it to him." CW
  11. Speaking of other great shows with poor ratings, people should check out "Veronica Mars." The season finale was last week, and I don't know if they're doing repeats or not. It was an EXCELLENT murder mystery that spanned the entire season. Very well done. I'm sure it'll be out on DVD soon. It was renewed for season 2 (barely...), and I'm not sure what the story will be since the murder was solved. But the writers are very good (some episodes were written by former Buffy/Angel writers FWIW), the acting is excellent, and there are some great plot twists that you wouldn't normally expect. CW
  12. http://startribune.com/stories/510/5412675.html Ontario Smith: Curse of the Whizzinator! EDIT: Smith suspended for one year by the NFL. http://www.startribune.com/stories/510/5412675.html CW
  13. That's great, because obviously if you don't like something when you're 5, you'll never like it for the rest of your life. CW
  14. The census doesn't prove anything - there's no picture ID, just a name. Who's to say that Leslie didn't find the name of someone and use it himself? Ethan used his real name (which wasn't on the manifest), but maybe Leslie was smarter? And even if he was on the plane, doesn't mean he's on the level with eveyrone else. CW
  15. Not to challenge your counting skills, but both the XBox controller and the PS2 controller have the same number of buttons... PS2 has 4 trigger buttons, whereas the XBox has only two triggers, but an added black/white button. I prefer the Xbox controller personally, especially since the triggers are pressure sensitive. http://www.deafgamers.com/controller_s1.jpg http://www.pranavsharma.com/images/blogs/ps2controller.jpg (and if you count the "analog" button on the PS2 controller, it has one extra button compared to the XBox. ) CW
  16. Apparantly there is no specific criteria, it's very subjective. CW
  17. Actually, we should get a "compensatory" pick if he leaves as a FA. Denver got a couple of third rounders this year and they didn't lose a 1300+ yard running back. We should be able to get at least a 3rd or 4th from the league if he leaves as an FA. CW
  18. Am I the only one who didn't believe that line? I still don't entirely trust Leslie. CW
  19. Both her and Erkel died at the same time, didn't they? No, what was reported was that she's working on some other project right now. At least, that's what someone posted here, didn't verify that myself. CW
  20. I still have a subscription - it's ok. There was an article in this month's issue saying that the Bills got robbed of compensatory picks and explained why. Apparantly the Bills asked for clarification from the league, and they're still not happy with what they were told. Overall though, the articles aren't that great. CW
  21. As GG said, he's helping fund the MGM vs Grokster case, so at least he's putting his money where his mouth is. He's a very progressive thinker. A bit flippant, but overall he knows what he's doing. Pretty sure the industry isn't losing their "billions" of dollars on music that isn't available on iTunes, Y!, Napster, etc, as it sounds like all of the "big" (read: popular) crap, errr, music is there. The labels are making their money on American Idol CDs, not Shadow Gallery CDs. CW
  22. Assuming $5/month for 30 years, you're still only looking at $1,800. And since that 30 year old person obviously hasn't had this digital music for more than 5-7 years... Not saying I agree or disagree with Cuban (I havn't thought about it too much yet), I just thought it was an interesting observation. And I'm not so sure that they should get $5/month per person that COULD download those files. And actually, I'm not sure that they should be liable at all (assuming you agree with Cuban's analysis). If it costs $5/month to download unlimited songs, does it matter whether you download them from Yahoo, Napster, or me? Not really - the product is the same regardless. It's no different than some of the Linux distros that use BitTorrent to distrubute their latest release. Regardless, an nteresting observation by Cuban. CW
  23. If anyone had played just a hair better, we could have won. Including the WR who took a surefire 8-point lead and made it a potential 4-point lead, leading to the kicker taking that potential 4-point lead and leaving it as a paultry 1-point lead. Damn unnecessary holding penalty. CW
  24. Most credit cards let you generate "one-use" numbers with a set dollar amount*. She could create one of those, set the value at $20, and then use that at a public terminal. If someone tries using the same number later, there won't be any money left to use. Overall though, I agree - typing any sensitive info on a public terminal (even email username/passwords) is a no-no. CW * I've never tried this before, but I know my MBNA card provides this as a free service.
  25. "Did you... did you... did you see that? The ball... it... the ball... it was tipped... tippped in the... Huh? I'm the prince of freak'n darkness!" CW
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