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Everything posted by Fezmid

  1. You have to admit that the way the league handled it was... odd... to say the least. "We reviewed the truckload of tapes, nothing incriminating found, and BTW, we destroyed all of the evidence so that nobody would steal it. Nothing to see here."
  2. Anyone else find it funny that the video starts off saying "Hilter" instead of "Hitler?"
  3. I thought the Falcons should have been given a delay of game penalty for that. No different than the player throwing the ball somewhere they shouldn't when the play is dead.
  4. I actually thought there should've been a delay of game penalty on the Falcons. The whistle clearly blew. Players were moving around. But the snapper snapped the ball and they kicked the ball anyway - after a lot of hesitation about "should we or shouldn't we?" He obviously did it as a practice run, and I wouldn't be surprised if that's what Carrol was complaining about.
  5. I haven't heard anything recently...
  6. http://www.neowin.net/news/white-house-addresses-petition-on-building-a-death-star
  7. So... CEOs should never quit? Just because he's a football coach, doesn't mean he has to stay at his job until he gets fired you know.
  8. So you've only had one job your entire life... And have never quit?
  9. Agreed. Heck, I'd be willing to still contribute 1-2% if I got to keep the rest.
  10. Agreed - although I think you also need to give them a break and add, "We will only withhold X% compared to X+Y% for people who will be collecting."
  11. I've been saying forever that I'd rather take that money and put it in my own personal retirement fund. I'd have more money when I retire. Instead, I doubt SS will even be available when I retire, so I'm throwing money down a rathole.
  12. Saw this one a long time ago and it stuck with me: "Please don't steal from me. The government hates the competition."
  13. What do you think of the hiring?
  14. My car's 13.5 years old - I'm doing my part!
  15. Doesn't look like it, actually. In most cases, it doesn't cover intentional acts. The question would be whether throwing a glass and breaking your window was intentional or not I guess. http://money.msn.com/insurance/insurance-you-did-not-know-you-had-weston.aspx http://realestate.findlaw.com/owning-a-home/what-does-a-home-insurance-policy-cover.html
  16. If the neighbors threw a glass and broke his window, I don't think that'd be covered by insurance, would it?
  17. My wife worked at a collection agency for a week or so -- she said it was horrible and never went back.
  18. Sounds like a collection agency.
  19. Uh oh, don't tell stevestojan! (he stills works for Geico, right?)
  20. That's what insurance IS for. It's not even remotely the same thing as the OP stated. If someone is negligent, they should be the ones paying. If I come over to your house and throw rocks through all of your windows, should I pay for that or would you just say, "Hey, I have insurance, I'll let them cover it instead?"
  21. Not trying to make you out to be a liar -- just don't understand why, when you had your mind made up from the beginning, you'd be asking people what you should do is all. In fact, I don't think that makes you a liar at all. No need to get all testy with your comments though.
  22. It wasn't a pass/fail test.
  23. So why the hell did you start a thread asking what you should do?
  24. Yeah, I loved that one too. Huh, interesting. Can't say that I've ever heard it before, but it could be a regional thing too.
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