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Everything posted by Fezmid

  1. It's in order, unless they're rioting. CW
  2. Exactly - less shots = less changes to score = less excitement. It'd be like if 98% of hockey was played between the blue lines. *yawn* Besides, I'd say that hockey is much higher scoring from my limited soccer exposure. 3-3 is very rare, whereas in hockey it's not. CW
  3. Yeah, but it all comes out at the end. It's not like bonus money is taxed more heavily throughout the year, it's just taxed more upfront. You could increase your exemptions and get some of that money back if you wanted to. CW
  4. See, that's the problem though - nobody (including the NFL) knows exactly how the system works. IF they take only his last two years (assuming he does nothing this year), you'd be right. But if they consider the fact that he's done nothing because WM played and he didn't, but when he did play, he produced, we could easily get a 3rd or 4th for him. Heck, the Broncos got a 3rd for a special teams player who wasn't even that good (according to the !@#$ paper). I'd rather hold on to him and let the chips fall as they may, unless we get a 3rd. MAYBE a 4th.. But that's stretching it IMHO. CW
  5. It'll be interesting to see what happens with that, because people here are VERY anti-public funding for any stadiums. There's been plenty of resolutions that have been shot down. I heard that the sales tax is going up 0.15% (to 6.65%) in Hennepin county, but not sure if that was a proposal or if it passed. CW
  6. Saw that on SportsCenter this morning. Pretty cool. If all soccer games were like that, I might watch... Whenever I watch, the ball just stays in the middle of the field and nobody gets 3 shots, let alone 3 goals, in the game. CW
  7. http://www.startribune.com/stories/510/5422710.html
  8. Not to pick hairs here, but the difference is that TO has a signed contract, and Jeff doesn't... That's a really big difference IMHO. However, I don't disagree that he should take the new job and not look back. CW
  9. I'd say we'd get a 5th round pick, EASILY, if he left in free agency... Plus we get insurance in case WM gets injured this year. I wouldn't take the deal, and I'm not a huge Henry fan. CW
  10. I'll echo what others have said. Once you start actively looking for a new job, you really can't turn back. Now working for them on a contract basis, in addition to your new job, that's another story and perfectly acceptable IMHO. CW
  11. What, you want to discriminate against stupid kids? "Oh, you're not smart enough to go to a good school and be able to learn more. We want you to stay stupid." CW
  12. I choose to pay more in taxes? You mean I don't HAVE to pay the tax bill every month?!?! Sweet! CW
  13. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that the NFL prohibits that now. CW
  14. I think he's complaining that people shouldn't even need to be bussed in, that they should already be living there... Of course I'd assume that someone who writes, "as proven in numerous studies" as frequently as he did would at least LINK to those studies... But maybe that 's just me. CW
  15. Shouldn't you be making fresh FREEDOM bread pizza from scratch instead? CW
  16. The town has 20,000 people in it: http://www.internest.com/rylanddallas/rylanddallas18681.asp I live in Hudson, WI, and if I recall that school statistics properly, it's 98% white, 1% asian, and 0.5% black (with another 0.5% misc). It's not right or wrong, it just is. CW
  17. Why not allow tackles by the facemask then? Or clotheslining? CW
  18. So I might not have seen the movie when I was 2? Hmm... I know my dad took me to the theater because I remember the Darth Vader cutout in the lobby (that's about all I remember). Always assumed it was in '77, but maybe it wasn't. I'll have to call him and see if he remembers. CW
  19. Didn't see the photo you were talking about, but here's info on Camel Spiders: http://www.snopes.com/photos/bugs/camelspider.asp CW
  20. These don't look official. Apparantly, there havn't been any official ones since '03 http://www.darwinawards.com/darwin/ CW
  21. I was also surprised to see Yojimbo on the list, but not Seven Samarai. CW
  22. I'd give myself a sideline pass that never expires so I can watch all future Bills games on the Bills sideline. CW
  23. You should offer some free samples to people. I'd definatley try them if they were free. I don't generally pay attention to the brand of sunflower seeds I buy, but if I recognized the labeling, I'd be more apt to buy them in the future... CW
  24. Even more reason to do all of your shopping online. CW
  25. I don't think so; from what the articles I've read say, you sign a logbook and show an ID. Doesn't sound like that information is going to be shared in some central location - if it were, that raises even MORE red flags (who controls the data? Who has access to the data? Who pays to keep the data?). They might write your driver license number down in the book as well, but that's about it. Besides, if you're cooking a few hundred thousand dollars worth of meth, how hard would it be to get a few fake IDs? CW
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